Jan Alber, Per Krogh Hansen
Beyond Classical Narration. Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges
Alber, Jan & Per Krogh Hansen (eds.): Beyond Classical Narration. Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2014 (Narratologia 42).
This collection of essays looks at two important manifestations of postclassical narratology, namely transmedial narratology on the one hand, and unnatural narratology on the other. The articles deal with films, graphic novels, computer games, web series, the performing arts, journalism, reality games, music, musicals, and the representation of impossibilities. The essays demonstrate how new media and genres as well as unnatural narratives challenge classical forms of narration in ways that call for the development of analytical tools and modelling systems that move beyond classical structuralist narratology. The articles thus contribute to the further development of both transmedial and unnatural narrative theory, two of the most important manifestations of postclassical narratology.
Filmisches Erzählen. Typologie und Geschichte
[Cinematic Narrative: Typology and history]
Brössel, Stephan: Filmisches Erzählen. Typologie und Geschichte. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2014 (Narratologia 40).
Cinematic structures in literature have generally been examined from the perspective of intermediality theory, thereby neglecting some particular features of cinematic narrative. The author develops an analytic model based on narratology and sensitivity to context, offering insights into the typological spectrum of cinematic narrative and its history from the 19th century until the present day.
Lesermodelle und Lesertheorien. Historische und systematische Perspektiven
[The Reader in Literary Theory: Historical and Systematic Perspectives]
Willand, Marcus: Lesermodelle und Lesertheorien. Historische und systematische Perspektiven. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2014 (Narratologia 41).
Literaturwissenschaftliche Theorie und Praxis ist von einer bislang kaum wahrgenommenen Asymmetrie gekennzeichnet: demKontrast zwischen den intensiven Bemühungen, Rezeptionsforschung und -theorie als Disziplin wissenschaftlich zu fundieren, und den unzulänglichenVersuchen, die aus diesen Positionen hervorgehenden Lesermodelle systematisch zu erfassen. Eine solche Systematisierung steht im Zentrum dieser wissenschaftstheoretischen Arbeit.
Ein ähnliches Ungleichgewicht besteht zwischen dem großen Aufwand, mit dem Editionsphilologien eine standardisierte Sicherung von Primärtexten als Vorbereitung der Textinterpretation betreiben, und der limitierten Aufmerksamkeit, die dabei historischen Rezeptionstexten eingeräumt wird. Während der erste Teil der Arbeit Lesermodelle systematisiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Funktionalisierbarkeit für eine historisierende Literaturwissenschaft prüft, formuliert der zweite Teil eine theoretische Begründung und einen methodischen Entwurf der historisierenden Rezeptionsanalyse. Sie sichtet und sichert Rezeptionszeugnisse realer Leser zur Stützung der interpretativ-hermeneutischen, sozialhistorischen und im weitesten Sinne empirischen Argumentation literaturwissenschaftlicher Historisierung.
The Experientiality of Narrative. An Enactivist Approach
Caracciolo, Marco: The Experientiality of Narrative. An Enactivist Approach. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2014 (Narratologia 43).
Recent developments in cognitive narrative theory have called attention to readers' active participation in making sense of narrative. However, while most psychologically inspired models address interpreters' subpersonal (i.e., unconscious) responses, the experiential level of their engagement with narrative remains relatively undertheorized. Building on theories of experience and embodiment within today's "second-generation" cognitive science, and opening a dialogue with so-called "enactivist" philosophy, this book sets out to explore how narrative experiences arise from the interaction between textual cues and readers' past experiences. Caracciolo's study offers a phenomenologically inspired account of narrative, spanning a wide gamut of responses such as the embodied dynamic of imagining a fictional world, empathetic perspective-taking in relating to characters, and "higher-order" evaluations and interpretations. Only by placing a premium on how such modes of engagement are intertwined in experience, Caracciolo argues, can we do justice to narrative's psychological and existential impact on our lives. These insights are illustrated through close readings of literary texts ranging from Émile Zola's Germinal to José Saramago's Blindness.
Armen Avanessian, Anke Hennig
Der Präsensroman
[The Present Tense in the 20th Century Novel]
Avanessian, Armen & Anke Hennig (eds.): Der Präsensroman. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2013 (Narratologia 36).
This minutely detailed examination of a supposedly small grammatical detail, the use of the present tense, opens up new perspectives on a founding myth of the aesthetics of modernity: the longing for presence. This collection approaches the issue by documenting how the present tense became dominant in the 20th century novel. The authors draw on perspectives in fiction theory and narratology to delineate facets of this fundamental shift in literary aesthetics from the past tense to the present.
Die fünf Ströme des Erzählens. Eine Anthropologie der Narration
[The Five Streams of Narrative: An Anthropology of Narration]
Neumann, Michael: Die fünf Ströme des Erzählens. Eine Anthropologie der Narration. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2013 (Narratologia 35).
Storytelling is an essential element of human nature. This study identifies five universal "streams of narrative" – that is, five "hyper-genres" that serve as a system for classifying virtually all kinds of narration. In conjunction with concepts drawn from biology, psychology, and sociology, the study develops a solid anthropological foundation for these five streams of narrative. The author uses examples from diverse cultures, eras, and media to demonstrate the occurrence of overlapping and blending between the streams.
From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative
Stein, Daniel & Jan-Noël Thon (eds.): From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2013 (Narratologia 37).
- combines narratological analysis with historical exploration of graphic narrative
- investigates the development of narrative styles across genres
- covers graphic narrative beyond single national traditions
This essay collection examines the theory and history of graphic narrative – realized in various different formats, including comic strips, comic books, and graphic novels – as one of the most interesting and versatile forms of storytelling in contemporary media culture. The contributions assembled in this volume test the applicability of narratological concepts to graphic narrative, examine aspects of graphic narrative beyond the ‘single work,’ consider the development of particular narrative strategies within individual genres, and trace the forms and functions of graphic narrative across cultures. Analyzing a wide range of texts, genres, and narrative strategies from both theoretical and historical perspectives, the international group of scholars gathered here offers state-of-the-art research on graphic narrative in the context of an increasingly postclassical and transmedial narratology.
Textus – Contextus – Circumtextus. Mythos im Ausgang von Joyce, Aristoteles und Ricoeur
[Text, Context, and Circumtext: Myth in Relation to Joyce, Aristotle, and Ricoeur]
Sprondel, Johanna: Textus – Contextus – Circumtextus. Mythos im Ausgang von Joyce, Aristoteles und Ricoeur. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2013 (Narratologia 38).
This work uses textual hermeneutics to examine how we might conceive of myth as method. Following the central thesis that myth is uniquely suited for depicting cultural, historical, and social change, this book analyzes the topic through the examples of James Joyce’s Ulysses, Aristotelian poetics, and the late writings of Paul Ricœur. This interdisciplinary study makes a literary and philosophical contribution to elucidating the question of what we narrate when we are narrating myths.
Ute E. Eisen, Peter von Möllendorff
Über die Grenze. Metalepse in Text- und Bildmedien des Altertums
[Transferring Borders. Metalepsis in Texts and Artifacts of Antiquity]
Eisen, Ute E. & Peter von Möllendorff (eds.): Über die Grenze. Metalepse in Text- und Bildmedien des Altertums. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2013 (Narratologia 39).
There has been little previous research in ancient studies on the narratological notion of metalepses. The essays in this volume describe the forms, functions, and effects of metalepses in texts and artifacts. The authors demonstrate the diversity and ubiquity of metalepses as they occur in Akkadian and Egyptian literature, in the Hebrew Bible, in rabbinical Midrashim, in ancient pagan literature of all periods, and in early Christian literature.
Authentisches Erzählen. Produktion, Narration, Rezeption
[Authentic Narrative: Production, Narration, Reception]
Weixler, Antonius (ed.): Authentisches Erzählen. Produktion, Narration, Rezeption. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2012 (Narratologia 33).
A central feature of the newer forms of authenticity is that they replace the truth of what is presented with the truthfulness of the presentation. While academic discussion of authenticity has focused mainly on the aesthetic aspects, this volume focuses on the narrative dimension of the phenomenon. The authors thereby reveal a conceptual shift from referential to relational authenticity. The essays examine issues related to production, narration, and reception, and thus provide the first contribution from narrative theory to research on authenticity.
Ralf Schneider, Marcus Hartner
Blending and the Study of Narrative. Approaches and Applications
Schneider, Ralf & Marcus Hartner (eds.): Blending and the Study of Narrative. Approaches and Applications. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2012 (Narratologia 34).
The theory of Blending, or Conceptual Integration, proposed by Gilles Fauconnier and Marc Turner, is one of most promising cognitive theories of meaning production. It has been successfully applied to the analysis of poetic discourse and micro-textual elements, such as metaphor. Prose narrative has so far received significantly less attention. The present volume aims to remedy this situation.
Following an introductory discussion of the connections between narrative and the processes of blending, the contributions demonstrate the range of applications of the theory to the study of narrative. They cover issues such as time and space, literary character and perspective, genre, story levels, and fictional minds; some chapters show how such phenomena as metalepsis, counterfactual narration, intermediality, extended metaphors, and suspense can be fruitfully studied from the vantage point of Conceptual Integration. Working within a theoretical framework situated at the intersection of narratology and the cognitive sciences, the book provides both fresh readings for individual literary and film narratives and new impulses for post-classical narratology.
Narrativität als Begriff. Analysen und Anwendungsbeispiele zwischen philologischer und anthropologischer Orientierung
[Narrativity as a Concept]
Aumüller, Matthias (ed.): Narrativität als Begriff. Analysen und Anwendungsbeispiele zwischen philologischer und anthropologischer Orientierung. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2012 (Narratologia 31).
The term ‘narrativity’ has gained considerable currency. But what does it actually mean? This is the question considered in the articles by linguists, media scholars, psychologists and other specialist academics that are compiled in this volume. They reveal the diversity of ways in which this term is used and describe various methods of delineation. The results indicate that narrativity is an umbrella term with a content that ranges from a philological (structure related) orientation to an anthropological (interpretation related) orientation.
Netzbasierte Kommunikation und Kooperation in den Geisteswissenschaften: der Systemkomplex e-Port/NarrPort als Modellversuch
Perspektivische Interaktion im Roman. Kognition, Rezeption, Interpretation
[Interacting Perspectives in the Novel: Cognition, Reception, Interpretation]
Hartner, Marcus: Perspektivische Interaktion im Roman. Kognition, Rezeption, Interpretation. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2012 (Narratologia 32).
How do we internalize literary characters and their fictional consciousness when we are reading? How does multi-perspectivity function? Drawing on modern cognitive research, this study addresses how the perspectives of different characters interact, and demonstrates that this interaction plays a critical role in our understanding and interpretation of literary texts. Using the English novel as an example, the author develops a general theory of perspectival interaction and demonstrates its explanatory power through detailed illustrative analyses.
Tales of contingency, contingencies of telling: Towards an algorithm of narrative subjectivity
Meister, Jan Christoph: Tales of contingency, contingencies of telling: Towards an algorithm of narrative subjectivity. In: Apostolos Doxiades & Barry Mazur (eds.): Circles Disturbed: The Interplay of Mathematics and Narrative. Princeton and Oxford: Univ. Press 2012, pp. 508–540.
Current Trends in Narratology
Olson, Greta (ed.): Current Trends in Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2011 (Narratologia 27).
Current Trends in Narratology offers an overview of cutting-edge approaches to theories of storytelling. The introduction details how new emphases on cognitive processing, non-prose and multimedia narratives, and interdisciplinary approaches to narratology have altered how narration, narrative, and narrativity are understood. The volume also introduces a third post-classical direction of research ? comparative narratology ? and describes how developments in Germany, Israel, and France may be compared with Anglophone research. Leading international scholars including Monika Fludernik, Richard Gerrig, Ansgar Nünning, John Pier, Brian Richardson, Alan Palmer, and Werner Wolf describe not only their newest research but also how this work dovetails with larger narratological developments.
Énoncés averbaux en série – segments narratives spécifiques
Redder, Angelika: Énoncés averbaux en série – segments narratives spécifiques. In: I. Behr & F. Lefleuvre (eds.) Les Énoncés averbaux autonomes entre grammaire et discours. Paris: Ophrys 2011, pp. 253–267.
Filmnarratologie. Ein erzähltheoretisches Analysemodell
[Film Narratology. An Analysis Model of Narrative Theory]
Kuhn, Markus: Filmnarratologie. Ein erzähltheoretisches Analysemodell. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2011 (Narratologia 26).
Tales are told everywhere, not only in literature. Also other media, especially film, increasingly come into the focus of narrative theory. With his film narratology, Markus Kuhn provides the hitherto most comprehensive approach to the narrative analysis of the feature film and presents for the first time a systematic and theoretically coherent model of narratological film analysis. The practical and scholarly use lies both in the concise appraisal of the research situation as well as in the development of an application-oriented analysis model, which is illustrated by numerous examples of film.
Fragmentierte Sprache als narrativer Stil? Peter Handke
Redder, Angelika: Fragmentierte Sprache als narrativer Stil? Peter Handke. In: A. Betten & H.-J. Schiewe (eds.): Sprache? Literatur? Literatursprache. Berlin: Schmidt 2011, pp. 118–131.
Karin Kukkonen, Sonja Klimek
Metalepsis in Popular Culture
Kukkonen, Karin & Sonja Klimek (eds.): Metalepsis in Popular Culture. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2011 (Narratologia 28).
When readers become victims of the murder mysteries they are immersed in, when superheroes embark on a quest to challenge their authors or when the fictional rock band Gorillaz flirt with Madonna during their performance, then metalepsis in popular culture occurs. Metalepsis describes the transgression of the boundary between the fictional world and (a representation of) the real world. This volume establishes a transmedial definition of metalepsis and explores the phenomenon in twelve case studies across media and genres of popular culture: from film, TV series, animated cartoons, graphic novels and popular fiction to pop music, music videos, holographic projections and fan cultures. Narrative studies have considered metalepsis so far largely as a phenomenon of postmodern or avant-garde literature. Metalepsis in Popular Culture investigates metalepsis’ ties to the popular and traces its transmedial importance through a wealth of examples from the turn of the 20th century to this day. The articles also address larger issues such as readerly immersion, the appeal of complexity in popular culture, or the negotiation of fiction and reality in media, and invite readers to rethink these issues through the prism of metalepsis.
Narratology in the Mirror of Codifying Texts
Schernus, Wilhelm: Narratology in the Mirror of Codifying Texts. In: Greta Olson (ed.): Current Trends in Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2011 (Narratologia 27), pp. 277–296.
Olaf Grabienski, Jan-Noël Thon
Poetik der Oberfläche. Die deutschsprachige Popliteratur der 1990er Jahre
[Poetics of the Surface. German Pop Literature of the 1990s]
Grabienski, Olaf, Till Huber & Jan-Noël Thon (eds.): Poetik der Oberfläche. Die deutschsprachige Popliteratur der 1990er Jahre. Berlin et al.: de Gruyter 2011.
This collective volume undertakes an appraisal and literary-historical localization of German-language pop literature of the 1990s, which is associated with such writers as Joachim Bessing, Rainald Goetz, Alexa Hennig von Lange, Christian Kracht, Joachim Lottmann, Thomas Meinecke, Andreas Neumeister and Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre. One focus of the volume is on performativity? how authors of pop literature staged themselves. In addition, the book explores the narrative, intertextual and intermedial strategies of pop-literature texts and their contexts.
Per Krogh Hansen, Stefan Iversen, Henrik Skov Nielsen, Rolf Reitan
Strange Voices in Narrative Fiction
Hansen, Per Krogh, Stefan Iversen, Henrik Skov Nielsen & Rolf Reitan (eds.): Strange Voices in Narrative Fiction. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2011 (Narratologia 30).
From its beginnings narratology has incorporated a communicative model of literary narratives, considering these as simulations of natural, oral acts of communication. This approach, however, has had some problems with accounting for the strangeness and anomalies of modern and postmodern narratives. As many skeptics have shown, not even classical realism conforms to the standard set by oral or ‘natural’ storytelling. Thus, an urge to confront narratology with the difficult task of reconsidering a most basic premise in its theoretical and analytical endeavors has, for some time, been undeniable. During the 2000s, Nordic narratologists have been among the most active and insistent critics of the communicative model. They share a marked skepticism towards the idea of using ‘natural’ narratives as a model for understanding and interpreting all kinds of narratives, and for all of them, the distinction of fiction is of vital importance. This anthology presents a collection of new articles that deal with strange narratives, narratives of the strange, or, more generally, with the strangeness of fiction, and even with some strange aspects of narratology.
Jan Christoph Meister, Wilhelm Schernus
Time. From Concept to Narrative Construct: A Reader
Meister, Jan Christoph & Wilhelm Schernus (eds.): Time. From Concept to Narrative Construct: A Reader. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2011 (Narratologia 29).
The present volume is targeted at an interdisciplinary audience, i.e. partly at literary scholars/narratologists interested in time theory outside their field, and partly at scholars outside literary studies who in turn would like to learn more about such concepts created in narrative theory. The anthology assembles both English-speaking and German contributions to a narrative theory of time constructs which have thus far not been translated into English, but have– directly or indirectly– inspired the theoretical discourse across disciplines. The common methodological focus of the articles assembled here concerns the way in which the experience of chronological structure and ordering in (experienced or imagined) phenomena can be traced back to a logic of time “constructs”. Narrative time constructs– that is: models of chronological ordering which we generate while processing narratively encoded information– constitute a particularly rich body of examples. How we experience time is directly linked to how we narrate information, and how we re-construct principles of temporal ordering in the narrated content.The logic of narrative time constructs has therefore been of interest not only to narrative theory, but also to philosophy and cognitive science, and more recently to computational approaches toward modelling human time experience.
Der phantastische Film. Instabile Narrationen und die Narration der Instabilität
[Fantastic Narration in Film. Instable Narrations and Narration of Instability]
Pinkas, Claudia: Der phantastische Film. Instabile Narrationen und die Narration der Instabilität. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2010 (Narratologia 25).
This book investigates the narrated worlds of fantastic film and the methods of their narrative mediation. This includes instable and ambiguous perspectives of perception, abandonment and disintegration of spatial-temporal continuity, instances of destabilized narrators, blending of the narrative levels as well as categories of figure, space and the event of crossing borders of the genre in the staging of virtual media realities in the fantastic film. The book refers to examples of the early years of fictional film up to the present.
Thiemo Breyer, Daniel Creutz
Erfahrung und Geschichte. Historische Sinnbildung im Pränarrativen
[Experience and History. Historical Creation of Meaning in the Pre-narrative Context]
Breyer, Thiemo & Daniel Creutz (eds.): Erfahrung und Geschichte. Historische Sinnbildung im Pränarrativen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2010 (Narratologia 23).
In the interdisciplinary discourse between philosophy and historical, literary, and cultural studies this book explores the relationship between historical narratives and the experiences on which they are based and which give the first impetus for a genuine need to tell the story. Here a new concept of historical experience is formulated which elucidates the pre-narrative dimensions of historical creation of meaning and thus also enables a more adequate determination of the relationship of history and narration as well as individual and collective history.
Markus Kempf, Katrin Kroll, Jette K. Wulf
Eventfulness in British Fiction
Hühn, Peter (u.a.): Eventfulness in British Fiction. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2010 (Narratologia 18).
An event, defined as the decisive turn, the surprising point in the plot of a narrative, constitutes its tellability, the motivation for reading it. This book describes a framework for a narratological definition of eventfulness and its dependence on the historical, socio-cultural and literary context. A series of fifteen analyses of British novels and tales, from late medieval and early modern times to the late 20th century, demonstrates how this concept can be put into practice for a new, specifically contextual interpretation of the central relevance of these texts. The examples include Chaucer’s “Miller’s Tale”, Behn’s “Oroonoko”, Defoe’s “Moll Flanders”, Richardson’s “Pamela”, Fielding’s “Tom Jones”, Dickens’s “Great Expectations”, Hardy's “On the Western Circuit”, James’s “The Beast in the Jungle”, Joyce’s “Grace”, Conrad’s “Shadow-Line”, Woolf’s “Unwritten Novel”, Lawrence’s “Fanny and Annie”, Mansfield’s “At the Bay”, Fowles’s “Enigma” and Swift’s “Last Orders”. This selection is focused on the transitional period from 19th-century realism to 20th-century modernism because during these decades traditional concepts of what counts as an event were variously problematized; therefore, these texts provide a particularly interesting field for testing the analytical capacity of the term of eventfulness.
Marina Grishakova, Marie-Laure Ryan
Intermediality and Storytelling
Grishakova, Marina & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.): Intermediality and Storytelling. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2010 (Narratologia 24).
The ‘narrative turn’ in the humanities, which expanded the study of narrative to various disciplines, has found a correlate in the ‘medial turn’ in narratology. Long restricted to language-based literary fiction, narratology has found new life in the recognition that storytelling can take place in a variety of media, and often combines signs belonging to different semiotic categories: visual, auditory, linguistic and perhaps even tactile. The essays gathered in this volume apply the newly gained awareness of the expressive power of media to particular texts, demonstrating the productivity of a medium-aware analysis. Through the examination of a wide variety of different media, ranging from widely studied, such as literature and film, to new, neglected, or non-standard ones, such as graphic novels, photography, television, musicals, computer games and advertising, they address some of the most fundamental questions raised by the medial turn in narratology: how can narrative meaning be created in media other than language; how do different types of signs collaborate witheach other in so-called ‘multi-modal works’, and what new forms of narrativity are made possible by the emergence of digital media.
Narratology. An Introduction
Schmid, Wolf: Narratology. An Introduction. (de Gruyter Textbook). Trans. Alexander Starritt. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2010.
Slavische Erzähltheorie Russische und tschechische Ansätze
Schmid, Wolf (ed.): Slavische Erzähltheorie Russische und tschechische Ansätze. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2010 (Narratologia 21).
The eight contributions to this collection, written by members of the ‘Narratology? research group in Hamburg and by external experts, contain the basic categories of Russian and Czech narratology. These became significant for the development of international narratology or for the further development potential of the theory. The studied concepts include ‘fable’ and ‘subject’, ‘subject development’, ‘event’ and ‘fictional worlds’. The comparative studies explore and discuss Russian composition theory, the author theories of Slavic functionalism, formalistic film and theater concepts and narrative semantics in the conception of Prague structuralism. The spectrum of the discussed theorists includes the Russian formalist Viktor Shklovsky and the formalism-leaning theorist Michail Petrovsky, the Czech structuralist Jan Muka?ovský, Felix Vodi?ka and Lubomír Doležel as well as Yuri Lotman, the central figure of the Moscow-Tartu school.
De(ar)ranged minds, mindless acts and Polemical Portrayal in Kleist and Canetti
Martens, Gunther: De(ar)ranged minds, mindless acts and Polemical Portrayal in Kleist and Canetti. In: Style 43.3 (2009), pp. 388–406.
Einführung in die Narratologie
[Introduction into Narratology]
Event and Eventfulness
Hühn, Peter: Event and Eventfulness. In: Peter Hühn, John Pier, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Handbook of Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 19), pp. 80–97.
Peter Hühn, John Pier, Wolf Schmid, Jörg Schönert
Handbook of Narratology
Hühn, Peter, John Pier, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Handbook of Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 19).
This handbook in English provides a systematic overview of the present state of international research in narratology. Detailed individual studies by internationally renowned narratologists elucidate 34 central terms. The articles present original research contributions and are all structured in a similar manner. Each contains a concise definition and a detailed explanation of the term in question. In a main section they present a critical account of the major research positions and their historical development and indicate directions for future research; they conclude with selected bibliographical references.
Peter Hühn, John Pier, Wolf Schmid, Jörg Schönert
Handbook of Narratology
Reviews of Hühn, Peter, John Pier, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Handbook of Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 19).
- Bunia, Remigus (2010). In: Germanistik, 51 (1–2), pp. 150–151.
- Geerts, Ronald (2010). In: theaterforschung, pp. 1–2 Link: www.theaterforschung.de
- Grüne, Matthias (2011). In: KulturPoetik 11.1, pp. 120–122.
- Kinzel, Till (2010). In: Informationsmittel, pp. 1–4; Link: http://ifb.bsz-bw.de
- Scheeren, Christiane (2010). In: IASLonline, pp. 1–8; Link: http://www.iaslonline.de
Implied author
Schmid, Wolf: Implied author. In: Peter Hühn, John Pier, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Handbook of Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 19), pp. 161–172.
Metaphor and Narrative. With references to Nietzsche's Ueber die Zukunft der Bildungsanstalten
Martens, Gunther & Benjamin Biebuyck: Metaphor and Narrative. With references to Nietzsche's Ueber die Zukunft der Bildungsanstalten. In: Elzbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska & Grzegorz Szpila (eds.): In Search of (Non)Sense. Literary Semantics and the Related Fields and Disciplines. Proceedings of the Ivth IALS conference Cracow. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2009, pp. 115–127.
Narrative and Stylistic Agency: The Case of Overt Narration
Martens, Gunther: Narrative and Stylistic Agency: The Case of Overt Narration. In: Peter Hühn, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization: Modeling Mediation in Narrative. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 17), pp. 99–118.
Jan Christoph Meister, Hans-Harald Müller
Narrative Kohärenz oder: Kontingenz ist auch kein Zufall
Meister, Jan Christoph & Hans-Harald Müller: Narrative Kohärenz oder: Kontingenz ist auch kein Zufall. In: Julia Abel, Andreas Blödorn & Michael Scheffel (eds.): Ambivalenz und Kohärenz. Untersuchungen zur narrativen Sinnbildung. Trier: WVT 2009, pp. 31–54.
Narratologie des Raumes
Dennerlein, Katrin: Narratologie des Raumes. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 22).
The present study concerns itself with the development of a systematic set of instruments for describing concrete space in fictional narrative texts. It contains chapters on the linguistic generation of space, on its narrative mediation through the narration of events, of perceptions and through descriptions, on spatial structures and space-specific configurations of knowledge. In it, account is also taken of concepts from cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics, from pragmatics, social geography and evolutionary psychology. The concepts developed are tested on examples of text.
Sandra Heinen, Roy Sommer
Narratology in the Age of Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Research
Heinen, Sandra & Roy Sommer (eds.): Narratology in the Age of Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Research. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 20).
Narrative Research, once the domain of structuralist literary theory, has over the last 15 years developed into an international and interdisciplinary field. It is now commonly agreed that storytelling functions as a fundamental cognitive tool for sense-making and meaning production, and that human beings structure and communicate lived experience through oral, written and visual stories. Entitled Narratology in the Age of Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Research, this volume collects fifteen essays which look at narrative and narrativity from various perspectives, including literary studies and hermeneutics, cognitive theory and creativity research, metaphor studies, film theory and intermediality, as well as memory studies, musicology, theology and psychology. The topics touch on a wide range of issues, such as the current state of narratology and its potential for development, narrativity in visual and auditive art forms, the cultural functions of narrative, and the role of narrative concepts across the disciplines. The volume introduces interested newcomers to the ongoing debate, reflecting the diversity of research questions and methodological approaches involved. It takes a critical, yet cautiously optimistic stance with regard to the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration between narrative researchers, and invites experienced readers from any discipline interested in narrative to join this important debate, which promotes the exchange of ideas, concepts and methods between the humanities and the social sciences.
Peter Hühn, Wolf Schmid, Jörg Schönert
Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization. Modeling Mediation in Narrative
Hühn, Peter, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization. Modeling Mediation in Narrative. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 17).
Stories do not actually exist in the (fictional or factual) world but are constituted, structured and endowed with meaning through the process of mediation, i.e. they are represented and transmitted through systems of verbal, visual or audio-visual signs. The terms usually proposed to describe aspects of mediation, especially perspective, point of view, and focalization, have yet to bring clarity to this field, which is of central importance, not only for narratology but also for literary and media studies. One crucial problem about mediation concerns the dimensions of its modeling effect, particularly the precise status and constellation of the mediating agents, i.e. author, narrator or presenter and characters. The question is how are the structure and the meaning of the story conditioned by these different positions in relation to the mediated happenings perceived from outside and/or inside the storyworld? In this volume, fourteen articles by international scholars from seven different countries address these problems anew from various angles, reviewing the sub-categorization of mediation and re-specifying its dimensions both in literary texts and other media such as drama and theater, film, and computer games.
Jan-Noël Thon, Maike Reinerth
Probleme filmischen Erzählens
Russische Literaturtheorie und internationale Narratologie
[Russian Literary Theory and International Narratology]
Schmid, Wolf: Russische Literaturtheorie und internationale Narratologie. In: Jörg Dierken & Andreas Stuhlmann (eds.): Geisteswissenschaften in der Offensive. Hamburger Standortbestimmungen. Hamburg 2009, pp. 100–116.
Russische Proto-Narratologie. Texte in kommentierten Übersetzungen
[Russian Proto-narratology]
Schmid, Wolf (ed.): Russische Proto-Narratologie. Texte in kommentierten Übersetzungen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 16).
This collected volume contains German translations with commentaries and annotations of 12 theoretical texts from the Russian pre-history of narratology. The texts, all of pre-formalistic, formalistic, or structuralist provenance or from sources close to formalism, are devoted to two key topics in Russian proto-narratology, the “sujet” and the work-immanent abstract author. The selection, translation, commentary and annotations were carried out by members of a sub-project within the Hamburg Narratology Research Group, which is funded by the German Research Foundation.
Jan Christoph Meister, Jörg Schönert
The DNS of Mediacy
Meister, Jan Christoph & Jörg Schönert: The DNS of Mediacy. In: Peter Hühn, Wolf Schmid & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2009 (Narratologia 17), pp. 11–40.
Das narrative Urteil. Erzählerische Problemverhandlungen von Hiob bis Kant
[The Narrative Judgement]
Richter, Michael: Das narrative Urteil. Erzählerische Problemverhandlungen von Hiob bis Kant. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008 (Narratologia 13).
Drawing on Greimas' narrative semiotics and on cognitive science, Richter develops his theory of the "narrative judgement" as the core of the "narrative negotiation of problems". Narratives present contingent decisions, but can conceal their contingency in the name of an ideology. As Richter amply demonstrates, the narrative judgement allows the negotiation in narrative of theoretical problems which seem incapable of resolution in argument, e.g. the problem of Job in the Old Testament and the theodicy problem from Leibniz to Kant.
Silke Lahn, Jan Christoph Meister
Einführung in die Erzähltextanalyse
Reviews of: Silke Lahn & Jan Christoph Meister: Einführung in die Erzähltextanalyse. Unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Aumüller, Benjamin Biebuyck, Anja Burghard, Jens Eder, Per Krogh Hansen, Peter Hühn und Felix Sprang. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 2008.
David-Christopher Assmann: Silke Lahn & Jan Christoph Meister: Einführung in die Erzähltextanalyse. Link: Wissenschaftlicher Literaturanzeiger
Alexander Preisinger: Zwischen Standardisierung und Weiterentwicklung. Über Silke Lahns und Jan Christoph Meisters "Einführung in die Erzähltextanalyse". Link: literaturkritik.de.
Birte Fritsch: Zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Eine Einführung in die Narratologie im Spagat zwischen problemorientierter Theoriedarstellung und literaturwissenschaftlicher Textanalyse. In: DIEGESIS. Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung. Nr. 2 Heft 1, 2013.
Elemente der Narratologie. Revised edition
Review of: Wolf Schmid: Elemente der Narratologie. Revised edition. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008.
Till Kinzel, in: Informationsmittel (IFB): digitales Rezensionsorgan für Bibliothek und Wissenschaft. Link: http://swbplus.bsz-bw.de/bsz28067421xrez.htm.
Extending and revising the scope of a rhetorical approach to unreliability
Martens, Gunther: Extending and revising the scope of a rhetorical approach to unreliability. In: Elke D'hoker & Gunther Martens (eds.): Narrative Unreliability in the twentieth-century first-person novel. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008 (Narratologia 14), pp. 77–105.
Martens, Günther & Elke D'hoker: Introduction. In: Elke D'hoker & Gunther Martens (eds.): Narrative Unreliability in the twentieth-century first-person novel. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008 (Narratologia 14), pp. 1–6.
Musils gesprächig-schweigender Erzähler: neue Adresse, neuer Adressat?
Martens, Gunther: Musils gesprächig-schweigender Erzähler: neue Adresse, neuer Adressat? In: Annette Daigger & Peter Henninger (eds.): Robert Musils Drang nach Berlin. Internationale Musil-Konferenz Berlin 2005. Bern: Lang 2008.
Narrative Unreliability in the Twentieth-Century First-Person Novel
D'hoker, Elke & Gunther Martens (eds.): Narrative Unreliability in the Twentieth-Century First-Person Novel. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008 (Narratologia 14).
This volume deals with the occurrence and development of unreliable first-person narration in twentieth century Western literature. The different articles in this collection approach this topic both from the angle of literary theory and through a detailed reading of literary texts. By addressing questions concerning the functions, characteristics and types of unreliability, this collection contributes to the current theoretical debate about unreliable narration. At the same time, the collection highlights the different uses to which unreliability has been put in different contexts, poetical traditions and literary movements. It does so by tracing the unreliable first-person narrator in a variety of texts from Dutch, German, American, British, French, Italian, Polish, Danish and Argentinean literature. In this way, this volume significantly extends the traditional ‘canon’ of narrative unreliability. This collection combines essays from some of the foremost theoreticians of unreliability (James Phelan, Ansgar Nünning) with essays from experts in different national traditions. The result is a collection that approaches the ‘case’ of narrative unreliability from a new and more varied perspective.
Robert Hodel, Volkmar Lehmann
Textkohärenz und Narration. Untersuchungen russischer Texte des Realismus und der Moderne
[Textual Coherence and Narration]
Hodel, Robert & Volkmar Lehmann (eds.): Textkohärenz und Narration. Untersuchungen russischer Texte des Realismus und der Moderne. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008 (Narratologia 15).
The present volume is concerned with the question of what distinguishes a prose text from the Age of Realism from one from the Modern Age. Starting from the present state of research in textual semantics and narratology, criteria are tested for characterising these two epochs, and new criteria are developed which allow this epochal change to be described more comprehensively within Russian prose writing. It is the intention to formalise the procedures deployed here to a large extent and, if possible, to quantify them using computers.
Theorizing Narrativity
Pier, John & José Ángel García Landa (eds.): Theorizing Narrativity. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2008 (Narratologia 12).
Theorizing Narrativity is a collective work by an international array of leading specialists in narrative theory. It provides new perspectives on the nature of narrative, genre theory, narrative semiotics and communication theory. Most contributions center on the specificity of literary fiction, but each chapter investigates a different dimension of narrativity with many issues dealt with in innovative ways (including oral storytelling, the law, video games, causality, intertextuality and the theory of reading). There are chapters by Gerald Prince on narrativehood and narrativity, Meir Sternberg on the narrativity of the law-code, Werner Wolf on chance and Peter Hühn on eventfulness in fiction, Jukka Tyrkkö on kaleidoscope narratives, Marie-Laure Ryan on transfictionality and computer games, Ansgar Nünning and Roy Sommer as well as Monika Fludernik on the narrativity of drama, Beatriz Penas on (non)standard narrativities, David Rudrum on narrativity and performativity, Michael Toolan on textual guidance, John Pier on causality and retrospection, and José Ángel García Landa on retelling and represented narrations.
'L'auteur implicite'. Remarques à propos de l'évolution et de la critique d'une notion entre narratologie et théorie de la communication
Kindt, Tom: 'L'auteur implicite'. Remarques à propos de l'évolution et de la critique d'une notion entre narratologie et théorie de la communication. In: Pier, John (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 59–84 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
'Narrativité', 'événement' et l'objectivation de la temporalité
Meister, Jan Christoph: 'Narrativité', 'événement' et l'objectivation de la temporalité. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 189–207 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Audiovisuelle Emotionen. Emotionsdarstellung und Emotionsvermittlung durch audiovisuelle Medienangebote
Eder, Jens, Anne Bartsch & Kathrin Fahlenbrach (eds.): Audiovisuelle Emotionen. Emotionsdarstellung und Emotionsvermittlung durch audiovisuelle Medienangebote. Köln: Halem 2007.
Auteur empirique, auteur implicite, et Moi lyrique
Schönert, Jörg: Auteur empirique, auteur implicite, et Moi lyrique (avec un commentaire concernant la discussion depuis 1999). In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 85–96 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Ébauche d'un système théorique pour la description du 'plot' et du 'plotting'
Hühn, Peter & Jens Kiefer: Ébauche d'un système théorique pour la description du 'plot' et du 'plotting'. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 209–226 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Schmid, Wolf: Erzähltextanalyse. In: Thomas Anz (ed.): Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft, Vol. I. Darmstadt 2007.
Kommunikation im Computerspiel
Thon, Jan-Noël: Kommunikation im Computerspiel. In: Simone Kimpeler, Michael Mangold & Wolfgang Schweiger (eds.): Die digitale Herausforderung. Zehn Jahre Forschung zur computervermittelten Kommunikation. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2007, pp. 171–180.
Les procédés de la mise en abyme et de la pseudo-diégèse: "Beatus Ille" d'Antonio Muñoz Molina
Meyer-Minnemann, Klaus & Sabine Schlickers: Les procédés de la mise en abyme et de la pseudo-diégèse: "Beatus Ille" d'Antonio Muñoz Molina. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 303–316 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Jörg Schönert, Peter Hühn, Malte Stein
Lyrik und Narratologie. Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
[Lyric Poetry and Narratology. Textual Analyses of Poems in German from the 16th to the 20th Centuries]
Review of: Jörg Schönert, Peter Hühn & Malte Stein: Lyrik und Narratologie. Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2007 (Narratologia 11).
Thibaut Chaix-Bryan: Lyrisme et narratologie. Link: http://www.fabula.org/revue/document3976.php.
Jörg Schönert, Peter Hühn, Malte Stein
Lyrik und Narratologie. Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert
[Lyric Poetry and Narratology. Textual Analyses of Poems in German from the 16th to the 20th Centuries]
Schönert, Jörg, Peter Hühn & Malte Stein: Lyrik und Narratologie. Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2007 (Narratologia 11).
Lyric poetry is usually regarded as a genre in its own right, delineated from narrative and dramatic texts. This publication intends to use categories from narrative theory to develop the argument that poems also display basic characteristics seen as indicative of the narrative (in particular, the perspectivized presentation of sequentially ordered events). The results are firstly significant revisions of genre-theory, and secondly a considerable extension and precision in processes of textual analysis - including the use of scheme theory as used in cognitive psychology.
Tatjana Jesch, Malte Stein
Mise en perspective et focalisation: deux concepts – un aspect? Tentative d'une différenciation des concepts
Jesch, Tatjana & Malte Stein: Mise en perspective et focalisation: deux concepts – un aspect? Tentative d'une différenciation des concepts. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 245–262 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Narration, description
Aumüller, Matthias: Narration, description. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 227–244 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Schauplätze und Ereignisse. Über Erzähltechniken im Computerspiel des 21. Jahrhunderts
Thon, Jan-Noël: Schauplätze und Ereignisse. Über Erzähltechniken im Computerspiel des 21. Jahrhunderts. In: Corinna Müller & Irina Scheidgen (eds.): Mediale Ordnungen. Erzählen, Archivieren, Beschreiben. Marburg: Schüren 2007, pp. 40–55.
Simulation vs. Narration. Zur Darstellung fiktionaler Welten in neueren Computerspielen
Thon, Jan-Noël: Simulation vs. Narration. Zur Darstellung fiktionaler Welten in neueren Computerspielen. In: Andreas Becker, Doreen Hartmann, Don C. Lorey & Andrea Nolte (eds.): Medien – Diskurse – Deutungen. Beiträge des 20. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums. Marburg: Schüren 2007, pp. 68–76.
Schmid, Wolf: Textadressat. In: Thomas Anz (ed.): Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft, Vol. I. Darmstadt 2007.
Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande
Pier, John (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion, 2007, 324 pages (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Unendliche Weiten? Schauplätze, fiktionale Welten und soziale Räume heutiger Computerspiele
Thon, Jan-Noël: Unendliche Weiten? Schauplätze, fiktionale Welten und soziale Räume heutiger Computerspiele. In: Klaus Bartels & Jan-Noël Thon (eds.): Computer/Spiel/Räume. Materialien zur Einführung in die Computer Game Studies. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg 2007, pp. 29–60.
"Aber wenn du von einem Berg springst, ist es wieder umgekehrt." Zur Erzählerprofilierung in den Meta-Krimis von Wolf Haas
Martens, Gunther: "Aber wenn du von einem Berg springst, ist es wieder umgekehrt." Zur Erzählerprofilierung in den Meta-Krimis von Wolf Haas. In: Modern Austrian Literature 39 (2006), no.1, pp. 65–80.
Abstraktní autor a abstraktní ctenár
[Implied autor and implied reader]
Schmid, Wolf: Abstraktní autor a abstraktní ctenár [Implied autor and implied reader; transl. by Johana Gallupová.]. In: Ceská literatura 54 (2006), no. 2-3, pp. 74–97.
Beobachtungen der Moderne in Hermann Brochs "Die Schlafwandler" und Robert Musils "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften". Rhetorische und narratologische Aspekte von Interdiskursivität
Martens, Gunther: Beobachtungen der Moderne in Hermann Brochs "Die Schlafwandler" und Robert Musils "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften". Rhetorische und narratologische Aspekte von Interdiskursivität. Munich: Fink 2006. (Musil-Studien 35).
Communication and Interaction in Multiplayer First-Person-Shooter Games
Thon, Jan-Noël: Communication and Interaction in Multiplayer First-Person-Shooter Games. In: Giuseppe Riva et al. (eds.): From Communication to Presence. Cognition, Emotions and Culture towards the Ultimate Communicative Experience. Festschrift in honor of Luigi Anolli. Amsterdam: IOS Press 2006, pp. 239–261.
Das Scheitern multi-ethnischer Identität im Kontext von Tradition und Moderne: Salman Rushdies "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995)
Hühn, Peter: Das Scheitern multi-ethnischer Identität im Kontext von Tradition und Moderne: Salman Rushdies "The Moor's Last Sigh" (1995). In: Norbert Greiner & Roland Weidle (eds.): Cool Britannia: Literarische Selbstvergewisserungen vor der Jahrtausendwende. Trier: WVT 2006, pp. 205–223.
Die Stimme des Formalismus. Die Entwicklung des Stimmenbegriffs im russischen Formalismus
Aumüller, Matthias: Die Stimme des Formalismus. Die Entwicklung des Stimmenbegriffs im russischen Formalismus. In: Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer & Michael Scheffel (eds.): Stimme(n) im Text. Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2006 (Narratologia 10), pp. 31–52.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
Heteronomie der Welten in Ernst-Wilhelm Händlers Romanen
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller: Heteronomie der Welten in Ernst-Wilhelm Händlers Romanen. In: Lutz Hagestedt & Joachim Unseld (eds.): Literatur als Passion. Zum Werk Ernst-Wilhelm Händlers. Frankfurt a. M.: Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2006, pp. 136–160.
Immersion revisited. Varianten von Immersion im Computerspiel des 21. Jahrhunderts
Thon, Jan-Noël: Immersion revisited. Varianten von Immersion im Computerspiel des 21. Jahrhunderts. In: Christian Hißnauer & Andreas Jahn-Sudmann (eds.): medien – zeit – zeichen. Beiträge des 19. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums. Marburg: Schüren, 2006, pp. 125–132.
Malte Stein, Tatjana Jesch
Patientenerzählungen wie Literatur verstehen? Zur Bedeutung der Narratologie für die therapeutische Psychodiagnostik
Richter, Rainer, Malte Stein & Tatjana Jesch: Patientenerzählungen wie Literatur verstehen? Zur Bedeutung der Narratologie für die therapeutische Psychodiagnostik. In: Vera Luif, Gisela Thoma & Brigitte Boothe (eds.): Beschreiben – Erschließen – Erläutern. Psychotherapieforschung als qualitative Wissenschaft. Lengerich et al.: Pabst 2006, pp. 39–65.
Poetische Selbstklärung im Rückblick: Ted Hughes' "Birthday Letters" (1998)
Hühn, Peter: Poetische Selbstklärung im Rückblick: Ted Hughes' "Birthday Letters" (1998). In: Norbert Greiner & Roland Weidle (eds.): Cool Britannia: Literarische Selbstvergewisserungen vor der Jahrtausendwende. Trier: WVT 2006, pp. 25–41.
Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer, Michael Scheffel
Stimme(n) im Text. Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen
Blödorn, Andreas, Daniela Langer & Michael Scheffel: Stimme(n) im Text. Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2006 (Narratologia 10).
The volume sounds out the methodological potential of the central narratological category of 'voice' in its relation to 'person' and specifies this category principally against the background of Genette and Bachtin. In addition to papers with a theoretical orientation, there are also case studies, these always being linked with more general methodological concerns. The main focus is on borderline cases for unequivocally determining the position of the speaker or speech in texts. The papers examine, for example, the position and function of the text itself as a literary 'voice', and whether polyphony can be described as a variety of 'autonomous voices' without recourse to the concept of 'person'. The authors draw up new concepts of 'voice' in narrative theory, discuss the phenomenon of 'multiple voices' in literary texts and examine the category of 'voice' for its relevance as an instrument of textual analysis. The volume investigates all aspects of the relationship between the narrator's speech and that of the narrative figures within the triad of author, narrator and figure, drawing in historical aspects and insights from the psychology of cognition and reception. In this it presents innovative fundamental research on central questions of modern narrative theory.
Olaf Grabienski, Jörg Schönert
Stimmen-Wirrwarr? Zur Relation von Erzählerin- und Figuren-Stimmen in Elfriede Jelineks Roman "Gier"
Grabienski, Olaf, Jörg Schönert & Bernd Kühne: Stimmen-Wirrwarr? Zur Relation von Erzählerin- und Figuren-Stimmen in Elfriede Jelineks Roman "Gier". In: Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer & Michael Scheffel (eds.): Stimme(n) im Text. Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2006 (Narratologia 10), pp. 195–232.
Textkohärenz und Narration in realistischer und modernistischer russischer Literatur
[Textual coherency and narration in realistic and modernist russian literature]
In Lichačev’s dichotomous model of the epoch Modernity is defined as a secondary style-formation. According to Lichačev, a simple, rational, and norm-establishing primary-style (Romanticism, Renaissance, Classicism) is followed by a secondary-style (Gothic, Baroque, Romanticism). The latter takes up the devices of the primary-style and forms them. Following Žirmunskij (1967), Flaker (1976), Gumbrecht (1978), Buerger (1992) and such modern writers as Merežkovskij, Belyj, and Zamjatin Modernity (including the Avant-garde) can be understood ex negativo as a disintegration of Realism according to the following aspects:
- critique of rationalism and of the rationalistic worldview
- rejection of the moral codex
- shifting of the subject-object-relation in favor of the subject
- decontextualization of the writer as a citizen and as an author
- extension of the cultural field towards the exotic and the primitive
- literalization and semioticalization of reality
- declarative character of art
- hybridization of genre
- retarded reception (prose)
- self-referential language (synaesthesia, the break with the norm of the literary language, extension of the language-register, speech-immanent
- means of reference to the author)
- focalization of the ‘demiurgical’ author as a central factor of text-coherence
- dissolution of the fable
- dissolution of the hierarchical perspective and of the versatile interior monologue
- metaphorization and universalization of the reality of the text
- noticeable recurrence
- punctuation as an expression of changed intonation.
This overview is followed by the analysis of two text-excerpts (the beginnings of Belyj’s Peterburg and Tolstoj’s Anna Karenina) under the forementioned aspects.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
The Implied Author. Concept and Controversy
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller: The Implied Author. Concept and Controversy. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2006 (Narratologia 9).
This book addresses itself to the concept of the implied author, which has been the cause of controversy in cultural studies for some fifty years. The opening chapters examine the introduction of the concept in Wayne C. Booth’s “Rhetoric of Fiction” and the discussion of the concept in narratology and in the theory and practice of interpretation.The final chapter develops proposals for clarifying or replacing the concept.
Toward a Model of Perspective in Contemporary Computer Games
The paper proposes a model that distinguishes between three dimensions of perspective in computer games, drawing on models of perspective developed within classical narratology, film theory and computer game studies. The first dimension is that of spatial perspective, which is determined by the point of view, i.e. the spatial position from which the game space is presented audiovisually. The second dimension is that of actional perspective, which is determined by the point of action, i.e. the position from which the player can interact with the game space. The third and most complex dimension is that of the ideological perspective structure, which is determined by the various positions from which the events in the game are evaluated. Although we mainly discuss the question of how characters in computer games evaluate events and situations, this dimension also refers to other instances within the game, namely that of the player and the implied game designer. With reference to the spatial perspective determined by the point of view and the actional perspective determined by the point of action, we propose to speak here of an ideological perspective that is determined by the point of evaluation.
Was ist und was leistet Narratologie? Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Erzählforschung und ihrer Perspektiven
[Goals and Proceedings of Narratology. Some Remarks on History and Perspectives of Narratological Research ]
A special of essays and reviews focuses on the vast research in the field of narratology with its recent and forthcoming developments in Volume 4 (2006) of the German review internet portal literaturkritik.de.
In the article "Was ist und was leistet Narratologie? Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Erzählforschung und ihrer Perspektiven" (Goals and Proceedings of Narratology. Some Remarks on History and Perspectives of Narratological Research) mentioned above, Jörg Schönert discusses the ubiquity of narratives as well as areas of application for narratological approaches. Furthermore, the article addresses history and current tendencies in narratological research and points out perspectives for future studies.
In addition, the volume comprises several book-reviews, namely on publications by members of the Narratology Research Group: Harald Weilnböck takes account of the anthology Narratology beyond Literary Criticism edited by Jan Christoph Meister, Dietmar Till reviewed the monograph Figur und Person (Charakter and Person) of Fotis Jannidis, Ursula Kocher discusses Wolf Schmid's Elemente der Narratologie (Elements of Narratology). All of these are part of the Narratologia-series by the publisher de Gruyter.
Wat het verleden had kunnen worden. Vertelstrategieën in documentaire fictie
[On what could (have) become possible in the past. Narrative strategies in documentary fiction]
Martens, Gunther: Wat het verleden had kunnen worden. Vertelstrategieën in documentaire fictie [On what could (have) become possible in the past. Narrative strategies in documentary fiction]. In: Bart Vervaeck & Hans Vandevoorde (eds.): Literatuur en geschiedenis. Leuven 2006.
Peter Hühn, Jörg Schönert
Introduction to „The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry“ (Narratologia, Vol. 7)
After the publication in 2005 of „The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry” by the publishing house of de Gruyter, there is now available a companion volume on German poetry („Lyrik und Narratologie“, cf. German-language version of this item). Time to remember the English antecedant:
Peter Hühn and Jens Kiefer: The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. Translated by Alastair Matthews. (Narratologia, vol. 7). Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 2005. ISBN 3-11-018407-9.
According to the introduction of the volume by Peter Hühn and Jörg Schönert, the essays on English Poetry „are a practical demonstration of how the analytical methods and concepts of narratology can be used to provide detailed descriptions and interpretations of poems.“
In addition, the introduction attached as PDF-File above talks about the intersection of narrativity and lyric poetry, the status of the lyric in genre theory, and the narratological framework of the authors.
Peter Hühn, Jörg Schönert, Malte Stein
Zur narratologischen Analyse von Lyrik. Zwei Beispiele zu T. S. Eliot und B. Brecht
[The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Two examples: T. S. Eliot and B. Brecht]
Both essays have been published:
Hühn, Peter & Jens Kiefer: The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 7), pp. 157–175 (Eliot).
Schönert, Jörg, Peter Hühn & Malte Stein: Lyrik und Narratologie. Text-Analysen zu deutschsprachigen Gedichten vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2007 (Narratologia 11), pp. 227–240 (Brecht).
Large numbers of lyrical texts share two basic constituents (and their distinctness) with narrative fiction: a chronological sequence of events and their perspectival mediation. These common structures justify the application of a narratological approach to poetry analysis. We propose a narratological analysis of all texts conventionally labelled as lyrical, not only those usually classified as narrative verse. The aim of this project is not to subject lyrical texts rigorously and uncritically to narratological categories but to clarify the specifics of the genre of poetry by the transgeneric application of narratological concepts and terms.
In an article for Poetica (volume 2002) Peter Hühn and Jörg Schönert have presented theoretical arguments and suggested concrete categories for a narratologically oriented text analysis. They suggest an analytical procedure in eight steps, which, however, is not meant to be applied schematically in this order but has to be adapted to the specific narrative setup of the text in question. The practical method based on this approach is outlined here and applied to one English and one German poem from 1910s and '20s: Thomas S. Eliot's "Portrait of a Lady" and Bertolt Brecht's "Terzinen über die Liebe".
"Crónica de una muerte anunciada" von Gabriel García Márquez (1981) und Francesco Rosi (1985)
Schlickers, Sabine: "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" von Gabriel García Márquez (1981) und Francesco Rosi (1985). In: Anne Bohnenkamp (ed.): Interpretationen. Literaturverfilmungen. Stuttgart: Reclam 2005, pp. 322–331.
"Sein Geliebtestes zu töten". Studien zum Geschlechter- und Generationenkonflikt im erzählerischen Werk Theodor Storms
Stein, Malte: "Sein Geliebtestes zu töten". Studien zum Geschlechter- und Generationenkonflikt im erzählerischen Werk Theodor Storms. Berlin: Schmidt 2005.
Autorreflexión erótico-estética sobre un cadáver: "Santa Evita" (1995) de Tomás Eloy Martínez
Schlickers, Sabine: Autorreflexión erótico-estética sobre un cadáver: "Santa Evita" (1995) de Tomás Eloy Martínez. In: Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 61 (2005), pp. 111–131.
Begründungen des 'Ich'. Tempusgebrauch, nachgereichte Vorgeschichten und symbolische Vorausdeutungen in Travens "Die Brücke im Dschungel"
Meister, Jan Christoph: Begründungen des 'Ich'. Tempusgebrauch, nachgereichte Vorgeschichten und symbolische Vorausdeutungen in Travens "Die Brücke im Dschungel". In: Günter Dammann (ed.): B. Travens Erzählwerk in der Konstellation von Sprachen und Kulturen. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2005, pp. 193–214.
Kindt, Tom: Biography. In: David Herman, Manfred Jahn & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. London/New York: Routledge 2005, pp. 42–44.
Computational Approaches to Narrative
Meister, Jan Christoph: Computational Approaches to Narrative. In: David Herman, Manfred Jahn & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. London/New York: Routledge 2005, pp. 78–80.
Das Videospiel als Entwicklungsroman des 21. Jahrhunderts?
Thon, Jan-Noël: Das Videospiel als Entwicklungsroman des 21. Jahrhunderts? In: Tiefenschärfe, Sommer 2005, pp. 23–27.
Schmid, Wolf: Defamiliarisation. In: David Herman, Manfred Jahn & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. London/New York: Routledge 2005, p. 98.
Die Zivilisation im Busch. Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in B. Travens Novelle "Der Banditen-Doktor"
Stein, Malte: Die Zivilisation im Busch. Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in B. Travens Novelle "Der Banditen-Doktor". In: Günter Dammann (ed.): B. Travens Erzählwerk in der Konstellation von Sprachen und Kulturen. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2005, pp. 177–191.
Don Quijote im Kampf mit den 'pícaros': Cervantes und die poetologische Herausforderung des spanischen Schelmenromans
Schlickers, Sabine: Don Quijote im Kampf mit den 'pícaros': Cervantes und die poetologische Herausforderung des spanischen Schelmenromans. In: Rafael Sevilla, Augusto Serrano & Rainer Öhlschläger (eds.): Castilla-La Mancha – Wege der Universalität. Bad Honnef: Horlemann 2005, pp. 174–183.
Elemente der Narratologie
Reviews of: Wolf Schmid: Elemente der Narratologie. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 8).
Olaf Grabienski (2006). In: Poetics Today 27, pp. 730–731.
Sabine Gross (2008). In: Monatshefte 100:1, pp.133–135.
Reinhard Ibler (2007): Ein neues Standardwerk zur Erzählforschung. In: Slavica Litteraria 10 (= Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. Ročník LVI. Řada literárněvědné slavistiky), Masarykova univerzita, pp. 158–160.
Ursula Kocher: Summe der Narratologie. Wolf Schmid behandelt "Elemente der Narratologie" und zeigt neue theoretische Wege auf. Link: www.literaturkritik.de/public/rezension.php?rez_id=9393
Elemente der Narratologie
Schmid, Wolf: Elemente der Narratologie. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 8).
This book is a standard work for modern narrative theory. It is a German translation and expansion of the Russian work Narratologija (Moscow 2003) and presents a comprehensive foundation for narratology. The author explains and discusses in detail problems of communication structure and instances, narrative perspective, the relationship between narrator's text and character's text, and the narrativity of literary texts and the texts as events. The focus is formed by the constitutive structures of fictional narrative texts. The book postulates a theory of narration and analyses central narratological categories such as fiction, mimesis, author, reader, narrator, narrative perspective, text, story, narrative time etc. against the background of the history of narrative research. The result is a fundamental definition of the constitutive characteristics of narrative texts which provides a terminological and theoretical system of reference for future research in narrative theory. A detailed bibliography and glossary of narratological terms make this book a compendium of narrative theory which is of relevance for scholars and students of all literary disciplines.
Ereignishaftigkeit in den "Brüdern Karamasow"
Schmid, Wolf: Ereignishaftigkeit in den "Brüdern Karamasow". In: Dostoevsky Studies. The Journal of the International Dostoevsky Society, New Series 9 (2005), pp. 31–44.
Erzählte Geschichte. Narrative Strukturen in der französischen "Annales"-Geschichtsschreibung
Rüth, Axel: Erzählte Geschichte. Narrative Strukturen in der französischen "Annales"-Geschichtsschreibung. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 5).
The study broadens the perspective of narratology to include the objects and methods of historiography, in particular those of the famous French Annales School (rejection of history as events etc). The question is one of the extent to which historiography itself 'creates' history in its narration and of whether, given the inherent narrative character of every historiography, any progress at all can be made in historical knowledge. Rüth not only develops the theoretical backgrounds and discourses of his enquiry, but also uses texts from the Annales School to undertake a detailed study of the narrative element in historiography.
Europäische Lyrik seit der Antike: 14 Vorlesungen
Hillmann, Heinz & Peter Hühn (eds.): Europäische Lyrik seit der Antike: 14 Vorlesungen. Hamburg: Univ. Press 2005.
Peter Hühn, Jörg Schönert
Introduction. The Theory and Methodology of the Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry
Hühn, Peter & Jörg Schönert: Introduction. The Theory and Methodology of the Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. In: Peter Hühn & Jens Kiefer: The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. Translated by Alastair Matthews. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 7), pp. 1–13.
Inversions, transgressions, paradoxes et bizarreries: la métalepse dans les littératures espagnole et française
Schlickers, Sabine: Inversions, transgressions, paradoxes et bizarreries: la métalepse dans les littératures espagnole et française. In: John Pier & Jean-Marie Schaeffer (eds.): Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 2005, pp. 151–166.
L'art de violer le contrat. Une comparaison entre la métalepse et la non-fiabilité narrative
Kindt, Tom: L'art de violer le contrat. Une comparaison entre la métalepse et la non-fiabilité narrative. In: John Pier & Jean-Marie Schaeffer (eds.): Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 2005 (Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales 108), pp. 167–178.
L'importance d'une métalepse se mesure à son rendement narratif. À propos du roman de Leo Perutz "La Troisième Balle"
Müller, Hans-Harald: L'importance d'une métalepse se mesure à son rendement narratif. À propos du roman de Leo Perutz "La Troisième Balle". In: John Pier & Jean-Marie Schaeffer (eds.): Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 2005 (Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales 108), pp. 179–188.
La métalepse narrative dans la construction du formalisme russe
Schmid, Wolf: La métalepse narrative dans la construction du formalisme russe. In: John Pier & Jean-Marie Schaeffer (eds.): Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 2005 (Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales 108), pp. 189–195.
Minimal Narrative
Meister, Jan Christoph: Minimal Narrative. In: David Herman, Manfred Jahn & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. London/New York: Routledge 2005, p. 312.
Narrative units
Meister, Jan Christoph: Narrative units. In: David Herman, Manfred Jahn & Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. London/New York: Routledge 2005, pp. 382–384.
Narratologie interkulturell: Studien zu interkulturellen Konstellationen in der deutschsprachigen und ungarischen Literatur 1880–1930
Kindt, Tom & Katalin Teller (eds.): Narratologie interkulturell: Studien zu interkulturellen Konstellationen in der deutschsprachigen und ungarischen Literatur 1880–1930. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 2005 (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft 6).
Narratologie – ethische positiebepalingen in verhaalstructuren
Martens, Gunther: Narratologie – ethische positiebepalingen in verhaalstructuren. In: Benjamin Biebuyck, Bart Keunen, Katrien De Moor, Alexander De Roose, Gunther Martens, Danny Praet & Wim Verbaal: Negen muzen – tien geboden. Historische en methodologische gevalstudies over de interactie tussen literatuur en ethiek. Met een nawoord van Gert Buelens. Gent: Academia Press 2005, pp. 129–154.
Jan Christoph Meister, Tom Kindt, Wilhelm Schernus
Narratology beyond Literary Criticism. Mediality, Disciplinarity
Meister, Jan Christoph, Tom Kindt & Wilhelm Schernus (eds.): Narratology beyond Literary Criticism. Mediality, Disciplinarity. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 6).
This anthology presents the results of the Second International Colloquium of the Narratology Research Group (Hamburg University). It engages in the exploration of approaches that broaden Narratology's realm. The contributions illustrate the transcendence of traditional models common to Narratology. They also reflect on the relevance of such a 'going beyond' as seen in more general terms: What interrelation can be observed between re-definition of object domain and re-definition of method? What potential interfaces with other methods and disciplines does the proposed innovation offer? Finally, what are the repercussions of the proposed innovation in terms of Narratology's self-definition? The innovative volume facilitates the inter-methodological debate between Narratology and other disciplines, enabling the conceptualization of a Narratology beyond traditional Literary Criticism.
Plotting the Lyric: Forms of Narration in Poetry
Hühn, Peter: Plotting the Lyric: Forms of Narration in Poetry. In: Eva Müller-Zettelmann & Margarete Rubik (eds.): Theory into Poetry. New Approaches to the Lyric. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi 2005, pp. 147–172.
Sobytijnost' i tocka zrenija v narrativnom mire pozdnego Cechova
[Eventfulness and narrative perspective in the narrative world of the late Cechov]
Schmid, Wolf: Sobytijnost' i tocka zrenija v narrativnom mire pozdnego Cechova [Eventfulness and narrative perspective in the narrative world of the late Cechov]. In: Essays in Poetics. The Journal of the British Neo-formalist Circle 30 (2005) (Essays in Poetics Publications 10), pp. 247–253.
Birte Lönneker, Pablo Gervás, Michael Mateas, Federico Peinado
Story Generators: Models and Approaches for the Generation of Literary Artefacts
Birte Lönneker & Jan Christoph Meister (with Pablo Gervás, Michael Mateas and Federico Peinado): Story Generators: Models and Approaches for the Generation of Literary Artefacts. In: ACH/ALLC 2005 Conference Abstracts. Proceedings of the 17th Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. Victoria, BC, Canada, June 15–18, 2005, pp. 126–133.
The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century
Review of: Peter Hühn & Jens Kiefer: The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 7).
Ralf Haekel: Telling Poems. Studien zur erzähltheoretischen Lyrikanalyse. In: IASLonline [09.08.2007]. URL: http://www.iaslonline.de/index.php?vorgang_id=2582.
The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century
Hühn, Peter & Jens Kiefer: The Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. Studies in English Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2005 (Narratologia 7).
This study offers a fresh approach to the theory and practice of poetry criticism from a narratological perspective. Arguing that lyric poems share basic constituents of narration with prose fiction, namely temporal sequentiality of events and verbal mediation, the authors propose the transgeneric application of narratology to the poetic genre with the aim of utilizing the sophisticated framework of narratological categories for a more precise and complex modeling of the poetic text. On this basis, the study provides a new impetus to the neglected field of poetic theory as well as to methodology. The practical value of such an approach is then demonstrated by detailed model analyses of canonical English poems from all major periods between the 16th and the 20th centuries. The comparative discussion of these analyses draws general conclusions about the specifics of narrative structures in lyric poetry in contrast to prose fiction.
Vernetzte Wissenschaft? Zu Perspektiven computerunterstützter Kollaboration für Forschung und Lehre in den Geisteswissenschaften
Lange, Tanja: Vernetzte Wissenschaft? Zu Perspektiven computerunterstützter Kollaboration für Forschung und Lehre in den Geisteswissenschaften. In: Harro Segeberg & Simone Winko (eds.): Digitalität und Literalität. Zur Zukunft der Literatur im Netzzeitalter. Munich: Fink 2005, pp. 271–294.
Narativní transformace: dení – príbeh – vyprávení – prezentace vyprávení
[The narrative transformations: events, story, narration, presentation of the narration]
Schmid, Wolf: Narativní transformace: dení – príbeh – vyprávení – prezentace vyprávení [The narrative transformations: events, story, narration, presentation of the narration]. Transl. by Petr Málek. (Edice Theoretica 3). Brno/Prag 2004.
French version: La constitution narrative: les événements – l'histoire – la narration – la présentation de l'histoire. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 153–188 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Von Typenkreisen, Kreuztabellen und Stammbäumen. Zur Entwicklung und Modifikation der Erzähltheorie Franz K. Stanzels in Bezug auf ihre visuellen Repräsentationen
Schernus, Wilhelm: Von Typenkreisen, Kreuztabellen und Stammbäumen. Zur Entwicklung und Modifikation der Erzähltheorie Franz K. Stanzels in Bezug auf ihre visuellen Repräsentationen. In: Magdolna Orosz & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Narratologie interkulturell. Entwicklungslinien – Theorien. Frankfurt a.M. et al.: Lang 2004 (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft 5), pp. 33–63.
French version: À propos des cercles typologiques, tableaux et arbres généalogiques. Le évolutions et modifications de la théorie narrative de Franz K. Stanzel et leurs représentations visuelles. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 97–130 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
"Los santos inocentes" de Miguel Delibes (1981) y de Mario Camus (1984)
Schlickers, Sabine: "Los santos inocentes" de Miguel Delibes (1981) y de Mario Camus (1984). In: Studi ispanici. Versiones cinematográficas de la literatura hispánica (II) 2004, pp. 13–25.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
Brauchen wir eine interkulturelle Narratologie? Über Nutzen und Nachteil eines 'contextualist turn' in der Erzähltheorie
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller: Brauchen wir eine interkulturelle Narratologie? Über Nutzen und Nachteil eines 'contextualist turn' in der Erzähltheorie. In: Magdolna Orosz & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Narratologie interkulturell. Entwicklungslinien – Theorien. Frankfurt a.M. et al.: Lang 2004 (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft 5), pp. 139–146.
Empirischer Autor, Impliziter Autor und Lyrisches Ich (mit einem Nachtrag)
[Empirical author, implied author and lyrical I (persona) (with an addendum) ]
The term ‘lyrical I (persona)’ was introduced by Margarete Susman in 1910 to raise doubts in literary criticism about the widespread categorical identification of the first-person-speaker of a poem with the actual author. During the following decades, the scope of the term was increased, so that in numerous case-studies the ‘lyrical I (persona)’ served as a leading idea for a history of ‘lyrical subjectivity’. This approach, however, is challenged today by attempts to define the phenomenon in a more precise as well as restrictive way. In this notion, the term ‘lyrical I (persona)’ is applicable only to modes of representation where the speaker either actually uses the form of first person singular/plural or is referrable by his addressing a ‘You’. So-called ‘unmediated speech acts’ of a character outlined in the text, usually noted as indicator for the ‘dramatic monologue’ or the ‘Rollengedicht’, should not be accounted for as ‘lyrical I (persona)’.
Erzählen – Übersetzen – Analysieren
Grabienski, Olaf: Erzählen – Übersetzen – Analysieren. Literarische Übersetzung als Herausforderung für die Erzählforschung. (Review of: Katrin Zuschlag: Narrativik und literarisches Übersetzen. Erzähltechnische Merkmale als Invariante der Übersetzung. Tübingen 2002.) In: IASLonline [23.11.2004], URL: http://www.iaslonline.de/index.php?vorgang_id=999.
Revised version in German of chapter 3 in: Wolf Schmid: Narratologija [russ.], Moskau 2003.
After a review of several influential theories of narrative perspective, point of view, and focalization (Stanzel, Genette, Bal, Uspenskij, Lintvelt, Rimmon), a new way of modelling perspective is proposed. It is based on the hypothesis, drawn from Uspenskij’s four-level model of pont of view, that perspective operates on several distinct levels. Perspective is defined as a set of conditions, bound to a particular standpoint and shaped by internal and external factors, that determine how events are conceptualized and related. Perspective operates on five levels, identified in a thought experiment involving witnesses in court.
The levels are (1) perceptual perspective, (2) ideological perspective, (3) spatial perspective, (4) temporal perspective, and (5) linguistic perspective. On each of these levels, the narrator chooses between narratorial and figural modes. (The existence of a third, neutral form of perspective is rejected, as are the concepts of zero focalization and the perspective-free story.) The narratorial/figural and non-diegetic /diegetic (‘he’/‘I’) dichotomies are combined to yield a set of four basic types. Of these, figural perspective in diegetic narration is analysed in more detail. The forms taken by narratorial and figural perspective on all five levels are illustrated with examples, and feature sets provided for compact and distributive perspectives (i.e. the perspectives produced when the dichotomous poles selected are the same or different respectively across the five levels). The study concludes with a consideration of key issues that must be borne in mind when constructing a simplified approach to the analysis of perspective.
Figur und Person. Beitrag zu einer historischen Narratologie
Jannidis, Fotis: Figur und Person. Beitrag zu einer historischen Narratologie. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2004 (Narratologia 3).
The study examines how figures are presented in narrative texts. Using modern theories from the cognitive sciences, the author examines the special status of figures as humanlike constructs. The basis is provided by a theory of narrative communication which attempts to account for cultural and historical change in figures and their representation.
La mise en abyme en narratologie
Meyer-Minnemann, Klaus & Sabine Schlickers: La mise en abyme en narratologie. In: Vox Poetica [01.07.2004].
Narratologie als Texttheorie
Schönert, Jörg: Narratologie als Texttheorie – mit Perspektiven für die textanalytische Praxis interkultureller Narratologie? In: Magdolna Orosz & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Narratologie interkulturell. Entwicklungslinien – Theorien. (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft 5). Frankfurt a. M. et al.: Lang 2004, pp. 179–188.
Magdolna Orosz, Jörg Schönert
Narratologie interkulturell. Entwicklungslinien – Theorien
Orosz, Magdolna & Jörg Schönert: Narratologie interkulturell. Entwicklungslinien – Theorien. Frankfurt a.M. et al.: Lang 2004 (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft 5).
O fikcním ctenári
[On the ficticious narrator]
Schmid, Wolf: O fikcním ctenári [On the ficticious narrator]. In: Bohumil Fort & Jirí Hrabal (eds.): Od struktury k fikcnímu svetu. Olomouc 2004, pp. 95–113.
Review of Nünning & Nünning 2004
Martens, Gunther: Review of: Ansgar Nünning & Vera Nünning (eds.): Erzähltextanalyse und Gender Studies. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 2004. In: Studia Germanica Gandensia 1/2 (2004), pp. 62–64.
Spielräume des auktorialen Diskurses in Hermann Brochs "Eine methodologische Novelle"
Martens, Gunther: Spielräume des auktorialen Diskurses in Hermann Brochs "Eine methodologische Novelle". In: Orbis Litterarum 59 (2004), no. 4, pp. 239–269. [Online: users.ugent.be].
The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology
Review of: John Pier (ed.): The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2004 (Narratologia 4).
Didier Coste: Le récit comme forme-mouvement. Link: http://www.fabula.org/revue/document1641.php.
The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology
Pier, John (ed.): The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2004 (Narratologia 4).
By redefining established topics of narratology, research has become highly diversified. The contributions to this volume neither synthesize developments nor work from shared postulates, but represent a fresh look at ongoing issues. Some scrutinize focalisation in a linguistic framework or in a poststructuralist vein; others take on reliable and unreliable narration in a pronominal perspective or the "unaddressed" reader who upsets the tidy schemes of narrative communication. Also outlined are a possible worlds approach to narrative time, a systematic treatment of metanarrative and a transgeneric application of narratology to poetry. The sequential ordering of narratives as a way of controlling reader response is examined in one article and in another is seen to elicit intertextual configurations. Both divergent and complementary, the contributions seek to integrate into narratological categories and methods the dynamic processes of narrative itself.
Transgeneric Narratology: Application to Poetry
Hühn, Peter: Transgeneric Narratology: Application to Poetry. In: John Pier (ed.): The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Studies in Anglo-American Narratology. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2004 (Narratologia 4), pp. 139–158.
Was ist 'interkulturelle Narration'? Vorschläge zur Begriffsklärung
Kindt, Tom: Was ist 'interkulturelle Narration'? Vorschläge zur Begriffsklärung. In: Magdolna Orosz & Jörg Schönert (eds.): Narratologie interkulturell. Entwicklungslinien – Theorien. Frankfurt a.M. et al.: Lang 2004 (Budapester Studien zur Literaturwissenschaft 5), pp. 129–138.
Zum Status und zur disziplinären Reichweite von Narratologie
Schönert, Jörg: Zum Status und zur disziplinären Reichweite von Narratologie. In: Vittoria Borsò & Christoph Kann (eds.): Geschichtsdarstellung. Medien – Methoden – Strategien. Cologne et al.: Böhlau 2004, pp. 131–143.
Zum Status und zur disziplinären Reichweite von Narratologie
Schönert, Jörg: Zum Status und zur disziplinären Reichweite von Narratologie. In: Vittoria Borsò & Christoph Kann (eds.): Geschichtsdarstellung. Medien – Methoden – Strategien. Cologne et al.: Böhlau 2004, pp. 131–143.
On the Relationship between the Theory of the Novel, Narrative Theory, and Narratology
Cornils, Anja & Wilhelm Schernus: On the Relationship between the Theory of the Novel, Narrative Theory, and Narratology. In: Tom Kindt & Hans-Harald Müller (eds.): What is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 1), pp. 137–174.
Cornils, Anja & Wilhelm Schernus: Le rapport entre la théorie du roman, la théorie narrative et la narratologie. In: John Pier (ed.): Théorie du récit. L'apport de la recherche allemande, Tr. Thierry Gallèpe et al., Villeneuve d'Ascq: Septentrion 2007, pp. 17–57 (Narratology Research Group contributions).
Narrativity and Eventfulness
Schmid, Wolf: Narrativity and Eventfulness. In: Tom Kindt & Hans-Harald Müller (eds.): What is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 1), pp. 17–33.
Russian version: Narrativnost' i sobytijnost'. In: T.E. Avtuchovich & G.N. Ermolenko (eds.): Sovremennye metody analiza chudozestvennogo proizvedenija. Grodno 2003, pp. 8–17.
German version: Narrativität und Ereignishaftigkeit. In: M. Okuka & U. Schweier (eds.): Germano-Slavistische Beiträge. Festschrift für Peter Rehder zum 65. Geburtstag. Munich: Kubon & Sagner 2004, pp. 495–507.
'Erzählerische Unzuverlässigkeit' in Literatur und Film. Überlegungen zu einem Begriff zwischen Narratologie und Interpretationstheorie
Kindt, Tom: 'Erzählerische Unzuverlässigkeit' in Literatur und Film. Überlegungen zu einem Begriff zwischen Narratologie und Interpretationstheorie. In: Herbert Hrachovec, Wolfgang Müller-Funk & Birgit Wagner (eds.): Kleine Erzählungen und ihre Medien. Wien: Turia + Kant 2003, pp. 55–66.
Abstrakter Autor und abstrakter Leser
[Abstract author and abstract reader]
German Version of an excerpt from chapter 2 in: Wolf Schmid: Narratologija [russ.]. Moskva 2003.
This study considers the status of the abstract author and the abstract reader, two semantic entities which, although not confined solely to narrative environments, are discussed primarily in the context of narrative theory. We begin by examining the semiotic features of these two anthropomorphic hypostatizations, survey their development in the Slavonic (primarily Russian, Czechoslovakian, and Polish), then Western theoretical literature, and propose a systematic definition of both concepts. We respond to the well-known doubts concerning the narratological relevance of these notions with arguments which suggest it is perfectly sensible for narratologists to employ such entities even though they are not unique to narrative texts.
The abstract author is defined as the semantic correlate of all index signs in the text which refer to the sender. The abstract author is treated neither as a fictive (i.e. represented) instance nor as an intentional creation of the concrete author. He is not identical with the narrator but embodies the principle which informs the fabrication of a narrator and every aspect of the represented world. He has no voice of his own, no text. His word is the entire text with all its levels, the entire work in its totality.
The abstract author is real but not concrete. His existence in the work is no more than implicit and virtual; the traces left by the original creative acts are the only indication of his presence in the work, and only with the reader’s intervention does he become concrete. He therefore exists in two ways. On the one hand, he is objectively present in the text as a virtual symptomatic complex; on the other hand, his nature depends on the subjective acts of reading, comprehension, and interpretation which bring him into being. The abstract author is constructed, or rather reconstructed, by the reader on the basis of how he reads the work.
Every creative act which produces the work can be a symptom of the abstract author’s presence: the invention of a story with its situations, characters, and plots; the design of a specific plot logic with a more or less substantial philosophical component; the instantiation of a narrator; the transformation of the story into a narrative with the help of specific methods such as flattening simultaneous happenings into a linear sequence and rearranging the original historical order; and last of all the presentation of the narrative in its final linguistic form.
The abstract reader should be understood as the content of the author’s conception of the recipient as set out by particular index signs in the text. However, our two abstract entities do not have the diametrically opposing compositions that this might suggest. The abstract reader (i.e. the hypostatized concept of the target of the text) is ultimately an attribute of the abstract author reconstructed by the concrete reader. The abstract reader is therefore just as dependent as the abstract author on the individual reading and comprehension with which the concrete reader internalizes the text.
In contrast to many other contemporary theories, we make a clear distinction between the abstract reader and the fictive reader (narrataire), the narrator’s addressee. Two hypostatizations of the abstract reader must be distinguished on the basis of the functions which he can perform as the target of the text. First, the abstract reader can be an assumed, postulated addressee at whom the work is aimed and whose linguistic codes, ideological norms, and aesthetic concepts are adopted by the work in such a way that it is comprehensible to him. In this role, the abstract reader represents the codes and norms assumed to prevail among the factual audience. Second, the abstract reader can function as an image of the ideal recipient, whose understanding of the work is closest to the original and who accepts the interpretation which the work calls on him to adopt.
We conclude our discussion by considering the objections which narratologists have raised to the construction of the ideal recipient.
Computing Action. A Narratological Approach
Meister, Jan Christoph: Computing Action. A Narratological Approach. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 2).
Computing Action takes a new approach to the phenomenon of narrated action in literary texts. It begins with a survey of philosophical approaches to the concept of action, ranging from analytical to transcendental and finally constructivist definitions. This leads to the formulation of a new model of action, in which the core definitions developed in traditional structuralist narratology and Greimassian semiotics are reconceptualised in the light of constructivist theories. In the second part of the study, the combinatory model of action proposed is put into practice in the context of a computer-aided investigation of the action constructs logically implied by narrative texts. Two specialised literary computing tools were developed for the purposes of this investigation of textual data: EVENTPARSER, an interactive tool for parsing events in literary texts, and EPITEST, a tool for subjecting the mark-up files thus produced to a combinatory analysis of the episode and action constructs they contain. The third part of the book presents a case study of Goethe's Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten. Here, the practical application of theory and methodology eventually leads to a new interpretation of Goethe's famous Novellenzyklus as a systematic experiment in the narrative construction of action - an experiment intended to demonstrate not only Goethe's aesthetic principles, but also, and more fundamentally, his epistemological convictions.
Die Quadratur des Typenkreises. Franz K. Stanzels Überlegungen zu einer Erzähltheorie für Leser
Kindt, Tom: Die Quadratur des Typenkreises. Franz K. Stanzels Überlegungen zu einer Erzähltheorie für Leser. (Review of: Franz K. Stanzel: Unterwegs – Erzähltheorie für Leser. Ausgewählte Schriften mit einer bio-bibliographischen Einleitung und einem Appendix von Dorrit Cohn. Göttingen 2002.) In: IASL-online [26.03.2003], URL: iasl.uni-muenchen.de.
Forschungsberichte und forschungsgeschichtliche Überblicke zur Erzähltheorie/Narratologie. Eine bibliographische Kooperation der Projekte 1, 3 und 4 der Forschergruppe Narratologie an der Universität Hamburg
[Research reports and overviews of the history of research on narrative theory/narratology. A bibliographical cooperation of the projects 1, 3 and 4 of the research group 'narratology' at the University of Hamburg]
The following list includes research reports as well as overviews of the history of research on narrative theory/narratology. Such texts can be found in monographs, essays and articles in anthologies. References to the delevopment or the state of narratology also appear in introductions (for instance) of anthologies or essay collections, which were therefore also taken into account.
The titels refer to publications of the modern languages (entries from the field of Slavic Studies will be added in the near future). The list should not be considered as complete; it is to be amplified and expanded.
Wilhelm Schernus, Jörg Schönert
Anja Cornils, Susanne Warda
Kanonische Texte der Narratologie in deutschsprachigen Kodifikationen
[Canonical works of narratology in German codifying texts]
The following charts evaluate the reference to ‘canonical texts’ in German codifying publications dated between 1958 and 2001. ‘Codifying texts’ we term publications that attempt to define the discipline’s fundamentals, subjects, methods and results as commonly accepted knowledge. Codifying publications take the form of textbooks, compendia, anthologies, general introductions into the discipline, introductions into specific fields of research, as well as handbooks and reference works. In works of this type the disciplinary knowledge is – more or less – deproblematized and presented systematically for (auto-) didactic purposes.
For the following investigation (parts I-III), we selected introductions into the analysis of narrative texts, general introductions into the study of German, English or French literature respectively, as well as handbooks and several entries in reference works concerning ‘narrative theory’ (in the broadest sense). In analysing the codifying texts we ascertained which works of disciplinary research were referred to in their presentation of basic narratological knowledge. The aim of the investigation is to establish a corpus of works (from the viewpoint of selected codifying texts) seen to be particularly relevant to the reception and imparting of narrative theory/ narratology since the late 1950s.
For those interested in narratology the evaluation opens up three perspectives: Which texts of narrative research form the ‘mainstream’ in academic practice? Phased chronological ordering of texts helps to make apparent the changes of the canon over time. In addition, a detailed listing (currently under progress) of the history of international publications in narrative research records the reception of this research within the codifying texts. This listing includes works that do not belong to the canon themselves.
Mimetic Desire: An Attempt to Explain the Plot Structure of Detective Fiction
Hühn, Peter: Mimetic Desire: An Attempt to Explain the Plot Structure of Detective Fiction. In: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 44 (2003), pp. 337–352.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
Narrative Theory and/or/as Theory of Interpretation
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller: Narrative Theory and/or/as Theory of Interpretation. In: id. (eds.): What is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 1), pp. 205–219.
Narrativität jenseits der Narratologie
[Narrativity beyond Narratology]
Narrating and narrativity are the object of several academic disciplines. Literary criticism is one of it, but it deals not only with narrating. Therefore narrating is the object of interdisciplinary research, in which Narratology is involved, but Narratology is not per se interdisciplinary. In this paper I try to explain this statement from a linguistic point of view.
Peter Hühn, Jörg Schönert, Malte Stein
Narratologisches Begriffslexikon
[Dictionary of Narratological Terms]
This dictionary of narratological terms does not lay claim to completeness. It only covers terms which (a) we think relevant to a narratological analysis of poetry, and which (b)are in need of a more precise definition.
Most of these terms have a history in the different traditions of narratology. Althoughwe are aware of these differences in definition or status and discussed them within our research group, these discussions are not included in the dictionary. Some terms have been given alternative definitions by our research group. We wish to underline that the dictionary is a “work in progess” and therefore open to modification and addition.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
Narratology and Interpretation. A Rejoinder to David Darby
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller: Narratology and Interpretation. A Rejoinder to David Darby. In: Poetics Today 24 (2003) no. 3, pp. 413–421.
Narratology as Discipline. A Case for Conceptual Fundamentalism
Meister, Jan Christoph: Narratology as Discipline. A Case for Conceptual Fundamentalism. In: Tom Kindt & Hans-Harald Müller (eds.): What is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 1), pp. 55–71. [Online: www.jcmeister.de].
Peter Hühn, Jörg Schönert
Review of Nünning & Nünning 2002
Hühn, Peter & Jörg Schönert: Review of: Ansgar Nünning & Vera Nünning (eds.): Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie. Trier: WVT 2002; Vera Nünning & Ansgar Nünning (eds.): Erzähltheorie transgenerisch, intermedial, interdisziplinär. Trier: WVT 2002. In: Poetica 35 (2003) no. 3-4, pp. 437–444.
Schmid, Wolf: Skaz. In: Russian Literature 44 (2003), Special Issue To Honor the Memory of Jan van der Eng, pp. 267–278.
Tagging Time in PROLOG: The Temporality Effect-Project
The article discusses the philosophical, narratological and technological tenets of the computer-based approach towards modelling narrated time in the Temporality Effect. This project is aimed at developing a new model of narrative time, or more precisely: a model that will enable us to describe how and on the basis of which textual cues readers of narrative texts build the complex mental image of a temporally structured world.
Our narratological project equally falls into the domain of humanities computing in that the methodology of textual mark-up, data modelling, combinatorial data analysis and computer aided visualization of time constructs play a crucial role in it. What sets our model apart from other approaches is its foundation in a particular philosophy of time (McTaggart) which integrates non-temporal (sequential and logic) as well temporal principles of ordering in phenomena. This perspective holds three important advantages. One, it allows for the joint modelling of subjective time experience and objective time structures. Two, it provides a strong conceptual basis for a computational analysis of the temporality effect triggered by narratives. And thirdly, seen in combination these two characteristics of our project’s philosophical foundation open up the possibility of a dynamic visualisation of time experience.
The Metalepticon
French version: Meister, Jan Christoph: Le Metalepticon: une étude informatique de la métalepse. In: John Pier & Jean-Marie Schaeffer (eds.): Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 2005 (Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales 108), pp. 225–246.
What would a computational model of metalepsis look like – and what can it tell us about metalepsis in terms of its logical structure?
In this article I propose a logical explication of metalepsis which can, in fact, be implemented computationally in terms of a program called the metalepticon. However, my discussion of the metalepticon focuses not on technological aspects, but rather on metalepses’ semiological consequences for the communicative contract entered into by author, narrator and reader of fictional narratives, a contract which in turn presupposes the validity of an even more fundamental—though mostly implicit—agreement which one might call the representational contract. The underlying hypothesis is that this contract is negated by metalepsis, but can be ‘normalized’ (restituted) by certain subsequent operations. The methodological consequence, therefore, is that metalepsis should not – as the ontological approach implies – be conceptualised as an absolute phenomenon, but rather as a case of representation turned self–referential to the extreme. The logic of this process and its inherent tendency towards neglecting the concept of referentiality are demonstrated by way of the metalepticon.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory
Review of: Tom Kindt & Hans-Harald Müller (eds.): What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 1).
Jonas Grethlein: Narratologia, quo vadis? In: IASLonline [24.09.2004]. URL: http://www.iaslonline.de/index.php?vorgang_id=896
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller (eds.): What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003 (Narratologia 1).
What Is Narratology? sees itself as contributing to the intensive international discussion and controversy on the structure and function of narrative theory. The 14 papers in the volume advance proposals for determining the object of narratology, modelling its concepts and characterising its status within cultural studies.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
Wieviel Interpretation enthalten Beschreibungen? Überlegungen zu einer umstrittenen Unterscheidung am Beispiel der Narratologie
Kindt, Tom & Hans-Harald Müller: Wieviel Interpretation enthalten Beschreibungen? Überlegungen zu einer umstrittenen Unterscheidung am Beispiel der Narratologie. In: Fotis Jannidis, Gerhard Lauer, Matias Martinez & Simone Winko (eds.): Regeln der Bedeutung. (Revisionen). Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2003, pp. 296–304.
'Narrativität' und 'Ereignis': ein Definitionsversuch
['Narrativity' and 'event': an attempt at definition]
A constant factor in the discussion of 'narrativity' has been the search for a functional definition of narrativity as the constitutive feature of a narrative text, as a specific form of the symbolic representation of events. This study argues that narrativity is not something which is simply either present or absent, but rather a question of the gradual realisation of specific logical conditions which can be defined in terms of what might be called a 'matrix of events'. Everything that meets the conditions of the 'matrix of events' qualifies as a 'construct of events', but only those constructs of events (and consequently underlying texts) can truly be described as narrative in which the temporal order is not simply reduced to the sequentiality of symbolic signs.
'Think Big': Disziplinarität als wissenschaftstheoretische Benchmark der Computerphilologie
Meister, Jan Christoph: 'Think Big': Disziplinarität als wissenschaftstheoretische Benchmark der Computerphilologie. In: Georg Braungart et al. (eds.): Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 4 (2002), pp. 19–50. [Online: computerphilologie.uni-muenchen.de].
Bourdieu – Perutz – Goethe. Die Wissenschaftlerbiographie zwischen Dichtung und Wissenschaft: Leo Perutz' Erzählung "Der Tag ohne Abend"
Müller, Hans-Harald: Bourdieu – Perutz – Goethe. Die Wissenschaftlerbiographie zwischen Dichtung und Wissenschaft: Leo Perutz' Erzählung "Der Tag ohne Abend". In: Brigitte Forster & Hans-Harald Müller (eds.): Leo Perutz. Unruhige Träume – Abgründige Konstruktionen. Dimensionen des Werks, Stationen der Wirkung. Wien: Sonderzahl 2002, pp. 23–33.
Dostoevskijs Erzähltechnik in narratologischer Sicht
Schmid, Wolf: Dostoevskijs Erzähltechnik in narratologischer Sicht. In: Dostoevsky Studies. The Journal of the International Dostoevsky Society, New Series 6 (2002), pp. 63–72.
Tanja Lange, Jörg Schönert
Ein Plädoyer für das WWW: Möglichkeiten eines Internet-Portals (auf der Basis eines WCMS/Redaktionssystems) für die Geisteswissenschaften
[Pleading for the WWW: Aspects of an internet-portal (based on a Web Content Management System) for the humanities]
The system complex e-port/NarrPort developed for the FGN is to support and strengthen cooperative research activities by information technologies (IT), in order to use the possibilities of these modern technologies, in particular the WWW, in a prototypic effort for the humanities. Thus 'traditional' communication is not to be replaced but extended and intensified.
The system complex includes the internet portal NarrPort, based on a web content management system (WCMS), the groupware-system e-Port and modules for internal communication and the working processes of the FGN. The components and tools of e-Port/NarrPort had been developed for the specific needs in the humanities.
The project is described as a model for internet and intranet-supported communication and cooperative research in the humanities; the conception and the structure of e-Port/NarrPort are outlined also by means of diagrams. The authors give a report of the realization of the project, in order to make up a preliminary balance of the experiences in handling e-Port/NarrPort.
In: Kugler, Hartmut et al. (ed.): www.germanistik2001.de. Vorträge des Erlanger Germanistentags, Bielefeld 2002, pp. 769–782.
Parsing for the 'theme': a computer based approach
Meister, Jan Christoph: Parsing for the 'theme': a computer based approach. In: Max Louwerse & Will van Peer (eds.): Thematics: Interdisciplinary Studies. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2002, pp. 407–430.
Reading Poetry as Narrative: Towards a Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry
Hühn, Peter: Reading Poetry as Narrative: Towards a Narratological Analysis of Lyric Poetry. In: Christian Todenhagen & Wolfgang Thiele (eds.): Investigations into Narrative Structures. Frankfurt a.M./Berlin: Lang 2002, pp. 13–27.
Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller
The "Implied Author". Explication and Use of a Controversial Concept
The paper is an attempt to explicate Wayne C. Booth’s controversial concept of the “implied author”. We begin by briefly reconstructing the intellectual framework within which the concept was first shaped and defined. The second part of our paper looks at the response of literary critics to the concept, using selected examples of its academic reception. A classification of the reception types provides an indication of the purposes served by a concept such as the "implied author" and the contexts in which it is needed. Finally, we set out proposals for replacing the concept in two of these contexts: "description" and "interpretation".
Peter Hühn, Jörg Schönert
Zur narratologischen Analyse von Lyrik
Hühn, Peter & Jörg Schönert: Zur narratologischen Analyse von Lyrik. In: Poetica 34 (2002) no. 3/4, pp. 287–305.
Abstraktnyj avtor
Schmid, Wolf: Abstraktnyj avtor [The implied author]. In: I. Koubanov, J. Zelinsky, D. Henseler & A. Dobrinyn (eds.): Polonica. Rossica. Cyclica. Professoru Rolfu Figutu k 60-letiju. Moskau 2001, pp. 115–132.
Literarische Phantastik oder Interpretationsprobleme. Zur Erzählkonzeption von Leo Perutz – dargestellt an der Novelle "Nur ein Druck auf den Knopf"
Müller, Hans-Harald: Literarische Phantastik oder Interpretationsprobleme. Zur Erzählkonzeption von Leo Perutz – dargestellt an der Novelle "Nur ein Druck auf den Knopf". In: Thomas Eicher (ed.): Grenzüberschreitungen um 1900. Österreichische Literatur im Übergang. Unter Mitarbeit von Peter Sowa. Oberhausen: ATHENA 2001, pp. 177–192.
Narrativnye urovni 'sobytija', 'istorija', 'narracija' i 'prezentacija narracii'
[The narrative levels 'events', 'story', 'narration', 'presentation of the narration']
Schmid, Wolf: Narrativnye urovni 'sobytija', 'istorija', 'narracija' i 'prezentacija narracii' [The narrative levels 'events', 'story', 'narration', 'presentation of the narration'] . In: V.P. Grigor'ev & N.A. Fateeva (eds.): Tekst. Intertekst. Kul'tura. Sbornik dokladov mezdunarodnoj naucnoj konferencii (Moskva, 4-7 aprelja 2001 goda). Moskau 2001, pp. 25–40.
Narratologija Pushkina
Schmid, Wolf: Narratologija Pushkina [Pushkin's narratology]. In: D. Bethea, A. L. Ospovat, N.G. Ochotin & L. S. Fleishman (eds.): Pushkinskaja konferencija v Stenforde 1999. Materialy i issledovanija. Moskau 2001, pp. 300–317.
"Dialogizität" in der narrativen "Kommunikation"
["Dialogicity" in the Narrative "Communication"]
Schmid, Wolf: "Dialogizität" in der narrativen "Kommunikation". In: Ingunn Lunde (ed.): Dialogue and Rhetoric. Communication Strategies in Russian Text and Theory. Bergen 1999, pp. 9–23.
(German:) In welchen Grenzen ist es sinnvoll, die Kategorien „Dialog“ und „Dialogizität“ auf jene narratologischen Relationen anzuwenden, die gemeinhin als Formen von „Kommunikation“ modelliert werden? Eine Antwort auf diese Frage zu versuchen ist Ziel der vorliegenden Skizze. Als Beispielcorpus soll dafür das Werk Dostoevskijs dienen. Kaum ein Autor der Weltliteratur hat den Widerstreit von Bedeutungspositionen so eindringlich und beharrlich modelliert wie dieser zwischen zwei Extremen Schwankende, der so gerne eine unzweideutige Botschaft verkündet hätte. Natürlich ist hierbei auch auf Michail Bachtin einzugehen, der mit größter Wirksamkeit angeregt hat, Dostoevskij unter dem Aspekt der Dialogizität zu betrachten.