Narratological Bibliography
NarrBib (short for "Narratological Bibliography") is a joint project involving all other projects within the Narratology Research Group (FGN). The present version of NarrBib contains roughly 4800 titles which are fully searchable. The core of the databasis consists of several thousands of entries collected by the spokesman of the FGN, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolf Schmid.
With NarrBib, the FGN and the Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology aim to provide the scholarly community with an interactive, fully indexed, continuously growing specialist online bibliographic database which includes various export formats (BibTex, EndNote, XML, Citavi) and a connection with GoogleScholar.
The development of the bibliographical system NarrBib has been one of the FGN's projects. The first step was to offer each of the projects an identical template and data base structure for creating their project specific bibliographies.
WWW-NarrBib was implemented using a Filemaker database developed by Christine Putzo and Jan Christoph Meister. In 2010, NarrBib was converted into a MySQL database by Marco Petris, using the Biblio module for Drupal. In 2014, Drupal and the Biblio module have been upgraded to version 7.x. In 2017, NarrBib was converted into a public Zotero library.
Further development of NarrBib into a scientific and discipline specific bibliography with editorial administration is a potential medium-term project of the ICN.