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Each year since 1981, WCMC has offered placements to a group of students in a variety of programme areas. The placements have been so successful that several of the students have found career paths with us or with our partners.

  • This year we are planning to hold interviews during March with a view to the selected placements taking up post in August or September.
  • Once you have looked at the information below and decided that you would like to apply, check with your Placement Officer and send me a letter of application together with your CV to:

    Denise Rowllings,
    Head of Personnel, WCMC, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DL
    Tel: 01223 277314 Fax: 01223 277136

    Email: denise.rowllings@wcmc.org.uk

To arrive no later than: Friday 17 March 2000


Student Placement at WCMC

Since 1981 WCMC has been offering a one-year placement to students doing courses in environmental sciences. Each student works as part of a small team throughout the year, participating fully in the work of that unit. A supervisor is appointed for each student.

The advantages to the student of such a placement are:

  • Development of knowledge in particular subject areas
  • Experience of key issues on the international conservation agenda
  • Work experience (including office practices, teamwork, responsibility, quality control, meeting deadlines and so on)
  • New or improved computer skills
  • Products and experience that can reinforce future job applications
  • Preparation of papers and reports that may be circulated outside WCMC

WCMC benefits greatly from the contribution that the students make to the Centre’s activities, and their work is integrated fully into the WCMC programme. We do our best to provide the opportunity for students to carry out projects in which they are interested, and which will provide them with the practical skills and outputs that will support their future education and careers. Student projects have been published by the Centre, or incorporated in publications, and the results of many are distributed widely within the conservation sector.

A year’s experience in WCMC places students in a strong position to apply for vacancies in the Centre upon completion of their degrees, and at least six of the junior research staff appointed to work in the Centre over the last few years have been ex-students. Other former students have gone on to take professional posts in the conservation and development community, both in the UK and overseas, building upon the solid foundation provided by the Centre. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the Centre, and to talk with other students about the work they are doing, the office "environment", and life in Cambridge.

WCMC is a charity with very limited resources and can therefore only take students who are able to support themselves, although this is supplemented to cover holiday periods. WCMC is fortunate that in 1999/2000 the costs of employing a total of six students has been borne by sponsorship money from The Salters Company and from LASMO. This sponsorship money has then been given to the Student Support Services which is a trust fund that administers the money on behalf of students. The students have then each received a monthly tax-free donation from SSS.

Student Placement in 2000-2001

Student work in the following areas is anticipated in 2000-2001, although this list is not fixed and students with particular projects in mind are welcomed.


  • Developing the forest and poverty mapping interactive map server
  • Collecting forest cover data, with particular emphasis on plantations
  • Collecting and analysing information on forest condition
  • Reviewing articles on climate change and updating the forests in flux database
  • Improving the forest programme web-site
  • Carrying out any other work of importance to the forest programme


  • Mapping coral reefs, mangroves, sea grasses and other coastal habitats
  • Work on the trade in marine organisms
  • Data compilation, e.g. coral diseases
  • Handling information requests on marine issues.
  • Reviewing threats and protective measures applied to marine resources.

Protected Areas

  • Private and indigenous reserves
  • Tourism and protected areas – a review of information on protected area visitation
  • International networks of protected areas
  • World Heritage – preparation of site sheets for WH nomination

Information Services

Provision of conservation information services, particularly to the education and media sectors, working closely with WCMC’s Information and Marketing Coordinator. WCMC provides information services to promote conservation worldwide and promote the work of WCMC.

Plants and Wildlife Trade

A placement is offered for the academic year 2000/2001 to provide support to the Plants Programme and Wildlife Trade Programme at WCMC. This will suit a student who is interested in gaining experience in a variety of issues relating to plant conservation and sustainable use. The student should be competent in, or eager to learn Word and Excel and should be able to write clearly. The student will spend some time working with the Global Threatened Plants Database at WCMC, both entering data and running queries in response to requests for information on threatened plants from around the world. An interest in learning how to use a large complex database is therefore essential. The student will be expected to contribute to all the activities of the Plants Programme and the Wildlife Trade Programme, to liase with staff throughout WCMC and to host visitors to WCMC as needed. The exact workload will depend on the projects currently active throughout the students placement. At present, it is anticipated that students may be asked to work on the areas listed below:

  • Development of information on species protected by international legislation (CITES and EU Wildlife Regulations)
  • Development of conservation profiles for heavily traded species and economically important plant species


  • Freshwater biodiversity: comparing systems and taxa
  • Mapping threatened animals
  • Work on marine turtle nesting sites
  • Biodiversity indicators

Species and Biodiversity

  • Compilation of inventories of species in protected areas
  • Development of indicators of conservation status, and the pressures on biodiversity
  • Compilation of conservation bibliographies in key areas
  • The impact of trade bans on species listed under the Convention on International Trade In Endangered Species
  • Using species and ecosystem data to develop policy-relevant indicators of environmental change.

Student Placement 1999-2000

A list of students who have been placed at the Centre over the last few years and the projects they have carried out follows. Salters’ students are marked with an asterisk(*) and Lasmo’s student with a +.


Mark Atterton+ Coventry

Assisting the Information Officer in the provision of conservation information services, acting as the first point of contact for such enquiries.

Rachel Bishop+ Aberystwyth

Assisting the Plant programme, working on the assessment of trade in succulent plants among other projects.

Charles Green+


Assisting the Forest programme, working on the Forests Stewardship Council database, standardising reporting on biodiversity, WWF European Gap Analysis among others.
Chantal Hagen* Manchester

Assisting in the Marine and Coastal programme. The projects included

Mapping the reefs of the Red Sea, setting up a database on seagrass distribution, working on an internet site providing data on the distribution of turtles in the Indian Ocean.

Amanda Smith+


Assisting the Protected Areas programme, working on projects for WCPA and UNESCO, including a project on Endemic Bird areas and World Heritage Sites.

Geoff Waite* Kingston Assisting the GIS team, working on projects such as the impact of Trans-European road networks on nature conservation.

Mark Chapman

De Montefort


Assisting the Information Officer in the provision of conservation information services, acting as the first point of contact for such enquiries.

Kevin Holohan*

South West


Carrying out a feasibility study and analysis of the protection status of European forests and the gaps in protected area coverage. Researching and evaluating the conservation status of trees.

Joanna Hugues*

East London

Supporting the marine programme in ongoing projects, digitising maps, and updating the marine information in the BML.

Janina Jakubowska



Reviewing literature and contacting expert sources to gather and collate freshwater fish diversity in the world’s major catchment asins

Oliver Jarrett

South West


Compiling information on protected areas for distribution on the WEB Updating information on transfrontiers of protected areas and environmental disasters

Gemma Smith+


Assisting with the project on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Trees, reviewing and entering data on palms and endemic Malaysian trees. Working on the Global Forest Information Service and other Forest data on the Website.


Rachel Cook

East London

Mapping critically endangered mammals and orangutans

Kerry Curran


Assisting the Information Officer, compiling information in response to requests from the public and scientific community

Victoria Fletcher


Managing data for the Indo-Malaya region and compiling protected area data sheets for the Philippines

Sally Graham


Managing data for the UN List of Protected Areas and researching into lists of coastal species of the Mediterranean researching into lists of coastal species of the*

Susannah Hirsh*


Mapping of coral reefs for ReefBase

Tim Quinton


Compiling statistics on forest cover; digitising logging Concession maps; finding co-ordinates for cloud forest maps

Simon Reeve*


Compiling data on Chinese medicinal plants



Stephen Grady


Mapping wetlands of international importance (Ramsar Sites)

Alastair Greenfell*

West of


Coral reef mapping for ReefBase with ICLARM. GlobalCoral reef and mangrove poster map

Andrea Leppard


Full time assistant to the Information Officer

Angela Barden*

East London

Compilation of 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals

Carol Boyes


Study on the impact of wildlife trade bans

Donna Smith


Compilation of IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants

Justin Ellis


Assisting on forest cover, indicators and cloud forests

Ronan Smith



Study on private initiatives in protected areas. Mapping of World Heritage Sites


Katie Fuller


Review of information on protected areas of the Arctic, a Contribution to the programme on the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna

Neil Jenking*

De Montfort

Compiling information on legally protected and threatened Plants of Europe

David Kirk


Compiling information on globally threatened plants

Ian Phillips

Cardiff (Wales)

Major update and expansion of marine component of WCMC’s Protected Areas Database

Jessica Pullen

De Montfort

Mapping of marine turtle distributions

Carolyn Slicer


Full time assistant to the Information Officer

Ivor Wheeldon*


Mapping coral reefs, focus on Indian Ocean Islands



Caroline Brown


Work on investment in conservation in developing Countries

Andrea Cole


Freshwater fishes: a database of lake endemics

Berry D’Arcy


Full time assistant to the Information Officer

Susan Hawley

Cardiff (Wales)

Review of marine protected areas in the Caribbean

Annabel Lee

Cardiff (Wales)

Coastal sensitivity mapping

Daniella Pitts


Mapping of marine turtle distributions

Tony Rodgers


Compilation of information for a "Biosphere Encyclopedia"

Johanna Sidey


Major input to a review of threatened plant species in Euorpe and to a report on threatened plant species of the world



Laura Battlebury

De Montfort

Compiling information on protected areas, Middle East

Neil Cox


Freshwater fishes: a GIS database of lake endemics

Vanessa Heywood

De Montfort

Manufactured wildlife products in international trade

Mark Lewis


Review of national parks and reserves on international Borders

Lucy Smith


Mapping of marine turtle distributions

Maria Toal

De Montfort

Plant conservation priorities in Eastern Europe



Robert Cubey

De Montfort

Status reports on threatened animals

Trudie Dockerty


Review of trade in shark fins; study on CITES in EU

Susan Frade


Compiling information on protected areas, Malaysia

Karen Headley


Review of trade in CITES Appendix I animals; assistance In review of proposals for 8th CITES Conference of Parties

John Howland


Review of endemic reptiles; contribution to GlobalBiodiversity

James Lucas


Status reports for threatened plants

Caitlin Williams


Compiling information on protected areas, Middle East



Peter Atkinson


Review of South East Asian tropical timber trade (for ITTO and CITES); maintenance of WCMC’s plant Conservation activities

Paul Fisher

De Montfort

Compiling first global list of protected mangroves

Peter Gorbutt


Review of information on protected areas in China

Amanda Haywood


Review of international trade in sponges; assistance to Development of a directory of crocodile farming operations, and of CITES implementation in EU

Allan MacKenzie


Preparation of status reports for the 50 most endangered animals in the World

Andrew McCarthy


Compiling information on protected areas, Indonesia



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Document URL: http://www.wcmc.org.uk /latenews/jobs/student2000.htm
Revision date:
04 January 2000 | Current date: 21 January 2000