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WCMC's own environment




WCMC is a Cycle Friendly Employer. Despite its location 2 miles out of Cambridge, over half of the staff commute to work by bicycle, public transport or foot. In its commitment to sustainable use of natural resources, WCMC aims to cut the number of staff car journeys by 20% by the year 2002. Over twenty activities are under way or planned over the next two years, with the aim of nurturing a transport conscientious culture and improving facilities and information. WCMC was awarded a certificate by the Minister for Transport at the 'Moving Business 99' seminar in May 1999 in recognition of its company plan for transport.

Present facilities include ‘sheffield’ stands in priority positions at the front and back of the building, shower room, four 'company' bicycles and tool kit. Amongst planned improvements are:

  • New display board of cycle paths, public transport information and commuting routes,
  • Establishment of a regional network of car-sharers amongst nearby employers,
  • New and improved 'company' bicycles,
  • Additional sheltered bicycle stands,
  • Forum for staff comments and opinion on transport related issues,
  • Support for staff working occasionally at home,
  • Establishment of a Green Transport Club.

WCMC works with other organisations and companies in the area that are concerned with reducing traffic congestion and pollution. It participates in Cambridge's Travel for Work and Cycle Friendly Employers Schemes, which are supported by the City and County Councils, Cambridge Health Authority, Cambridge University, Addenbroke's NHS Trust, Cambridge Cycling Campaign and the Ashden Trust.



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Document URL: http://www.wcmc.org.uk /reception/own_environ.htm
Revision date:
14 December 1999 | Current date: 21 January 2000