Ingrid Schneider
- „Reproduktives Klonen und Forschungsklonen in einer globalisierten Welt“, Vortrag im Seminar „Ethik in der Medizin“, UKE, Hamburg, 9.12.2004
- „Patentrecht: Technikfreisetzendes oder regulatives Recht? Die Kontroverse um die EU-Biopatent-Richtlinie“. Vortrag und Paper bei „Technik in einer fragilen Welt. Die Rolle der Technikfolgenabschätzung“. Erste Konferenz des “Netzwerkes TA“, Berlin, 24.-26.11.2004
- “Controversies involving the EU Biotechnology Directive and its national implementation: Contested concepts and boundaries in intellectual property rights”, paper presentation, 4S / EASST Conference, Public Proofs. Science, Technology, and Democracy. Vortrag in Panel S1: Property and Ownership in the Life Sciences, Paris, 25.-28.8.2004
- “Feminism and ReproGenetics: Experiences and Lessons from Germany”, invited lecture, Conference “Gender and Justice in the Gene Age”, Ford Foundation, Hampshire College, Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment; Center for Genetics and Society. New York, USA, 5.-6. Mai 2004
- “Benefit sharing and the charitable trust as governance models: reflections from the German context”, invited paper presentation, CESAGen (ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics) and PropEur (Property Regulation in European Science, Ethics and Law, EU-FRP-VI) Workshop “Models of Regulation in Intellectual Property Rights”, University of Cardiff, UK, 8.-9. Juli 2004