Innovation- and technological impact assessment can provide support to society at large as well as to the healthcare system in the selection of the implementation and diffusion of biomedical technology. This requires effective concepts, which must be developed further on a continuous basis. Biomedical-Technology Assessment (BMTA) was developed based on already existing approaches to technological evaluation and Health Technology Assessments (HTA). It bears the complexity and multi-dimensional nature of biomedical technology and considers its consequences while integrating them into a evaluation scheme.
Areas of Study
The study of dynamics of development and the implications of modern biomedical technology takes centre-stage at FG Medicine.
The projects currently being implemented can be categorized into the following research focuses:
- The potentials as well as the ramifications of biomedical and technological development in the neurosciences including not only the analysis of new cell biological medication treatments and neuroprosthetic technology, but also the study and examination of questions connected with maintaining as well as enhancing cognitive and sensory functions along with the classification of illnesses and handicaps.
- Questions resulting from the analysis of human genetic material as well as from the further development of genetic diagnostic and molecular medicine addressing amongst others, the changing (conceptual) understanding of sickness and health, new technology as well as organizational forms between research and industry (DNA-CHIP –Technology, Population Genetics, Biobanken, etc.) along with patient interests and rights of privacy.
- Analysis of the preconditions and implications of biomedical procedures for cell and organ replacement within a reproductive medical context addressing questions of ethics, law, social and political sciences concerning the research of the human bodily material, its legal patent protection, processes of commercialization as well national and supranational governance from the political playing field perspective of democracy