Work packages
WP 1 investigates epistemic concepts and epistemic practices that are interrogated in the interface between laboratory research and clinical practice. The analysis relies on written evidence and contrasting it with data taken from expert interviews. It addresses a variety of questions which revolve around aspects of integration of findings from different levels into networks, structures and functions. At the core are relations of data, hypotheses and models to structures, processes and dynamics of the human body, and finally of men, by questioning the functions of mathematic models ascribed in clinical practice.
WP 2 examines the utilization of systems biological knowledge for prediction, diagnosis and treatment in clinical application. The processes of translating research into practice are crucial to ensuring that new investigations actually result in new treatments reaching the patients. However, no clear model of translation is developed and broadly used yet. Translation includes a range of intermediate steps such as identification of biomarkers, target and pathway validation, testing in animal and preclinical development. By translating omics-research into the clinics, we assume that the principles of standardisation, stratification/individualisation and socialization (embedding) are primary preconditions to be used to apply heterogeneous data from different biological sources and levels to clinical treatment.