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Tropical Montant Cloud Forest Initiative Workshop Report


Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Initiative
"Empowering communities, conservationists and researchers to ensure cloud forest conservation"

UNESCO International Hydrological Programme
UNESCO International Hydrological Programme

The TMCF Initiative was formed in 1999 to increase recognition and resources for cloud forest conservation around the world, emphasising their role in providing fresh water.

The Initiative founding partner organisations are IUCN, WWF, WCMC and the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme.

Its objectives are:

  • build and strengthen networks of TMCF conservation and research organisations in Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and globally;

  • produce information products for awareness raising for TMCF conservation - their status, value, threats to them, and conservation lessons learnt;

  • produce strategies for TMCF conservation within national and international development and environment plans.

The Initiative builds on the preliminary database and directory of TMCF sites compiled by WCMC and the conclusions of the International TMCF Planning and Advisory Workshop.

The TMCF Intitiative is seeking partners and funding to organise regional TMCF conservation planning workshops and to build an on-line TMCF sites and projects database.

Please contact Philip Bubb or use the feedback link below.

Timeline showing the development of international awareness and activities for Tropical Montane Clouds Forests:

Philip Bubb
Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Initiative
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
219 Huntingdon Road
CB3 0DL United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 277314
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 277136


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Document URL: /forest/cloudforest/english/homepage.htm
Revision date:
09 December 1999 | Current date: 21 January 2000