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Workshop Series A, B, C, & D
July 16 - 29, 2000
Leadership Initiatives

Leading Change: What You Can Count On
Debriefing and Processing
References and Sources
Can Do Leadership Initiative Activity
Change Initiative Activity
Systems Initiative Activity
Zin Obelisk Activity

References and Sources


Rohnke, Karl. Silver Bullets: A Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games and Trust Activities. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 1984.

Rohnke, Karl. Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 1989.

Rohnke, Karl and Butler, Steve. Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initiative Problems, Trust Activities and a Guide to Effective Leadership. 1995.

Web site for Project Adventure, Inc.

Knapp, Clifford E. "Designing Processing Questions to Meet Specific Objectives."
To view this work contact Dr. Clifford E. Knapp, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the Lorado Taft Field Campus---Northern Illinios University.


Kevin Shaffstall of TeamArts, Inc. has equipment for each of the activites we presented, plus many more, pre-assembled and for sale. Contact him at:

Custom designed experiences:

Kevin Shaffstall of TeamArts, Inc. custom designs experiences/initiatives and equipment to help you accomplish a particular learning objective. Contact him at:

(For those of you who participated in the Adventure Woods experience at the National Assembly in Kansas City, you should know that Mr. Shaffstall designed the Adventure Woods course and created the various initiatives in which we participated.)


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This page was last updated on 08/28/2000

© 1997-2000 Project Kaleidoscope
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Suite 803
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-232-1300 - Fax: 202-331-1283