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Workshop Series A, B, C, & D
July 16 - 29, 2000
Leadership Initiatives

Leading Change: What You Can Count On
Debriefing and Processing
References and Sources
Can Do Leadership Initiative Activity
Change Initiative Activity
Systems Initiative Activity
Zin Obelisk Activity

Leading Change: What you can count on.

The world hates change; yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.
- Charles Franklin Kettering
  • People will feel self-conscious, uncomfortable, and ill at ease.
  • People will be concerned about what they have to give up.
  • Feelings of loneliness are common even though many other people are going through similar changes.
  • People will be reluctant to change when they don't see the relevancy in changing.
  • People can only deal with so much change.
  • People are at different points of readiness for change.
  • People will be concerned that they don't have enough resources.
  • People return to old behaviors as soon as the pressure is taken off.
  • People change at different paces.


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This page was last updated on 08/28/2000

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