Three-dimensional Reconstruction of the Drosophila Larval and Adult Brain - Handling of the VRML models and movies

VRML Viewers (plug-ins for Netscape or Internet Explorer) are freeware and available for PC, Macintosh and UNIX platforms:
  • Cosmo Player, Cosmo Software, SGI
            (PC, Mac, SGI)
  • WorldView, Intervista
            (PC, Mac)
  • VRwave, Hyperwave
            (SGI, Sun, DecAlpha, HPUX, Linux/ELF)
  • Once you have installed one of the suggested plug-ins, you may investigate the model. The reconstructed VRML models consist of 18 surfaces (larva) and 31 surfaces (adult). Furthermore, 60 images (converted original confocal images comprising z-layer as well as x- and y-layers) can be moved through the 3D volume. Additionally, all surface objects can be removed. By clicking onto the surfaces a little ball appears instead of the surface. By clicking on these little balls the surface reappears. Movies can be viewed with a Quicktime Movieplayer standalone oder plug-in application.

  • Larval Brain Model
  • Adult Brain Model

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