Now accepting Fellowship Applications

The Open Repositories Steering Committee is now accepting applications for fellowships to attend OR2019 in Hamburg, Germany.

The purpose of the fellowship programme is to allow a limited number of qualified librarians, repository managers, developers, or researchers in digital libraries or related fields to participate in the conference.

The fellowship covers travel, accommodation, and full conference registration, including the poster reception and conference banquet.

Applicants will be asked to address the following:

  1. Financial need
  2. How participating in Open Repositories will support your professional and/or educational goals; and
  3. Willingness to participate in the conference as evidenced by note-taking/live-blogging and/or a presentation or poster submission.

Application deadline:  19 January 2019

Notifications:  early February 2019

Apply now:

Conference Information

4 Replies to “Now accepting Fellowship Applications”

  1. Hello I have looked into the questions that I need to answer. Is there a character limit for each question? Thanks

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