Posted on July 2, 2012 by Mareike in Hamburg
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is announced like this: »pneumatic tube for you!« Sounding archaic, it comes via e-mail – and fits an event that will beam you back to the swinging 20s and 30s. Four times a year Hamburg‘s Gentlemen put on penguin suits and silk hats. Ladys go out in charleston dresses, wearing feathers in their hair. At the underground station »Feldstraße« one meets the most colourful partypeople.

Not more than 100m away a huge grey building seems to swallow them up. It is the »Feldstraßen Bunker«, a relic from the second world war and probably the ugliest house in town. Nevertheless it hosts one of the most popular clubs of Hamburg‘s party culture. Taking the elevator one reaches a heavy iron door. Passing through is like switching to another world. Leaving the grey city behind, one may dance the swing, gamble or take a good glass of absinthe.

We are a little sad to announce that this bohemian party will not take place during the time of the DH2012. But if you are interested in culture situated aside the mainstream, you will find it in the »Uebel und Gefährlich« – the name of the club may be translated to »evil and dangerous« (but no need to worry, as it is neither :) ). From modern classical to Pop and Rock concerts, from literary readings to Poetry Slams, one will find well-known artists as well as undiscovered newcomers. So if you ever come back to Hamburg and, by chance, meet some strangely dressed people in the »U3« underground, just follow them, because they will lead you to Hamburg‘s retro-party of the year…