Peter v. Sengbusch,
Professor of Biology

Education: Gymnasium Heide, University of Tuebingen, University of Munich - PhD.1965 (Tuebingen),

Postdoctoral Period (1965-1973): Max-Planck-Institut fuer Biologie at Tuebingen, Medical Research Council, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge/England, Biophysics Department, University of Wisconsin, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies at La Jolla, Max-Planck Institut fuer Medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg

Professional Appointments: Professor of Biology at the University of Bielefeld (since 1973) - Permanent Visiting Scientist at the Institute for General Botany, University of Hamburg.

Research Interests: Virology, Protein Structure, Immunology, Plant Cell Surfaces, Field Studies in Africa and Tropical South America and South Eastern Asia.

Other Activities *** online: additional informations *** most files in German: :   Development of Curricula in Biology (Universities of Heidelberg and Bielefeld), In 1970, (together with H. Bujard) working to establish Heidelberg as a home for EMBL - (Proposal in German) *** Textbookauthor: Introduction to General Biology (in German), Cell- and Molecular Biology (in German and Russian), Botany (in German) *** Since 1995 Author and Coordinator of Internet Projects: Botanik online - Botany online - The Internet Hypertextbook, Teaching goes Internet, Non-commercial CDs "Botanik" "Biologie 98", "Biologie 99", "Biologie 2000" *** List of Publications - Teaching activities - Report of Present Activities - Curriculum Vitae (in detail: - in German)

Peter v. Sengbusch
Hamburg, May 2000