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Ellis Bell

The Glass-Hamrun-Langsjoen Professor of Biochemistry
Gustavus Adolphus College


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Biographical Sketch:

Ellis Bell received B.A [1971], M.A., and D.Phil.[1974] degrees from Oxford University and was a postdoctoral fellow at Duke University working with Robert L Hill before joining the faculty at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in 1978. In 1988 he returned to Oxford University to join the faculty in Biological Sciences and as tutor in Biochemistry at St Peter's College. Since 1991 he has been the Glass-Hamrum-Langsjoen Professor of Biochemistry at Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota. He is currently Director-Elect of the Minnesota Senior Academy of Sciences and a member of the Education Taskforce for the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Since 1991 his research has involved only Undergraduate and High School students and currently focuses on four areas: The Mechanism and Role of Subunit Interactions in Oligomeric Enzymes, The Structure and Folding of the Thiol Protease Inhibitor Cystatin, Structure-Function Relationships of the UL97 Protein Kinase from Cytomegalovirus and Roles of Surfaces in Chondrocyte Development and Function. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 research publications, 85 research abstracts of presentations at national or international meetings and three books.


Biochemistry Presenters
10th Anniversary Presenters


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Last Modified: 9/1/99
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