Return to PKAL 2000 Summer Institute Home Page
About the PKAL 2000 Summer Institute
Registration Procedures
Institute Leaders
Logistics Information
For Your Family
General Resources

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Registration Procedures

Download the Registration Form, print, and fill out the form. After this form is completed, fax it to 202-331-1283 or mail it to:

Project Kaleidoscope
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Suite 803
Washington, DC 20036

Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view this form. Get Acrobat Reader for free.

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Or, contact PKAL for a hard copy.

How to Register

By Mail: Send the completed Registration Form (photocopies are acceptable) and payment by check or credit card (Visa or MasterCard) to: PKAL Summer Institute, Project Kaleidoscope, 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Suite 803, Washington, DC 20036. Please submit registration forms for all team members in the same envelope.

By Fax: Submit the completed Registration Form and payment by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) at 202-331-1283. Please submit registration forms for all team members in the same fax.

Each workshop is $300; each day of the FIPSE Dissemination Institute is $100 or $600 for the full week. Registration fee includes materials and two meals. Participants or their institutions pay the cost of travel, lodging, and other meals. If payment is not included, participant will be invoiced for the registration fee. Payment will not be accepted at the Institute site.

CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellations must be made in writing. Those received by June 15, 2000 will be refunded in full; those received between June 15 and July 10, 2000, will be refunded at 90% of the registration fee. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after July 10, 2000, or for no-shows. Registrations are transferable within an institution. PKAL must be notified of such transfers in writing by July 10, 2000. Participants are responsible for making the necessary cancellations concerning hotel and travel arrangements.

Families and Friends Are Welcome!
Project Kaleidoscope invites participants to include their families and friends in their plans to attend the PKAL 2000 Summer Institute. PKAL has made arrangements to ensure a family-friendly schedule. All afternoons are scheduled as optional activities, allowing time to be spent with family and friends in such activities as: PKAL-sponsored field trips, tennis, horseback riding, golf, wagon rides, mountain biking, gondola rides, fishing, nature hikes and much more!

Please note that there will be a minimum age limit for children for the PKAL-sponsored field trips and other activities. Child care is available by arrangement with the Keystone Resort and Conference Center.

For more information on getting to the Keystone Resort and Conference Center, click here to visit the Logistics page.

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Workshop Series A
July 16 - 19, 2000
Psychology I
Science for All Students I
Building K-16 Connections
Earth and Planetary Sciences

Workshop Series B
July 19 - 22, 2000
Psychology II
Science for All Students II
Just-in-Time Teaching
Planning Facilities for Undergraduate Natural Science Communities

Workshop Series C
July 23 - 26, 2000
Biochemistry - Biology or Chemistry
The Future of Plant Biology

Workshop Series D
July 26 - 29, 2000 in the Reform of SME&T - The Liberal Arts Context in the Reform of SME&T - The Comprehensive University Context in the Reform of SME&T - The Research University Context

FIPSE Dissemination Institute
July 23 - 29, 2000


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About PKAL 2000 Summer Institute
Registration Procedures
Summer Institute Leaders | Logistics
For Your Family | Resources


This page was last updated on 04/11/2000

© 1997-2000 Project Kaleidoscope
1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Suite 803, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-232-1300 - Fax: 202-331-1283 - Email:

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