Leaves Basic Terminology-Dicots

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SimpLeafAbaxPinVein240lab.jpg (112858 bytes)
Simple Leaf with Pinnate Venation

OlonaLvs.jpg (29707 bytes)
Leaves of Olona - These are Simple Pinnate leaves.

Sumac360.jpg (21052 bytes)
Sumac in autumn - one side of a Pinnately Compound Leaf

SassafrasYngLvs300.jpg (20609 bytes)
Sassafras leaves that are Simple &  Palmate

SnowFlakeLeaf300.jpg (20597 bytes)
Immature Leaf from the "Snowflake Plant"
Simple Palmate

PinPalmSideSide.jpg (30542 bytes)
A fern with Pinnately Compound Leaves &
Big Leaf Maple with Simple Palmate Leaves

PalmLvsUmbrellaPlant400.jpg (24819 bytes)
Palmately Compound Leaves from the "Umbrella Tree"

ReticVen300.jpg (41461 bytes)
Adaxial surface of a leaf with Reticulate Venation

ParadermVein400.jpg (51876 bytes)
Paradermal section through a leaf with Reticulate Venation

LeafSkeleton400.jpg (38675 bytes)
Skeleton of a leaf with Reticulate Venation

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