BOT 311
Spring - 2001 Syllabus Link to -> Course Schedule The goal of this class is to relate the major structural features
of plants and algae to their functional significance. This will include microscopic and
macroscopic features. The course is designed to complement Inside Tropical Ecosystems (Bot
351) & to provide an alternative to Plant Anatomy (BOT 410). These is some overlap
with BOT 201. Instructor: David
Webb (St. John 412) 956-8028 Textbook: I
have not found an adequate commercial textbook for this class. My Website is an online Textbook for
this class. I will distribute CDs of Botany Online - Hypertext Library.
Home Page:
I use this during class to present my lectures.
Click on an underlined Topic & you will be transported to the
Weblecture for that topic.
I also supply detailed handouts for some parts of the class.
This will serve as a Textbook supplement for many topics.
Gear your reading & studying to the level of detail presented in class
and in my online Textbook
To access the Contents of the CD ->
Place the CD in a CDROM drive in a PC.
Double Click on the Drive Letter ot Icon.
Double Click on the FOLDER b_online.
Double Click on Folder e00
Double Click on default.htm -
This should open the Home Page.
Double Click on Botany Online Contents (Top of List on the left)
This takes you top the Contents Page
Scroll down the
page to find Chapters/Topics
listed in the Lecture Schedule.
Click on INDEX in the list of
Topics in the center of the page. This will take you to an alphabetical table. Click the
letter that corresponds to the topic of interest like C for Chloroplast. Scroll to the
topic of interest and click on it! Explore!!!!!!
I have located critical Websites which will act as secondary. Textbooks for this class (See Below)
Important Web Sites
***BOTANY Online - Hypertext Library***
This is an excellent Reference for many topics. It has an Alphabetical
Index which can be used to locate specific topics. It also has Chapter-like sections.
Hawaiian Reef Algae
Your First Stop on the Algae Superhighway
This site has Links to other Important sites.
Link to Website for Botanical Images
Click the Button to Access A List of Internet Sites
Grading: There will be three Lecture Exams (100 pts. each) and a Comprehensive Exam (100 pts.)
The Final Exam will have two parts. Part 1 is
Lecture Exam III.
Part 2 is the Comprehensive Exam.
The total number of points from the Exams = 400.
I will give you example exam questions well in advance of each exam. These should help you prepare for the tests.
Project: Each Student will prepare a 15 minute
"PowerPoint" presentation that will be given during the latter part of the
This will be worth 200 pts.
The topic must be related to this Class in a reasonable manner.
The topic must be approved by the Instructor.
The paper must be completed so that it can be displayed on the Internet.
I will provide instructions on how to do this.
You are encouraged to do your projects on Algae or seedless-plants.
Computres - PowerPoint - Internet: If you have little or no experience with Computers and the Internet, I
will help you get started.
The Dept. of Botany has computers in St. John 402, 500 & 603. I will show these to
I will make a survey at the beginning of the class to see if any students need my personal
attention. Do not be afraid to say that you need help at the outset!
PowerPoint is very easy to use. Any version will suffice.
You can use another Presentation Graphics program. However, I
may not be able to help you if you get stuck in Program XYZ.
Computer Tutorials: I have prepared a number of step by step Tutorials that show the necessary steps for completing activities that you can use to make your term paper. These can be located at my Home Page
Oral presentations using Presentation Graphics: One of these Tutorials (Hitch-hikers Guide to Giving a Good Seminar) concerns the strategy that I use to develop an oral presentation like the one I expect you to prepare.
This can be accessed from BOT 610 Seminar, Fall 2000 (under Courses)
I also have a Demonstration Seminar that you can use as a model. Your seminar should be approximately 1/3 to 1/4 the length of mine.
If you do not have Internet access, I can place my tutorials on a CD but you must give me a blank CD to use.I made these Tutorials because I can't take the time to show each student how to accomplish every step in the process of creating an electronic document. These Tutorials represent a major effort on my part to help you. I expect that you will try to work through my Tutorials BEFORE you seek my assistance.
When you graduate, you will be faced with situations that require you to follow a set of instructions to set up equipment or prepare reports. Sometimes your assignments will come without any instructions. You need to learn how to tackle problems in order to be successful. The training that you get working on your project will give you the confidence you need to succeed.
The Internet is becoming a major conduit for all manner of communications. Consequently, your education will be enhanced if you learn how to develop Internet skills.
I will lend you ZIP disks for your projects. If you do not have a ZIP drive we will go to plan B. I can make CDs for you as well!
Total Number of Points = 600
(exams = 400 + paper = 200)
[100 - 90% = A; 89 - 80 = B; 79 - 70 = C; 69 - 60 = D; 59 - 0 = F]
Link to Website for Botanical Images
This web site is a cornucopia for Websites that have Botanical Images that you can download. However, these may NOT list sites devoted to Algae.Algae Web Sites
The Ohio University Algae Home Page
Coralline Algae
Derek W. Keats Home Page Rasser
Illustrated Lecture on Marine Algae by Dr. Martin A. Connaughten
Slide Lecture on MariNe Algae (Good Overview)
Univ. of California, Berkley Museum Perform Searches on Various Groups of Plants, Including Algae
General Botanical Web Sites
****Garden Web Glossary of Botanical Terms****
This site allows you to enter a term
and it will provide a definition.
Internet Directory for Botany
This site allows you to make Searches for topics Alphabetically OR by
broad Topics.
Land Plants On-Line
Photos, Life Cycles, References
Yahoo Botany
A Specific Search Site for Botanical Topics