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Embryo Development-2

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The first division of the Zygote establishes the basic polarity of the Embryo. There are two  patterns of embryo development present in the vast majority of Vascular Plants. We will see that the "True Ferns" (Pterophyta) have their own peculiar pattern of embryogenesis.

The two basic patterns of embryo development are called

Exo implies "out of" & Endo implies "into".

Scopic refers to the Gametophyte.

The Shoot Apical Meristem of an Exoscopic Embryo grows "out of" the Gametophyte during its initial phase of growth and continues along this trajectory. This is typical for the Hepatophyta, Bryophyta, Psilophyta & Sphenophyta.

The Shoot Apical Meristem of an  Endoscopic Embryo grows into the Gametophyte initially. The apex changes its direction of growth, and  ultimately grows out of the Gametophyte. However, this only occurs after a significant amount of Embryonic Shoot Development has occurred. This is typical for the Lycophyta, Cycadophyta, Coniferophyta &  Magnoliophyta.

You should recall that the Zygote divides transversely to produce and Epibasal & Hypobasal cell.

The Epibasal Cell is the cell closest to the Archegonial Neck & is more external.

The Hypobasal Cell is consequently, the more internal of the two.

One of these cells will form the Shoot Apex which is established early in Embryogeny. The Root Apex arises later.

If the Epibasal Cell forms the Shoot Apex, the Embryo is Exoscopic.

If the Hypobasal Cell forms the Shoot Apex, the Embryo is Endoscopic.

The Embryos of the Hepatophyta, Bryophyta, Sphenophyta & Lycophyta have absorptive structures called the Foot.

The Foot does not contribute directly to the axial components (Shoot & Root) of the Embryo. Consequently, it is not considered to be part of the "Embryo Proper".

I have drawn the foot as a discernable structure, and it is distinct in the Hepatophyta and Bryophyta. However, it may be less discrete in other Divisions.

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The first Division of the Zygote produces an Epibasal & Hypobasal Cell.

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The Green Cell will form the Shoot Apical Meristem if development is Exoscopic.

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Derivatives of the Epibasal Cell have produced the Embryo Proper. Derivatives of the Hypobasal Cell have formed the Foot.

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Early Embryo development is confined to the Archegonium & the immediate Gametophytic tissue.

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The embryonic Sporophyte breaks out of the Archegonium at some point.

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The Embryo Proper of Hepatophytes & Bryophytes produces the Seta & Capsule.

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They also have a prominent Foot.


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