Botany online 1996 - 2004. No further update, only historical document of botanical science!

 Botany online - Contents

About the project

How to participate

Technical notes



Who we are

Further Links

To all users

The pages are adjusted to a standard 15" or 17"monitors with a 800 x 600 or 1000 x 728 resolution . You should take care that a monospace font has been installed on your browser since the reading of some tabels may otherwise be very hard.

You will often have to use the back-button of your browser to navigate, since several hyperlinks have often been addressed to the same file so that no back-link was installed.

If you want to copy pictures for your own use you will have to click on them with the right button of your mouse. Should you find the transfer speed of the internet version to be insufficient than how about ordering the German version on CD ?


Peter v. Sengbusch