Index of Scientific Names
Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. | 23.Ex.4 |
Acaena anserinifolia (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Druce | H.10 .Ex.3 |
-- xanserovina Orchard | H.10 .Ex.3 |
-- ovina A. Cunn. | H.10 .Ex.3 |
Acanthococcus Hook. f. & Harv. | 53.Ex.12 |
Acanthococos Barb. Rodr. | 53.Ex.12 |
Acanthoeca W. N. Ellis | 53.Ex.7 |
Acanthoica Lohmann | 53.Ex.7 |
Acer pseudoplatanus L., not "pseudo-platanus" | 60.Ex.13 |
Aceras R. Br. | 62.Ex.5 |
"Acosmus Desv." (Desfontaines, 1829) | 34.Ex.4 |
Adenanthera bicolor Moon | 7.Ex.4 |
Adiantum capillus-veneris | 23.Ex.1 |
Adonis L. | 62.Ex.1 |
Aecidium Pers. : Pers. | 59.Ex.2 |
Aesculus L. | 11.Ex.5 |
Aextoxicaceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Aextoxicon, Aextoxicou | 18.Ex.1 |
Agaricus | 32.Ex.8 |
-- "tribus" Hypholoma Fr. : Fr. | 32.Ex.8 |
-- "tribus" Pholiota Fr. : Fr. | 33.Ex.13 |
-- atricapillus Batsch | 15.Ex.3 |
-- cervinus Hoffm. : Fr., non Schaeff. | 15.Ex.3 |
-- cinereus Schaeff. | 23.Ex.9 |
-- equestris L. | 15.Ex.4 |
-- ericetorum Fr. | 15.Ex.1 |
-- flavorineus Pers. | 15.Ex.4 |
-- "octogesimus nonus" (Schaeffer, 1763) | 23.Ex.9 |
-- umbelliferus L. | 15.Ex.1 |
Agathopyllum Juss. | 55.Ex.1 |
-- neesianum Blume | 55.Ex.1 |
Agati Adans. | 62.Ex.7 |
xAgroelymus A. Camus | 11.Ex.28, H.8.Ex.1 |
xAgrohordeum A. Camus | H.8 .Ex.1, H.9.Ex.1 |
xAgropogon P. Fourn. | H.3 .Ex.1, H.6.Ex.1 |
-- littoralis (Sm.) C. E. Hubb. | H.3 .Ex.1 |
Agropyron Gaertn. | 11.Ex.28, H.8.Ex.1, H.9.Ex.1 |
Agrostis L. | H.2 .Ex.1, H.6.Ex.1 |
-- radiata L. | 52.Ex.11 |
-- stolonifera L. | H.2 .Ex.1 |
Albizia, not "Albizzia" | Rec.60H.Ex.1 |
Aletris punicea Labill. | 52.Ex.10 |
Alexitoxicum | 51.Ex.1 |
Algae | 13.1(e) |
Alpinia Roxb., nom. cons., non L. | 55.Ex.2 |
-- galanga (L.) Willd. | 55.Ex.2 |
-- languas J. F. Gmel. | 55.Ex.2 |
Alsophila kalbreyeri Baker 1892, non C. Chr. 1905 | 33.Ex.6 |
Alyssum flahaultianum Emb. | 36.Ex.3 |
Alyxia ceylanica Wight, not "zeylanica" | 60.Ex.1 |
Amaranthus L., not "Amarantus" | 60.Ex.1 |
xAmarcrinum Coutts | H.6 .Ex.2 |
Amaryllidaceae | 53.Ex.1, 53.Ex.12 |
Amaryllis L. | H.6 .Ex.2 |
Amblyanthera Müll. Arg., non Blume | 53.Ex.2 |
Amorphophallus campanulatus Decne. | 48.Ex.2 |
Amphiprora Ehrenb. | 45.Ex.4 |
Amphitecna Miers | 14.Ex.6 |
Anacamptis Rich. | H.6 .Ex.1 |
Anacyclus L. | 10.Ex.1 |
-- valentinus L. | 10.Ex.1 |
Anagallis arvensis subsp. caerulea Hartm. | 53.Ex.14 |
-- -- var. caerulea (L.) Gouan | 53.Ex.14 |
-- caerulea Schreber, non L. | 53.Ex.14 |
Andreaea angustata Lindb. ex Limpr. | 46.Ex.22 |
Andromeda polifolia L., not "poliifolia" | 60.Ex.11 |
Andropogon L. | 62.Ex.3 |
-- fasciculatus L. | 52.Ex.11 |
-- martini Roxb. | 32.Ex.6 |
-- sorghum subsp. halepensis (L.) Hack. | 53.Ex.13 |
-- -- var. halepensis (L.) Hack. | 53.Ex.13 |
"Anema" (Nylander, 1879) | 42.Ex.1 |
Anema nummulariellum Forsell, not "Nyl." | 42.Ex.1 |
Anemone xelegans Decne. | 11.Ex.27 |
-- hupehensis (Lemoine & E. Lemoine) Lemoine & E. Lemoine | 11.Ex.27 |
-- xhybrida Paxton | 11.Ex.27 |
-- vitifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC. | 11.Ex.27 |
Annona, not "Anona" | Rec.60H.Ex.1 |
"Anonymos" (Walter, 1788) | 20.Ex.8 |
-- "aquatica" (Walter, 1788) | 43.Ex.3 |
Anthemis valentina L. | 10.Ex.1 |
"Anthopogon" | 20.4.Note.2 |
Anthyllis sect. Aspalathoides DC. | 41.Ex.2, 49.Ex.2 |
-- barba-jovis L., not "Barba jovis" | 23.Ex.11 |
Antidesmatinae Pax | Rec.19A.Ex.1 |
Antidesmatoideae (Pax) Hurus. | Rec.19A.Ex.1 |
Antirrhinum spurium L. | 11.Ex.7 |
Apiaceae | 18.5 |
Apium L. | |
Apocynum androsaemifolium L., not "fol. [foliis] androsaemi" | 23.Ex.13 |
xArabidobrassica Gleba & Fr. Hoffm. | H.9 .Ex.3 |
Arabidopsis Heynh. | H.9 .Ex.3 |
-- thaliana (L.) Heynh. | H.9 .Ex.3 |
Arabis beckwithii S. Watson | 47.Ex.1 |
-- "Sekt. Brassicarabis" (Schulz, 1936) | 36.Ex.1 |
-- "Sekt. Brassicoturritis" (Schulz, 1936) | 36.Ex.1 |
-- shockleyi Munz | 47.Ex.1 |
Arachnis Blume | H.8 .Ex.2 |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. | 60.Ex.14 |
Ardisia pentagona A. DC. | 51.Ex.2 |
-- quinquegona Blume | 51.Ex.2 |
Areca L. | 18.5 |
Arecaceae | 18.5 |
Arenaria L. | 11.Ex.10 |
-- ser. Anomalae | 21.Ex.1 |
-- stricta Michx. | 11.Ex.10 |
-- uliginosa Schleich. ex Schltdl. | 11.Ex.10 |
Aronia arbutifolia var. nigra (Willd.) F. Seym. | 33.Ex.5 |
Artemisia nova A. Nelson | 23.Ex.7 |
Arum campanulatum Roxb. | 48.Ex.2 |
-- dracunculus L. | 11.Ex.11 |
Arytera sect. Mischarytera | 6.Ex.2 |
Ascocentrum Schltr. ex J. J. Sm. | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Aspalathoides (DC.) K. Koch | 41.Ex.2, 49.Ex.2 |
Aspicarpa Rich. | 34.Ex.4 |
Aspidium berteroanum | Rec.60C.1(c) |
Asplenium dentatum L., not "Trich. dentatum" | 23.Ex.14 |
Aster L. | 11.Ex.25, 18.5, 19.Ex.4 |
-- novae-angliae L. | 60.Ex.14 |
Asteraceae Dumort. | 18.5, 19.Ex.4 |
xAsterago Everett | 11.Ex.25 |
Astereae Cass. | 19.Ex.4 |
Asterinae Less. | 19.Ex.4 |
Asteroideae Asch. | 19.Ex.4 |
Asterostemma Decne. | 53.Ex.5 |
Astragalus cariensis Boiss. | 53.Ex.4 |
-- (Cycloglottis) contortuplicatus | Rec.21A.Ex.1 |
-- matthewsiae Podlech & Kirchhoff, not "matthewsii" | 60.Ex.19 |
-- matthewsii S. Watson | 60.Ex.19 |
-- rhizanthus Boiss., non Royle | 53.Ex.4 |
-- (Phaca) umbellatus | Rec.21A.Ex.1 |
Astrostemma Benth. | 53.Ex.5 |
"Atherospermaceae" (Lindley, 1846) | 18.Ex.6 |
Atherospermataceae R. Br., "Atherospermeae" | 18.Ex.6 |
Athyrium austro-occidentale Ching | 60.Ex.14 |
Atriplex L. | 23.Ex.7, 62.Ex.1 |
-- "nova" (Winterl, 1788) | 23.Ex.7 |
Atropa bella-donna | 23.Ex.1 |
B | |
Balardia Cambess. | 53.Ex.11 |
Ballardia Montrouz. | 53.Ex.11 |
Bartlingia Brongn., non Rchb. nec F. Muell. | Rec.50C.Ex.1 |
Bartramia | 20.Ex.1 |
Behen Moench | 11.Ex.12 |
-- "behen" | 11.Ex.12 |
-- vulgaris Moench | 11.Ex.12 |
Belladonna Sweet | H.6 .Ex.2 |
Berberis L. | 14.Ex.3 |
Blandfordia grandiflora R. Br. | 52.Ex.10 |
Blephilia ciliata | 33.Ex.2 |
Boletellus Murrill | Rec.62A.Ex.1 |
Boletus L. : Fr. | Rec.62A.Ex.1 |
-- piperatus Bull. : Fr. | Rec.50E.Ex.2 |
-- ungulatus Schaeff. | 23.Ex.9 |
-- "vicesimus sextus" (Schaeffer, 1763) | 23.Ex.9 |
Bouchea Cham. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Bougainvillea | 60.Ex.5 |
Brachystelma R. Br. | 46.Ex.5 |
Braddleya Vell. | 53.Ex.6 |
Bradlea Adans. | 53.Ex.6 |
Bradleja Banks ex Gaertn. | 53.Ex.6 |
Brassavola R. Br. | H.6 .Ex.5 |
Brassica L. | 18.5, H.9.Ex.3 |
-- campestris L. | H.9 .Ex.3 |
-- napus | 53.Ex.9 |
-- nigra (L.) W. D. J. Koch | 23.Ex.4 |
Brassicaceae | 18.5 |
Brazzeia Baill. | 34.Ex.7 |
"tribus Brevipedunculata" (Huth, 1895) | 33.Ex.12 |
Bromeliineae | 17.Ex.2 |
Bromus inermis subsp. pumpellianus (Scribn.) Wagnon | 34.Ex.12 |
-- -- var. pumpellianus (Scribn.) C. L. Hitchc. | 34.Ex.12 |
-- pumpellianus Scribn. | 34.Ex.12 |
-- sterilis L. | 14.Ex.8 |
Brosimum Sw. | 34.Ex.9 |
C | |
Cacalia napaeifolia DC., not "napeaefolia" | 60.Ex.12 |
Cactaceae Juss. | 22.Ex.2 |
Cactus L. | 22.Ex.2, 32.Ex.7 |
-- [unranked] Melocactus L. | 22.Ex.2 |
-- ficus-indica L. | 32.Ex.7 |
-- mammillaris L. | 22.Ex.2 |
-- melocactus L. | 22.Ex.2 |
-- opuntia L. | 32.Ex.7 |
Cainito Adans. | 52.Ex.1 |
Calandrinia | 58.Ex.2 |
-- polyandra Benth., not "(Hook.) Benth." | 58.Ex.2 |
"Calicium debile Turn. and. Borr. Mss." (Smith, 1812, pro syn.) | 46.Ex.9 |
Callicarpa L. | 62.Ex.2 |
Callistemon | Rec.60G.1(c) |
Callixene Comm. ex Juss. | 14.Ex.5 |
Calluna Salisb. | H.9 .Ex.2 |
-- vulgaris (L.) Hull | H.9 .Ex.2 |
Calothyrsus Spach | 11.Ex.5 |
Calyptridium Nutt. | 46.Ex.4 |
-- monandrum Nutt. | 46.Ex.4 |
Cambogia gummi-gutta L., not "G. gutta" | 23.Ex.14 |
Camellia L. | 13.Ex.3 |
Campanopsis (R. Br.) Kuntze | 11.Ex.1 |
Campanula sect. Campanopsis R. Br. | 11.Ex.1 |
Candida populi Hagler & al. | 8.Ex.1 |
Cardamine L. | 11.Ex.14 |
Cardaminum Moench | 14.Ex.4 |
Carex L. | 35.Ex.2 |
-- sect. Eucarex | 21.Ex.1 |
-- [unranked] Scirpinae Tuck. | 35.Ex.2 |
-- sect. Scirpinae (Tuck.) Kük. | 35.Ex.2 |
-- "bebbii" (Olney, 1871) | Rec.50B.Ex.1 |
Carphalea Juss. | 41.Ex.2 |
Caryophyllaceae Juss. | 18.Ex.4, 19.Ex.5, 53.Ex.11 |
Caryophylloideae (Juss.) Rabeler & Bittrich. | 19.Ex.5 |
Caryophyllus Mill. non L. | 18.Ex.4, 19.Ex.5 |
Cassipourea Aubl. | 14.Ex.2 |
Castanella Spruce ex Benth. & Hook. f. | 10.Ex.2 |
-- granatensis Triana & Planch. | 10.Ex.2 |
Cathaya Chun & Kuang | 53.Ex.12 |
Cathayeia Ohwi | 53.Ex.12 |
Cattleya Lindl. | H.6 .Ex.5, H.6.Ex.6 |
Cedrus Duhamel | 52.Ex.7 |
Cedrus Trew, nom. cons., non Duhamel | 62.Ex.1 |
Celsia sect. Aulacospermae Murb. | 53.Ex.16 |
Cenomyce ecmocyna Ach. | 48.Ex.3 |
Centaurea amara L. | 47.Ex.3 |
-- jacea L. | 47.Ex.3 |
Centrospermae | 17.Ex.1 |
Cephaëlis | 60.6 |
Cephalotos Adans. | 53.Ex.10 |
Cephalotus Labill. | 53.Ex.10 |
Cercospora aleuritidis Miyake | 59.Ex.5 |
Cereus jamacaru DC., not "mandacaru" | 60.Ex.6 |
Cervicina Delile | 11.Ex.1 |
Chamaecyparis Spach | H.6 .Ex.1 |
Chloris | 52.Ex.11 |
-- radiata (L.) Sw. | 52.Ex.11 |
Chlorosarcina Gerneck | 7.Ex.6 |
-- elegans | 7.Ex.6 |
-- minor | 7.Ex.6 |
Chlorosphaera G. A. Klebs | 7.Ex.6 |
Christella H. Lév. | 53.Ex.12 |
Chrysophyllum L. | 52.Ex.1 |
-- cainito L. | 52.Ex.2 |
-- sericeum Salisb. | 52.Ex.2 |
Cichoriaceae Juss. | 19.Ex.4 |
Cichorieae D. Don | 19.Ex.4 |
Cichoriinae Sch. Bip. | 19.Ex.4 |
Cichorioideae W. D. J. Koch | 19.Ex.4 |
Cichorium L. | 19.Ex.4 |
Cineraria sect. Eriopappus Dumort. | 49.Ex.3 |
Cistus aegyptiacus L. | 49.Ex.4 |
Cladonia ecmocyna Leight. | 48.Ex.3 |
Claudopus Gillet | 11.Ex.15 |
Clianthus | 11.Ex.19 |
-- dampieri Lindl. | 11.Ex.19 |
-- formosus (D. Don) Ford & Vickery | 11.Ex.19 |
-- oxleyi Lindl. | 11.Ex.19 |
-- speciosus (D. Don) Asch. & Graebn., non (Endl.) Steud. | 11.Ex.19 |
Climacioideae Grout, not "Climacieae" | 19.Ex.6 |
Clusia L. | 18.5 |
Clusiaceae | 18.5 |
Clutia L., not "Cluytia" | 60.Ex.9 |
"Clypeola minor" (Linnaeus, 1756) | 45.Ex.1 |
Cnidium peucedanoides Kunth | 33.Ex.2 |
Cochlioda Lindl. | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Codium geppiorum O. C. Schmidt, not "geppii" | 60.Ex.20 |
Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. | H.11 .Ex.2 |
Coffea | 59.Ex.1 |
xCogniauxara Garay & H. R. Sweet | H.8 .Ex.2 |
Coix lacryma-jobi L. | 60.Ex.14 |
Collaea | Rec.60B.1(a) |
Collema cyanescens Rabenh. | 58.Ex.3 |
-- tremelloides var. caesium Ach. | 58.Ex.3 |
-- -- var. cyanescens Ach. | 58.Ex.3 |
Columella Lour. | 53.Ex.10 |
Columellia Ruiz & Pav. | 53.Ex.10 |
Colura (Dumort.) Dumort. | 53.Ex.12 |
Coluria R. Br. | 53.Ex.12 |
Combretum Loefl. | Rec.50E.Ex.1 |
Comparettia Poepp. & Endl. | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Compositae Giseke | 18.5, 19.Ex.4 |
Coniferopsida | 3.Ex.1 |
Conophytum N. E. Br., not "Haw." | 34.Ex.3 |
Convolvulus L. | 20.Ex.1, 35.Ex.1 |
-- [unranked] "Occidentales" (House, 1908) | 35.Ex.1 |
-- [unranked] "Sepincoli" (House, 1908) | 35.Ex.1 |
-- [unranked] "Soldanellae" (House, 1908) | 35.Ex.1 |
Cornus "gharaf" (Forsskål, 1775) | 23.Ex.8 |
-- sanguinea | 23.Ex.1 |
Correa | Rec.60B.1(a) |
Corticium microsclerotium G. F. Weber, non (Matz) G. F. Weber | 59.Ex.6 |
Corydalis DC. | 49.Ex.5 |
-- solida (L.) Clairv., not "(Mill.) Clairv." | 49.Ex.5 |
Coscinodiscaceae Kütz., "Coscinodisceae" | 18.Ex.5 |
Costus subg. Metacostus | 21.Ex.1 |
"xCrindonna" (Ragionieri, 1921) | H.6 .Ex.2 |
Crinum L. | H.6 .Ex.2 |
Cristella Pat. | 53.Ex.12 |
Croton ciliatoglandulifer Ortega, not "ciliato-glandulifer" | 60.Ex.13 |
Cruciferae | 18.5 |
Cucubalus angustifolius Mill. | 52.Ex.5 |
-- behen L. | 11.Ex.12, 52.Ex.5 |
-- latifolius Mill. | 52.Ex.5 |
xCupressocyparis Dallim. | H.6 .Ex.1 |
Cupressus L. | H.6 .Ex.1 |
Curculigo Gaertn., not "Cvrcvligo" | 60.Ex.7 |
Cuviera DC., nom. cons., non Koeler | 52.Ex.12 |
Cyanobacteria | Pre.7 |
Cylindrocladiella infestans Boesw. | 33.Ex.4 |
Cylindrocladium "infestans" (Peerally, 1991) | 33.Ex.4 |
Cymbidium iansonii Rolfe, not "i'ansonii" | 60.Ex.16 |
Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) W. Watson | 32.Ex.6 |
Cyperaceae Juss., "ordo Cyperoideae" | 18.Ex.3 |
Cyperus heyneanus | Rec.60C.1(c) |
Cytisus Desf. | 11.Ex.9 |
-- biflorus L'Hér. | 11.Ex.9 |
-- fontanesii Spach | 11.Ex.9 |
D | |
xDactyloglossum mixtum (Asch. & Graebn.) Rauschert | H.11 .Ex.2 |
Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó | H.11 .Ex.2 |
Dadoxylon Endl. | 3.Ex.1 |
Damapana Adans. | 14.Ex.10 |
Delphinium L. | 10.Ex.6, 33.Ex.12 |
-- "tribus Brevipedunculata" (Huth, 1895) | 33.Ex.12 |
-- "tribus Involuta" (Huth, 1895) | 33.Ex.12 |
-- consolida L. | 10.Ex.6 |
-- peregrinum L. | 10.Ex.6 |
Dendromecon Benth. | 62.Ex.4 |
Dendrosicus Raf. | 14.Ex.6 |
Dentaria L. | 11.Ex.14 |
Desmidiaceae | 13.1(e) |
Desmodium griffithianum | Rec.60C.1(d) |
Desmostachya (Stapf) Stapf | 53.Ex.9 |
Desmostachys Miers | 53.Ex.9 |
Dianthus monspessulanus | 23.Ex.1 |
Dichelodontium Hook. f. & Wilson ex Broth. | 46.Ex.11 |
-- nitidulum (Hook. f. & Wilson) Broth. | 46.Ex.11 |
Didymopanax gleasonii Britton & Wilson | Rec.46C.Ex.1 |
Digitalis grandiflora L. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- mertonensis B. H. Buxton & C. D. Darl. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- purpurea L. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
Dillenia | Rec.60B.1(c) |
Dionysia Fenzl | 11.Ex.6 |
-- sect. Ariadne Wendelbo | 11.Ex.6 |
-- sect. Dionysiopsis (Pax) Melch. | 11.Ex.6 |
Diospyros L. | 62.Ex.1 |
Dipterocarpus C. F. Gaertn. | 62.Ex.2 |
Dodecatheon sect. "Etubulosa" (Kunth, 1905) | 22.Ex.1 |
-- meadia L. | 22.Ex.1 |
Donia formosa D. Don | 11.Ex.19 |
-- speciosa D. Don | 11.Ex.19 |
Dracunculus Mill. | 11.Ex.11 |
-- vulgaris Schott | 11.Ex.11 |
Drimys J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. | 18.Ex.4 |
Drypeteae (Pax) Hurus. | Rec.19A.Ex.1 |
Drypetinae Pax | Rec.19A.Ex.1 |
Durvillaea Bory | 53.Ex.9, Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Dussia Krug & Urb. ex Taub. | 6.Ex.1 |
-- martinicensis Krug & Urb. ex Taub. | 6.Ex.1 |
E | |
Eccilia (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. | 11.Ex.15 |
"Echii altera species" (Dodonaeus, 1583) | 7.Ex.5 |
Echium lycopsis L. | 7.Ex.5 |
Eclipta erecta L. | 11.Ex.18 |
-- prostrata (L.) L. | 11.Ex.18 |
Ectocarpus mucronatus D. A. Saunders | 33.Ex.3 |
"Egeria" (Néraud, 1826) | 32.Ex.1 |
Elcaja "roka" (Forsskål, 1775) | 23.Ex.8 |
"Elodes" (Clusius, 1601) | 10.Ex.3 |
Elodes Adans. | 10.Ex.3 |
xElyhordeum Mansf. ex Tsitsin & Petrova | H.8 .Ex.1 |
xElymopyrum Cugnac | 11.Ex.28 |
xElymotriticum P. Fourn. | H.8 .Ex.1 |
Elymus L. | 11.Ex.28, Rec.20A.Ex.1, H.3.Ex.2, H.8.Ex.1 |
-- europaeus L. | 52.Ex.12 |
-- farctus (Viv.) Melderis | H.5 .Ex.1 |
-- -- subsp. boreoatlanticus (Simonet & Guin.) Melderis | H.5 .Ex.1 |
-- xlaxus (Fr.) Melderis & D. C. McClint. | H.5 .Ex.1 |
-- repens (L.) Gould | H.5 .Ex.1 |
Embelia sarasiniorum | 23.Ex.1 |
Enallagma Baill. | 14.Ex.6 |
Enantioblastae | 17.Ex.1 |
Enargea Banks ex Gaertn. | 14.Ex.5 |
Englerastrum Briq. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Englerella Pierre | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Engleria O. Hoffm. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Entoloma (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm. | 11.Ex.15 |
Epiphyllum Haw. | H.6 .Ex.1 |
Equisetum palustre var. americanum | 6.Ex.2 |
-- -- f. fluitans | 6.Ex.2 |
Erica L. | 19.Ex.3, Rec.19A.Ex.2, H.9.Ex.2 |
-- cinerea L. | H.9 .Ex.2 |
Ericaceae Juss. | 19.Ex.3, Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
xEricalluna Krüssm. | H.9 .Ex.2 |
-- bealei Krüssm. | H.9 .Ex.2 |
Ericeae D. Don | 19.Ex.3 |
Ericoideae Endl. | 19.Ex.3 |
Erigeron L. | 62.Ex.1 |
Eryngium nothosect. Alpestria Burdet & Miège pro sect. | H.9 .Ex.1 |
-- sect. Alpina H. Wolff | H.9 .Ex.1 |
-- sect. Campestria H. Wolff | H.9 .Ex.1 |
-- amorginum Rech. f. | Rec.60D.Ex.1 |
Erysimum hieraciifolium var. longisiliquum Rouy & Foucard | 53.Ex.18 |
Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O. F. Cook | 34.Ex.6 |
-- "micropteryx Poepp." | 34.Ex.6 |
Eschweilera DC. | 53.Ex.5 |
Eschweileria Boerl. | 53.Ex.5 |
Euanthe Schltr. | H.8 .Ex.2 |
-- sanderiana (Rchb.) Schltr. | H.8 .Ex.2 |
Eucalyptus L'Hér. | 62.Ex.1 |
Eulophus | 33.Ex.2 |
-- peucedanoides | 33.Ex.2 |
Eunotia gibbosa Grunow | 44.Ex.2 |
Eupenicillium brefeldianum (B. O. Dodge) Stolk & D. B. Scott | 59.Ex.3 |
Euphorbia amygdaloides L. | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- subg. Esula Pers. | 22.Ex.5 |
-- subsect. Tenellae | 21.Ex.1 |
-- sect. Tithymalus | 21.Ex.1 |
-- characias L. | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- -- subsp. wulfenii (W. D. J. Koch) Radcl.-Sm. | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- xcornubiensis Radcl.-Sm. | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- esula L. | 22.Ex.5 |
-- "jaroslavii" (Poljakova, 1953) | 34.Ex.10 |
-- xmartini Rouy | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- -- nothosubsp. cornubiensis (Radcl.-Sm.) Radcl.-Sm | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- peplis L. | 53.Ex.9 |
-- peplus L. | 22.Ex.5, 53.Ex.9 |
-- wulfenii W. D. J. Koch | H.5 .Ex.2 |
-- yaroslavii Poljak. | 34.Ex.10 |
Euphorbiaceae | Rec.19A.Ex.1 |
Excoecaria | 11.Ex.17 |
F | |
Faba Mill. | 18.5 |
Fabaceae | 18.5, 19.7 |
Faboideae | 19.7 |
Fagaceae | 3.Ex.2 |
Fagus sylvatica L., not "silvatica" | 60.Ex.1 |
Farinosae | 17.Ex.1 |
Festuca myuros L. | 26.Ex.3 |
Ficus "exasperata" auct., non Vahl | Rec.50D.Ex.1 |
-- gameleira Standl. | 53.Ex.11 |
-- gomelleria Kunth | 53.Ex.11 |
-- irumuënsis De Wild. | Rec.50D.Ex.1 |
-- neoëbudarum Summerh., not "neo-ebudarum" | 60.Ex.13 |
-- stortophylla Warb. | Rec.50D.Ex.1 |
Filago | 20.Ex.1 |
Flacourtiaceae | 53.Ex.12 |
Fucales | 17.Ex.2 |
Fuirena Rottb. | 20.Ex.9 |
-- umbellata Rottb. | 43.Ex.4 |
Fumaria bulbosa var. solida L. | 49.Ex.5 |
-- densiflora | 40.Ex.3 |
-- gussonei | 23.Ex.1 |
-- officinalis | 40.Ex.3 |
-- "xsalmonii" (Druce, 1908) | 40.Ex.3 |
-- solida (L.) Mill. | 49.Ex.5 |
Fungi | 13.1(d), 53.Ex.12 |
Fusarium stilboides Wollenw. | 59.Ex.1 |
G | |
Galium tricorne Stokes | 52.Ex.6 |
-- tricornutum Dandy | 52.Ex.6 |
Gasteromycetes | 13.1(d) |
xGaulnettya Marchant | 11.Ex.26 |
Gaultheria L. | 11.Ex.26 |
xGaulthettya Camp | 11.Ex.26 |
Geaster Fr. | 61.Ex.1 |
Geastrum Pers. : Pers. | 61.Ex.1 |
-- hygrometricum Pers., not "Geastrvm hygrometricvm" | 60.Ex.8 |
Gentiana lutea | 6.Ex.2 |
-- tenella var. occidentalis | 6.Ex.2 |
Geranium robertianum | 23.Ex.1 |
Gerardia L. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Gerardiina Engl. | 53.Ex.9 |
Gerrardina Oliv. | 53.Ex.9 |
Gibberella stilboides W. L. Gordon & C. Booth | 59.Ex.1 |
Giffordia | 33.Ex.3 |
-- mucronata (D. A. Saunders) Kjeldsen & Phinney | 33.Ex.3 |
Gigartina cordata var. splendens (Setch. & N. L. Gardner) D. H. Kim | 7.Ex.3 |
Ginkgo | 18.Ex.2 |
Ginkgoaceae | 18.Ex.2 |
Gleditsia L., not "Gleditschia" | 60.Ex.9 |
Globba trachycarpa Baker, not "brachycarpa" | 60.Ex.2 |
Globularia cordifolia L. excl. var. (emend. Lam.) | Rec.47A.Ex.1 |
Gloeosporium balsameae Davis | 23.Ex.4 |
Gloriosa | 20.Ex.1 |
Gluta renghas L., not "benghas" | 45.Ex.3, 60.Ex.3 |
Gnaphalium "fruticosum flavum" (Forsskål, 1775) | 23.Ex.10 |
Gossypium tomentosum Nutt. ex Seem. | 46.Ex.13 |
Graderia Benth. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Gramineae | 18.5, 19.Ex.2, 53.Ex.9 |
Graphis meridionalis Nakan. | 45.Ex.2 |
Grislea L. | Rec.50E.Ex.1 |
Guttiferae | 18.5 |
Gymnadenia R. Br. | H.6 .Ex.1, H.6.Ex.3 |
xGymnanacamptis Asch. & Graebn. | H.6 .Ex.1 |
H | |
Hedysarum | 20.Ex.1 |
Helianthemum Mill. | 49.Ex.4 |
-- aegyptiacum (L.) Mill. | 49.Ex.4 |
-- italicum var. micranthum Gren. & Godr. | 11.Ex.13 |
-- penicillatum Thibaud ex Dunal | 11.Ex.13 |
-- -- var. micranthum (Gren. & Godr.) Grosser | 11.Ex.13 |
Helicosporium elinorae Linder | 34.Ex.13 |
Helleborus niger L. | 23.Ex.4 |
Hemerocallis L. | 62.Ex.1 |
-- flava (L.) L. | 11.Ex.4 |
-- fulva (L.) L. | 11.Ex.4 |
-- lilioasphodelus L. | 11.Ex.4 |
-- -- var. flava L. | 11.Ex.4 |
Hemisphace (Benth.) Opiz | 32.Ex.5, 46.Ex.10 |
Hepaticae | 13.1(c), 13.Ex.1, 53.Ex.12 |
Heracleum sibiricum L. | 11.Ex.20 |
-- -- subsp. lecokii (Godr. & Gren.) Nyman | 11.Ex.20 |
-- -- subsp. sibiricum | 11.Ex.20 |
-- sphondylium L. | 11.Ex.20 |
-- -- subsp. sibiricum (L.) Simonk. | 11.Ex.20 |
-- -- "subsp. lecokii" | 11.Ex.20 |
Hesperomecon Greene | 62.Ex.4 |
Hetaeria alta Ridl., not "alba" | 60.Ex.2 |
Heuchera | |
-- xtiarelloides Lemoine & E. Lemoine | H.11 .Ex.1 |
xHeucherella tiarelloides (Lemoine & E. Lemoine) H. R. Wehrh. | H.11 .Ex.1 |
xHolttumara anon. | H.8 .Ex.2 |
Hordelymus (K. Jess.) K. Jess. | 20A.Ex.1, 52.Ex.12, H.3.Ex.2, H.8.Ex.1 |
xHordelymus Bachteev & Darevsk. non (K. Jess.) K. Jess. | H.3 .Ex.2, H.8.Ex.1 |
xHordeopyron Simonet, not "Hordeopyrum" | H.9 .Ex.1 |
Hordeum L. | Rec.20A.Ex.1, H.3.Ex.2H.8.Ex.1, H.9.Ex.1 |
-- subg. Hordelymus K. Jess | 52.Ex.12 |
Hyacinthus non-scriptus L., not "non scriptus" | 23.Ex.11 |
Hydrocoleum glutinosum (C. Agardh) ex Gomont | 46.Ex.19 |
Hydrophyllum | Rec.60G.1(c) |
Hymenocarpos Savi | 62.Ex.2 |
Hyoseridinae Less. | 19.Ex.4 |
Hyoseris L. | 19.Ex.4 |
"Hypericum" (Tournefort, 1700) | 10.Ex.3 |
Hypericum aegypticum L. | 10.Ex.3 |
-- elodes L. | 10.Ex.3 |
Hypholoma (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. | 32.Ex.8 |
Hypnum crassinervium Wilson | 46.Ex.8 |
Hypomyces chrysospermus Tul. | 59.Ex.7 |
I | |
"Ibidium" (Salisbury, 1812) | 34.Ex.8 |
Ifloga | 20.Ex.1 |
Impatiens | 20.Ex.1 |
-- noli-tangere L., not "noli tangere" | 23.Ex.1, 23.Ex.11 |
Indigofera longipedunculata Y. Y. Fang & C. Z. Zheng, not "longipednnculata" | 60.Ex.4 |
Ionopsis Kunth | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Iria (Pers.) Hedw. | 53.Ex.9 |
Iridaea cordata var. splendens (Setch. & N. L. Gardner) I. A. Abbott | 7.Ex.3 |
-- splendens (Setch. & N. L. Gardner) Papenf. | 7.Ex.3 |
Iridophycus splendens Setch. & N. L. Gardner | 7.Ex.3 |
Iris L. | 53.Ex.9 |
Isoëtes | 60.6 |
J | |
Juncus bufonius "var. occidentalis" (Hermann, 1975) | 33.Ex.10 |
-- "sphaerocarpus" auct. Am., non Nees | 33.Ex.10 |
Juniperus L. | 52.Ex.7 |
K | |
Kedarnatha P. K. Mukh. & Constance | 42.Ex.2 |
-- sanctuarii P. K. Mukh. & Constance | 42.Ex.2 |
Kernera | Rec.60B.1(b) |
Kratzmannia Opiz | 32.Ex.4 |
Kyllinga Rottb. | 20.Ex.9 |
L | |
Labiatae | 18.5, 53.Ex.1 |
"Labyrinthodyction" (Valkanov, 1969) | 45.Ex.6 |
Lactuca L. | 19.Ex.4 |
Lactuceae Cass. | 19.Ex.4 |
Laelia Lindl. | H.6 .Ex.5, H.6.Ex.6 |
Lamiaceae | 18.5 |
Lamium L. | 18.5 |
"Lanceolatus" (Plumstead, 1952) | 20.Ex.4 |
Lapageria Ruiz & Pav. | H.9 .Ex.1 |
Lapeirousia Pourr. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
-- erythrantha var. welwitschii (Baker) Geerinck & al. | Rec.46C.Ex.2 |
Lasiobelonium corticale (Pers.) Raitv. | 33.Ex.7 |
Lasiosphaeria elinorae Linder | 34.Ex.13 |
Lecanidion Endl. | 15.Ex.2 |
Lecanora campestris "f. pseudistera" (Grummann, 1963) | 33.Ex.8 |
-- pseudistera Nyl. | 33.Ex.8 |
Leguminosae | 18.5, 19.7, 53.Ex.9 |
Lemanea Sirodot, non Bory | 46.Ex.12, 48.Ex.1 |
Lepidocarpaceae | 3.Ex.2 |
Lepidocarpon D. H. Scott | 3.Ex.2 |
Lepidodendrales | 3.Ex.1 |
Leptogium cyanescens (Rabenh.) Körb., not "(Ach.) Körb.", nor "(Schaer.) Körb." | 58.Ex.3 |
Leptonia (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. | 11.Ex.15 |
"Leptostachys" | 20.4.Note.2 |
Lespedeza Michx. | 60.Ex.6 |
Lesquerella lasiocarpa (Hook. ex A. Gray) S. Watson | 11.Ex.22 |
-- -- subsp. berlandieri (A. Gray) Rollins & E. A. Shaw | 11.Ex.22 |
-- -- subsp. lasiocarpa | 11.Ex.22 |
-- -- var. berlandieri (A. Gray) Payson | 11.Ex.22 |
-- -- var. hispida (S. Watson) Rollins & E. A. Shaw | 11.Ex.22 |
Leucadendron | 14.Ex.9 |
xLeucadenia Schltr. | H.6 .Ex.3 |
Leucodon nitidulus Hook. f. & Wilson | 46.Ex.11 |
Leucorchis E. Mey. | H.6 .Ex.3 |
Lichen debilis Sm. | 46.Ex.9 |
-- gracilis L. | 48.Ex.3 |
Lilium tianschanicum N. A. Ivanova ex Grubov | 46.Ex.15 |
Linaria Mill. | 11.Ex.7 |
-- spuria (L.) Mill. | 11.Ex.7 |
-- "linaria" | 23.Ex.3 |
Lindera Thunb., non Adans. | Rec.50C.Ex.1 |
Linum multiflorum Lam. | 58.Ex.1 |
-- radiola L. | 58.Ex.1 |
Liquidambar | 20.Ex.1 |
Lithocarpus polystachyus (Wall. ex A. DC.) Rehder | 46.Ex.14 |
"Lobata" (Chapman, 1952) | 20.Ex.4 |
Lobelia spicata Lam. | 26.Ex.1 |
-- -- "var. originalis" (McVaugh, 1936) | 24.Ex.3 |
-- -- var. spicata | 26.Ex.1 |
Loranthus (sect. Ischnanthus) gabonensis | Rec.21A.Ex.1 |
-- macrosolen Steud. ex Rich., not "Steud." | 32.Ex.2 |
Lotus L. | 62.Ex.1 |
Lupinus Tourn. ex L. | 46.Ex.18 |
Luzuriaga Ruiz & Pav. | 14.Ex.5 |
Lycium odonellii F. A. Barkley, not "o'donellii" | 60.Ex.16 |
Lycoperdon atropurpureum Vittad., not "atro-purpureum" | 60.Ex.13 |
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. | 14.Ex.1 |
-- lycopersicum (L.) H. Karst. | 14.Ex.1 |
Lycopodium L. | 13.Ex.2 |
-- clavatum L. | 13.Ex.2 |
-- inundatum L. | 26.Ex.4 |
-- -- var. inundatum | 26.Ex.4 |
-- -- var. bigelovii Tuck. | 26.Ex.4 |
"Lycopsis" (Ray, 1724) | 7.Ex.5 |
Lyngbya Gomont | 53.Ex.10 |
-- glutinosa C. Agardh | 46.Ex.19 |
Lyngbyea Sommerf. | 53.Ex.10 |
Lysimachia hemsleyana Oliv. | Rec.23A.2, 53.Ex.9 |
-- hemsleyi Franch. | Rec.23A.2, 53.Ex.9 |
Lythrum intermedium Ledeb. | 11.Ex.3 |
-- salicaria L. | 11.Ex.3 |
-- -- var. glabrum Ledeb. | 11.Ex.3 |
-- -- var. intermedium (Ledeb.) Koehne | 11.Ex.3 |
M | |
Macrothyrsus Spach | 11.Ex.5 |
Magnolia foetida (L.) Sarg. | 11.Ex.2 |
-- grandiflora L. | 11.Ex.2 |
-- virginiana var. foetida L. | 11.Ex.2 |
Mahonia Nutt. | 14.Ex.3 |
Malpighia L. | 22.Ex.3 |
-- sect. Apyrae DC. | 22.Ex.3 |
-- subg. Homoiostylis Nied. | 22.Ex.3 |
-- sect. Malpighia | 22.Ex.3 |
-- subg. Malpighia | 22.Ex.3 |
-- glabra L. | 22.Ex.3 |
Maltea B. Boivin | H.6 .Ex.4 |
Malvastrum bicuspidatum subsp. tumidum S. R. Hill | 34.Ex.11 |
-- -- var. tumidum S. R. Hill | 34.Ex.11 |
Malvineae | 17.Ex.2 |
Manihot Mill. | 20.Ex.1, 62.Ex.8 |
Martia Spreng. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Martiusia Schult. & Schult. f. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Maxillaria mombachoënsis A. H. Heller ex J. T. Atwood | 46.Ex.24 |
Mazocarpon M. J. Benson | 3.Ex.2 |
Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bartal. | 49.Ex.1 |
-- polymorpha L. | 26.Ex.2 |
-- -- var. orbicularis L. | 49.Ex.1 |
-- -- var. hispida L. | 26.Ex.2 |
Melilotus | Rec.60G.1(c), 62.Ex.1 |
Meliola | 33.Ex.8 |
-- albiziae Hansford & Deighton, not "albizziae" | Rec.60H.Ex.1 |
Meliosma | Rec.60G.1(c) |
Mentha | 51.Ex.1 |
-- aquatica L. | H.2 .Ex.1, H.11.Ex.3 |
-- arvensis L. | H.2 .Ex.1 |
-- xpiperita f. hirsuta Sole | H.12 .Ex.1 |
-- -- nothosubsp. piperita | H.11 .Ex.3 |
-- -- nothosubsp. pyramidalis (Ten.) Harley | H.11 .Ex.3 |
-- xsmithiana R. A. Graham | H.3 .Ex.1 |
-- spicata L. | H.2 .Ex.1 |
-- -- subsp. spicata | H.11 .Ex.3 |
-- -- subsp. tomentosa (Briq.) Harley | H.11 .Ex.3 |
Mesembryanthemum L., not "Mesembrianthemum" | 60.Ex.1 |
-- sect. Minima Haw. | 34.Ex.3 |
Mespilodaphne mauritiana Meisn. | 55.Ex.1 |
Mespilus | 33.Ex.5 |
-- arbutifolia var. nigra Willd. | 33.Ex.5 |
Metasequoia Hu & W. C. Cheng, non Miki | 11.Ex.24 |
-- disticha (Heer) Miki | 11.Ex.24 |
-- glyptostroboides Hu & W. C. Cheng | 11.Ex.24 |
Micromeria benthamii Webb & Berthel. | H.10 .Ex.3 |
-- xbenthamineolens Svent. | H.10 .Ex.3 |
-- pineolens Svent. | H.10 .Ex.3 |
Micropteryx poeppigiana Walp. | 34.Ex.6 |
Mimosa cineraria L. | 53.Ex.17 |
-- cinerea L. 1753, No. 10, non L. 1753 No. 25 | 53.Ex.17 |
"Minthe" | 51.Ex.1 |
Minuartia | 11.Ex.10 |
-- stricta (Sw.) Hiern | 11.Ex.10 |
Monarda ciliata L. | 33.Ex.2 |
Monochaete Döll | 53.Ex.9 |
Monochaetum (DC.) Naudin | 53.Ex.9 |
Monotropeae D. Don | Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
Monotropoideae (D. Don) A. Gray | Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
Montia parvifolia (DC) Greene | 25.Ex.1 |
-- -- subsp. flagellaris (Bong.) Ferris | 25.Ex.1 |
-- -- subsp. parvifolia | 25.Ex.1 |
Mouriri subg. Pericrene | 6.Ex.2 |
Mucor chrysospermus (Bull.) Bull. | 59.Ex.7 |
Musci | 13.1.(b), 13.Ex.1, 13.Ex.2 |
Mussaenda frondosa L., not "fr. [fructu] frondoso" | 23.Ex.13 |
Mycosphaerella aleuritidis S. H. Ou | 59.Ex.5 |
Myogalum boucheanum Kunth | 34.Ex.5 |
Myosotis L. | 47.Ex.2, Rec60G.3(b) |
Myrcia laevis O. Berg, non G. Don | 7.Ex.1 |
-- lucida McVaugh | 7.Ex.1 |
Myrtaceae | 53.Ex.11 |
N | |
Napaea L. | 53.Ex.9, 60.Ex.12 |
"Napea" | 60.Ex.12 |
Narcissus pseudonarcissus L., not "Pseudo Narcissus" | 23.Ex.12 |
Nasturtium Mill. | 14.Ex.4 |
Nasturtium R. Br., nom cons., non Mill. | 14.Ex.4 |
-- "nasturtium-aquaticum" | 23.Ex.3 |
Nelumbo | 18.Ex.2 |
Nelumbonaceae | 18.Ex.2 |
Neoptilota Kylin | 36.Ex.4 |
Neotysonia phyllostegia (F. Muell.) Paul G. Wilson | 46.Ex.6 |
Nepeta "xfaassenii" "Bergmans", non Lawrence" | 40.Ex.1 |
Neves-armondia K. Schum. | 20.Ex.7 |
Nolanea (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. | 11.Ex.15 |
Nostocaceae | 13.1(e) |
Nothotsuga Hu ex C. N. Page | 46.Ex.23 |
O | |
Odontoglossum Kunth | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Oedogoniaceae | 13.1(e) |
Oenothera depressa Greene | H.4 .Ex.1 |
-- xhoelscheri Renner ex Rosta<´n>ski | H.4 .Ex.1 |
-- rubricaulis Kleb. | H.4 .Ex.1 |
-- xwienii Renner ex Rosta<´n>ski | H.4 .Ex.1 |
Omphlaria nummularia Durieu & Mont. | 42.Ex.1 |
Oncidium Sw. | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Oplopanax (Torr. & A. Gray) Miq. | 62.Ex.3 |
Opuntia Mill. | 32.Ex.7 |
-- ficus-indica (L.) Mill. | 32.Ex.7 |
-- vulgaris Mill. | 32.Ex.7 |
"Opuntia vulgo herbariorum" (Bauhin & Cherler, 1650-1651) | 32.Ex.7 |
xOrchicoeloglossum mixtum Asch. & Graebn. | H.11 .Ex.2 |
Orchis L. | 62.Ex.1 |
-- fuchsii Druce | H.11 .Ex.2 |
Ormocarpum P. Beauv. | 62.Ex.2 |
Ornithogalum | |
-- boucheanum (Kunth) Asch. | 34.Ex.5 |
-- "undulatum hort. Bouch." (Kunth, 1843) | 34.Ex.5 |
Orobanche artemisiae | 51.Ex.1 |
-- artemisiepiphyta | 51.Ex.1 |
-- columbariae | 51.Ex.1 |
-- columbarihaerens | 51.Ex.1 |
-- rapum | 51.Ex.1 |
-- sarothamnophyta | 51.Ex.1 |
"sectio Orontiaceae" (Brown, 1810) | 33.Ex.11 |
Osbeckia L. | 53.Ex.2 |
Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K. Koch | Rec.60D.Ex.1 |
Ottoa | Rec.60B.1(a) |
P | |
Palmae | 18.5, 53.Ex.12 |
Panax nossibiensis Drake | 44.Ex.1 |
Papaver rhoeas | 23.Ex.1 |
Papilionaceae | 18.5, 19.7 |
Papilionoideae | 19.7 |
Parietales | 17.Ex.1 |
Parmelia cyanescens (Pers.) Ach., non Schaer. | 58.Ex.3 |
Patellaria Fr. : Fr., non Hedw. | 15.Ex.2 |
Paullinia paullinioides Radlk. | 10.Ex.2 |
Pavia Mill. | 11.Ex.5 |
Pecopteris (Brongn.) Sternb. | 3.Ex.1 |
Peltophorum (Vogel) Benth. | 53.Ex.9 |
Peltophorus Desv. | 53.Ex.9 |
Penicillium brefeldianum B. O. Dodge | 59.Ex.3 |
Peperomia san-felipensis J. D. Smith | 60.Ex.14 |
Peponia Grev. | 53.Ex.9 |
Peponium Engl. | 53.Ex.9 |
Pereskia opuntiiflora DC., not "opuntiaeflora" | 60.Ex.11 |
Peridermium balsameum Peck | 23.Ex.4 |
Pernettya Gaudich. | 11.Ex.26 |
Petalodinium Cachon & Cachon-Enj. | 45.Ex.5 |
Petrophiloides Bowerb. | 11.Ex.23 |
Petrosimonia brachiata (Pall.) Bunge | 51.Ex.4 |
-- oppositifolia (Pall.) Litv. | 51.Ex.4 |
Peyrousea DC. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Peziza corticalis Pers., not "Mérat", nor "Fr." | 33.Ex.7 |
"Phaelypea" (Browne, 1756) | 42.Ex.4 |
xPhilageria Mast. | H.9 .Ex.1 |
Philesia Comm. ex Juss. | H.9 .Ex.1 |
Philgamia Baill. | 42.Ex.5 |
-- hibbertioides Baill. | 42.Ex.5 |
Phippsia (Trin.) R. Br. | H.6 .Ex.4 |
Phlox divaricata L. subsp. divaricata | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- -- subsp. laphamii (A. W. Wood) Wherry | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- drummondii 'Sternenzauber' | 28.Ex.1 |
-- pilosa subsp. ozarkana Wherry | H.3 .Ex.3 |
Phlyctidia Müll. Arg. | 43.Ex.2 |
-- "andensis" (Müller, 1880) | 43.Ex.2 |
-- boliviensis (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. | 43.Ex.2 |
-- "brasiliensis" (Müller, 1880) | 43.Ex.2 |
-- "hampeana" (Müller, 1880) | 43.Ex.2 |
-- ludoviciensis Müll. Arg. | 43.Ex.2 |
-- "sorediiformis" (Müller, 1880) | 43.Ex.2 |
Phlyctis andensis Nyl. | 43.Ex.2 |
-- boliviensis Nyl. | 43.Ex.2 |
-- brasiliensis Nyl. | 43.Ex.2 |
-- sorediiformis Kremp. | 43.Ex.2 |
Pholiota (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. | 33.Ex.13 |
Phoradendron Nutt., not "Phoradendrum" | 60.Ex.1 |
Phyllachora annonicola Chardon, not "anonicola" | Rec.60H.Ex.1 |
Phyllanthus L. emend. Müll. Arg. | Rec.47A.Ex.1 |
Phyllerpa prolifera var. firma Kütz., not "var. Ph. firma" | 24.Ex.5 |
Physconia Poelt | 10.Ex.4 |
Physospermum Cuss. | 29.Ex.1 |
Phyteuma L. | 62.Ex.1 |
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. | 52.Ex.4 |
-- excelsa Link | 52.Ex.4 |
Pinaceae | 53.Ex.12 |
Pinus abies L. | 52.Ex.4 |
-- excelsa Lam. | 52.Ex.4 |
-- mertensiana Bong. | 7.Ex.2 |
Piptolepis Benth. | 42.Ex.3 |
-- phillyreoides Benth. | 42.Ex.3 |
Piratinera Aubl. | 34.Ex.9 |
"Pirus mairei" | Rec.50F.Ex.1 |
Pisocarpium Link | 62.Ex.2 |
Planera aquatica J. F. Gmel., not "(Walter) J. F. Gmel." | 43.Ex.3 |
Platycarya Siebold & Zucc. | 11.Ex.23 |
Plectranthus L'Hér. | 14.Ex.7 |
-- fruticosus L'Hér. | 14.Ex.7 |
-- punctatus (L. f.) L'Hér. | 14.Ex.7 |
Pleuripetalum T. Durand | 53.Ex.5 |
Pleuropetalum Hook. f. | 53.Ex.5 |
Plumbaginaceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Plumbago, Plumbaginis | 18.Ex.1 |
Pluteus Fr. | 15.Ex.3 |
-- atricapillus (Batsch) Fayod | 15.Ex.3 |
-- cervinus (Schaeff.) P. Kumm. | 15.Ex.3 |
Poa L. | 18.5, 19.Ex.2 |
Poaceae Barnhart | 18.5, 19.Ex.2 |
Poëae R. Br. | 19.Ex.2 |
"Polifolia" (Buxbaum, 1721) | 60.Ex.11 |
Polycarpaea Lam. | 62.Ex.2 |
Polycarpon L. | 62.Ex.2 |
Polycnemum oppositifolium Pall. | 51.Ex.4 |
Polygonales | 17.Ex.2 |
Polygonum pensylvanicum L. | Rec.60D.Ex.1 |
Polypodium australe Fée | 52.Ex.13 |
-- filix-femina L., not "F. femina" | 23.Ex.14 |
-- filix-mas L., not "F. mas" | 23.Ex.14 |
-- xfont-queri Rothm. | 52.Ex.13 |
-- fragile L., not "F. fragile" | 23.Ex.14 |
-- xshivasiae Rothm. | 52.Ex.13 |
-- vulgare nothosubsp. mantoniae (Rothm.) Schidlay | H.3 .Ex.1 |
-- -- subsp. prionodes (Asch.) Rothm. | 52.Ex.13, H.2.Ex.1 |
-- -- subsp. vulgare | 52.Ex.13,. H.2.Ex.1 |
Polypogon Desf. | H.2 .Ex.1, H.6.Ex.1 |
-- monspeliensis (L.) Desf. | H.2 .Ex.1 |
Pooideae Asch. | 19.Ex.2 |
Populus xcanadensis var. marylandica (Poir.) Rehder | H.12 .Ex.1 |
-- -- var. serotina (R. Hartig) Rehder | H.12 .Ex.1 |
Porella pinnata L. | 13.Ex.1 |
Potamogeton | 18.Ex.1 |
Potamogetonaceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd. ex D. Don | H.10 .Ex.1 |
-- "atrosanguinea-pedata" (Maund, 1833) | H.10 .Ex.1 |
-- pedata Nestl. | H.10 .Ex.1 |
xPotinara Charlesworth & Co. | H.6 .Ex.5 |
Primula sect. Dionysiopsis Pax | 11.Ex.6 |
Protea L. 1771, nom. cons., non L. 1753 | 14.Ex.9, Rec.50E.Ex.1 |
-- cynaroides (L.) L. | 14.Ex.9 |
Protodiniferaceae Kof. & Swezy, not "Protodiniferidae" | 45.Ex.7 |
xPseudadenia P. F. Hunt | H.6 .Ex.3 |
Pseudelephantopus Rohr, nom. cons., not "Pseudo-elephantopus" | 60.Ex.15 |
"Pseudoditrichaceae" (Steere & Iwatsuki, 1974) | 41.Ex.1 |
"Pseudoditrichum" (Steere & Iwatsuki, 1974) | 41.Ex.1 |
-- "mirabile" (Steere & Iwatsuki, 1974) | 41.Ex.1 |
Pseudorchis Ség. | H.6 .Ex.3 |
Pseudo-salvinia Piton, not "Pseudosalvinia" | 60.Ex.15 |
Psilotum truncatum R. Br. | 52.Ex.8 |
-- "truncatum" auct., or R. Br. pro parte | 52.Ex.8 |
Pteridium aquilinum subsp. caudatum (L.) Bonap. | Rec.26A.Ex.2 |
-- -- var. caudatum (L.) Sadeb. | Rec.26A.Ex.2 |
Pteridophyta | 13.1(a), 53.Ex.12 |
Pteridopsida | 3.Ex.1 |
Pteris caudata L. | Rec.26A.Ex.2 |
Ptilostemon Cass. | 11.Ex.8 |
-- sect. Cassinia Greuter | H.7 .Ex.1 |
-- nothosect. Platon Greuter | H.7 .Ex.1 |
-- sect. Platyrhaphium Greuter | H.7 .Ex.1 |
-- nothosect. Plinia Greuter | H.7 .Ex.1 |
-- sect. Ptilostemon | H.7 .Ex.1 |
-- chamaepeuce (L.) Less. | 11.Ex.8 |
-- muticus Cass. | 11.Ex.8 |
Puccinellia Parl. | H.6 .Ex.4 |
Puccinia Pers. : Pers. | 59.Ex.2 |
xPucciphippsia Tzvelev | H.6 .Ex.4 |
Pulsatilla montana subsp. australis (Heuff.) Zämelis | 49.Ex.6 |
-- -- subsp. dacica Rummelsp. | 49.Ex.6 |
-- -- var. serbica W. Zimm., not "(W. Zimm.) Rummelsp." | 49.Ex.6 |
Pyroleae D. Don | Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
Pyroloideae (D. Don) A. Gray | Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
Pyrus | 33.Ex.5 |
-- calleryana Decne. | Rec.50F.Ex.1 |
-- mairei H. Lév., not "Pirus" | Rec.50F.Ex.1 |
Q | |
Quercus alba L. | H.10 .Ex.4 |
-- xdeamii Trel. | H.10 .Ex.4 |
-- macrocarpa Michx. | H.10 .Ex.4 |
-- muehlenbergii Engelm. | H.10 .Ex.4 |
-- polystachya A. DC. | 46.Ex.14 |
Quisqualis L. | 20.Ex.7 |
R | |
"Radicula" (Hill, 1756) | 20.Ex.2 |
Radicula Moench | 20.Ex.2 |
Radiola linoides Roth | 58.Ex.1 |
-- "radiola" (Karsten, 1882) | 58.Ex.1 |
Raphidomonas F. Stein | 16.Ex.1 |
Raphidophyceae Chadef. ex P. C. Silva | 16.Ex.1 |
Rauia Nees & Mart. | 53.Ex.12 |
Rauhia Traub | 53.Ex.12 |
Ravenelia cubensis Arthur & J. R. Johnst. | 59.Ex.4 |
Ravensara Sonn. | 55.Ex.1 |
Renanthera Lour. | H.8 .Ex.2 |
Rhamnus L. | 62.Ex.1 |
-- sect. Pseudofrangula Grubov | Rec.22A.Ex.1 |
-- subg. Pseudofrangula (Grubov) Brizicky | Rec.22A.Ex.1 |
-- alnifolia L'Hér. | Rec.22A.Ex.1 |
-- vitis-idaea Burm. f., not "vitis idaea" | 23.Ex.11 |
"Rhaptopetalaceae" (Pierre, 1897) | 34.Ex.7 |
Rhaptopetalum Oliv. | 34.Ex.7 |
Rheedia kappleri Eyma | 9.Ex.1 |
Rheum "xcultorum" (Thorsrud & Reisaeter, 1948) | 40.Ex.2 |
Rhizoctonia microsclerotia Matz | 59.Ex.6 |
Rhododendreae Brongn. | 19.Ex.3 |
Rhododendroideae Endl. | 19.Ex.3 |
Rhododendron L. | 19.Ex.3, 20.Ex.1, 22.Ex.4 |
-- sect. Anthodendron | 22.Ex.4 |
-- subg. Anthodendron (Rchb.) Rehder | 22.Ex.4 |
-- subg. Pentanthera G. Don | 22.Ex.4 |
-- luteum Sweet | 22.Ex.4 |
Rhodomenia Grev. | 14.Ex.11 |
Rhodophyllaceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Rhodophyllidaceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Rhodophyllis, Rhodophyllidos | 18.Ex.1 |
Rhodophyllus, Rhodophylli | 18.Ex.1 |
Rhodophyta | 53.Ex.12 |
Rhodora L. | 19.Ex.3 |
Rhodoreae D. Don | 19.Ex.3 |
Rhodymenia Grev., not "Rhodomenia" | 14.Ex.11 |
Rhynchostylis Blume | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Richardia L. | 51.Ex.5 |
Richardsonia Kunth | 51.Ex.5 |
Ricinocarpos sect. Anomodiscus | 21.Ex.1 |
xRodrettiopsis Moir | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Rodriguezia Ruiz & Pav. | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Rorippa Scop. | 14.Ex.4 |
Rosa L. | 18.Ex.1, 19.Ex.1, 20.Ex.1, 46.Ex.1 |
-- canina L. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- gallica L. | 46.Ex.1 |
-- -- var. eriostyla R. Keller | 46.Ex.1 |
-- -- var. gallica | 46.Ex.1 |
-- glutinosa var. leioclada H. Christ | 24.Ex.6 |
-- jundzillii f. leioclada Borbás | 24.Ex.6 |
-- pissardii Carrière, not "pissardi", nor "pissarti" | 60.Ex.17 |
-- xtoddiae Wolley-Dod, not "xtoddii" | 60.Ex.18 |
-- webbiana | Rec.60C.1(d) |
Rosaceae Juss. | I18.Ex.1, 19.Ex.1, 46.Ex.1, 53.Ex.12 |
Roseae DC. | 19.Ex.1 |
Rosoideae Endl. | 19.Ex.1 |
Rubia L. | 53.Ex.9 |
Rubus L. | 53.Ex.9 |
-- amnicola Blanch., not "amnicolus" | 23.Ex.4 |
-- fanjingshanensis L. T. Lu ex Boufford & al. | 46.Ex.16 |
-- quebecensis L. H. Bailey | Rec.60D.Ex.1 |
Rutaceae | 53.Ex.12 |
S | |
Sacheria Sirodot | 48.Ex.1 |
Sadleria hillebrandii Rob. | 33.Ex.9 |
-- "pallida" (sensu Hillebrand, 1888), non Hook. & Arn. | 33.Ex.9 |
Salicaceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Salix | 18.Ex.1 |
-- sect. Argenteae W. D. J. Koch | 49.Ex.7 |
-- sect. Glaucae Pax | 49.Ex.7 |
-- subsect. Myrtilloides C. K. Schneid., not "(C. K. Schneid.) Dorn" | 49.Ex.7 |
-- aurita L. | H.2 .Ex.1 |
-- caprea L. | H.2 .Ex.1 |
-- xcapreola Andersson | H.3 .Ex.1 |
-- glaucops Andersson (pro hybr.) | 50.Ex.2 |
-- humilis Marshall | 11.Ex.21 |
-- -- var. microphylla Fernald | 11.Ex.21 |
-- -- var. tristis Griggs | 11.Ex.21 |
-- myrsinifolia Salisb. | 52.Ex.3 |
-- "myrsinites" sensu Hoffm., non L. | 52.Ex.3 |
-- tristis Aiton | 11.Ex.21 |
-- -- var. microphylla Andersson | 11.Ex.21 |
-- -- var. tristis | 11.Ex.21 |
Salvia sect. Hemisphace Benth. | 32.Ex.5, 46.Ex.10 |
-- "africana coerulea" (Linnaeus, 1753) | 23.Ex.10 |
-- grandiflora subsp. willeana Holmboe, subsp. "S. willeana" | 24.Ex.4 |
-- -- oxyodon Webb & Heldr. | 30.Ex.1 |
Sapium | 11.Ex.17 |
-- subsect. Patentinervia | 21.Ex.1 |
Saxifraga aizoon [var. aizoon subvar. brevifolia f. multicaulis] subf. surculosa Engl. & Irmsch. | 24.Ex.1 |
Scandix pecten-veneris L., not "pecten<o+>" | 23.Ex.2 |
Scenedesmus armatus var. brevicaudatus Pankow, non (L. S. Péterfi) E. H. Hegew. | 53.Ex.15 |
-- -- f. brevicaudatus L. S. Péterfi | 53.Ex.15 |
-- carinatus var. brevicaudatus Hortob. | 53.Ex.15 |
"Schaenoides" (Rottbøll, 1772) | 20.Ex.9 |
Schiedea "gregoriana" (Degener, 1936) | 36.Ex.2 |
-- kealiae Caum & Hosaka | 36.Ex.2 |
Schoenoxiphium | 46.Ex.3 |
-- altum Kukkonen | 46.Ex.3 |
Schoenus | 20.Ex.9 |
Scilla peruviana L. | 51.Ex.3 |
Scirpoides Ség. | 41.Ex.2, 43.Ex.4 |
"Scirpoides" (Rottbøll, 1772) | 20.Ex.9, 43.Ex.4 |
-- "paradoxus" (Rottbøll, 1772) | 43.Ex.4 |
Scirpus | 20.Ex.9 |
-- sect. Pseudoëriophorum Jurtzev, not sect. "Pseudo-eriophorum" | 60.Ex.13 |
-- cespitosus L., not "caespitosus" | 60.Ex.1 |
Sclerocroton | 11.Ex.17 |
-- integerrimus Hochst. | 11.Ex.17 |
-- reticulatus Hochst. | 11.Ex.17 |
Scleroderma | 18.Ex.1 |
Sclerodermataceae | 18.Ex.1 |
Scyphophora ecmocyna Gray | 48.Ex.3 |
Scytanthus Hook. | 53.Ex.5 |
Scytopetalaceae Engl. | 34.Ex.7 |
"Scytopetalum" (Pierre, 1897) | 34.Ex.7 |
Sebastiano-schaueria Nees | 20.Ex.7 |
Sebertia Engl., not "Pierre ex Baill." | 34.Ex.1 |
-- "acuminata Pierre (ms.)" (Baillon, 1891) | 34.Ex.1 |
Selaginella | 31.Ex.3 |
Selenicereus (A. Berger) Britton &Rose | H.6 .Ex.1 |
xSeleniphyllum Rowley | H.6 .Ex.1 |
Senecio napaeifolius (DC.) Sch. Bip., not "napeaefolius" | 53.Ex.9, 60.Ex.12 |
-- napifolius MacOwan | 53.Ex.9 |
Sepedonium chrysospermum (Bull.) Fr. | 59.Ex.7 |
Serratula chamaepeuce L. | 11.Ex.8 |
Sersalisia R. Br. | 34.Ex.1 |
-- ? acuminata Baill. | 34.Ex.1 |
Sesleria | Rec.60B.1(b) |
Sicyos L. | 62.Ex.1 |
Sida retusa L. | 9.Ex.2 |
Sigillariaceae | 3.Ex.2 |
Silene L. | 11.Ex.12 |
-- behen L. | 11.Ex.12 |
-- cucubalus Wibel | 11.Ex.12 |
-- vulgaris Garcke | 11.Ex.12 |
Siltaria Traverse | 3.Ex.2 |
Simarouba Aubl. | 53.Ex.10 |
Simaruba Boehm. | 53.Ex.10 |
Skytanthus Meyen | 53.Ex.5 |
Sloanea | Rec.60B.1(a) |
Smilax "caule inermi" (Aublet, 1775) | 23.Ex.5 |
Smithia Scop. | 14.Ex.10 |
Smithia Aiton, nom. cons., non Scop. | 14.Ex.10 |
Solanum ferox | 52.Ex.9 |
-- indicum L. | 52.Ex.9 |
-- insanum | 52.Ex.9 |
-- lycopersicum L. | 14.Ex.1 |
-- melongena var. insanum Prain, "insana" | 24.Ex.2 |
-- saltense C. V. Morton | 53.Ex.11 |
-- saltiense S. Moore | 53.Ex.11 |
-- torvum Sw. | 52.Ex.9 |
-- tuberosum var. murukewillu Ochoa, not "muru'kewillu" | 60.Ex.16 |
Solidago L. | 11.Ex.25 |
xSolidaster H. R. Wehrh. | 11.Ex.25 |
Sophora tomentosa subsp. occidentalis Brummitt | 46.Ex.7 |
xSophrolaeliocattleya Hurst | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Sophronitis Lindl. | H.6 .Ex.5, H.6.Ex.6 |
Spartium biflorum Desf. | 11.Ex.9 |
Spathiphyllum solomonense Nicolson, not "solomonensis" | Rec.50F.Ex.3 |
Spergula stricta Sw. | 11.Ex.10 |
Spermatites Miner | 3.Ex.1 |
Spermatophyta | 13.1(a) |
Sphagnaceae | 13.1(b), 13.1(c) |
Spondias mombin | 23.Ex.1 |
Stachys L. | 62.Ex.1 |
-- xambigua Sm. (pro sp.) | 50.Ex.1 |
-- palustris subsp. pilosa (Nutt.) Epling | Rec.26A.Ex.1 |
-- -- var. pilosa (Nutt.) Fernald | Rec.26A.Ex.1 |
Staphylea, not "Staphylis" | 51.Ex.1 |
Stenocarpus R. Br. | 62.Ex.2 |
Steyerbromelia discolor L. B. Smith & H. Rob. | 46.Ex.7 |
Stigmaria Brongn. | 3.Ex.1 |
Stillingia | 11.Ex.17 |
-- integerrima (Hochst.) Baill. | 11.Ex.17 |
Strychnos L. | 62.Ex.1 |
"Suaeda" (Forsskål, (1775) | 43.Ex.1 |
-- "baccata" (Forsskål, 1775) | 43.Ex.1 |
-- "vera" (Forsskål, 1775) | 43.Ex.1 |
Swainsona formosa (D. Don) Joy Thomps. | 11.Ex.19 |
Symphostemon Hiern | 53.Ex.9 |
Symphyostemon Miers | 53.Ex.9 |
Synthlipsis berlandieri A. Gray | 11.Ex.22 |
-- var. berlandieri | 11.Ex.22 |
-- var. hispida S. Watson | 11.Ex.22 |
T | |
Talinum polyandrum Hook., non Ruiz & Pav. | 58.Ex.2 |
Tamus, not "Tamnus" | 51.Ex.1 |
Taonabo Aubl. | 62.Ex.6 |
-- dentata Aubl. | 62.Ex.6 |
-- punctata Aubl. | 62.Ex.6 |
Tapeinanthus Boiss. ex Benth., non Herb. | 41.Ex.2, 53.Ex.1 |
Taraxacum Zinn, not "Taraxacvm" | 60.Ex.7 |
Taxus baccata var. variegata Weston | 28.Ex.1 |
-- -- 'Variegata' (cv. Variegata) | 28.Ex.1 |
Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb. | 49.Ex.3 |
-- sect. Eriopappus Holub | 49.Ex.3 |
Tersonia cyathiflora (Fenzl) A. S. George ex J. W. Green | 46.Ex.17 |
"Thamnos", "Thamnus" | 51.Ex.1 |
Thea L. | 13.Ex.3 |
Thuspeinanta T. Durand | 41.Ex.2, 53.Ex.1 |
Tiarella cordifolia L. | H.11 .Ex.1 |
Tilia | 10.Ex.4 |
Tillaea | 51.Ex.1 |
Tillandsia bryoides Griseb. ex Baker | 9.Ex.3 |
Tillia | 51.Ex.1 |
Tithymalus "jaroslavii" (Poljakova, 1953) | 34.Ex.10 |
Tmesipteris elongata P. A. Dang. | 52.Ex.8 |
-- truncata (R. Br.) Desv. | 52.Ex.8 |
Torreya Arn., nom. cons., non Raf. | 53.Ex.3 |
Triaspis mossambica A. Juss., not "mozambica" | 60.Ex.1 |
Trichipteris kalbreyeri (Baker) R. M. Tryon | 33.Ex.6 |
Tricholomataceae Pouzar | 18.Ex.7 |
"Tricholomées" Roze | 18.Ex.7 |
Trifolium indicum L., not "M. indica" | 23.Ex.14 |
Trilepisium Thouars | 41.Ex.3 |
-- madagascariense DC. | 41.Ex.3 |
Triticum L. | H.8 .Ex.1 |
-- aestivum L. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- dicoccoides (Körn.) Körn. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- laxum Fr. | H.5 .Ex.1 |
-- speltoides (Tausch) Gren. ex K. Richt. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
-- tauschii (Coss.) Schmalh. | H.3 .Ex.3 |
xTritordeum Asch. & Graebn. | H.8 .Ex.1 |
Tropaeolum majus L. | 23.Ex.4 |
Tsuga | 7.Ex.2 |
-- heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. | 7.Ex.2 |
-- mertensiana (Bong.) Carrière | 7.Ex.2 |
Tuber F. H. Wigg. : Fr. | 20.Ex.3 |
-- gulosorum F. H. Wigg. | 20.Ex.3 |
U | |
Ubochea Baill. | Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Uffenbachia Fabr., not "Vffenbachia" | 60.Ex.7 |
Ulmus racemosa Thomas, non Borkh. | Rec.50C.Ex.1 |
Umbelliferae | 18.5 |
Uredinales | 13.1(d) |
Uredo Pers. : Pers. | 59.Ex.2 |
-- cubensis (Arthur & J. R. Johnst.) Cummins | 59.Ex.4 |
-- pustulata Pers., not "Vredo pvstvlata" | 60.Ex.8 |
Uromyces fabae | 23.Ex.1 |
Urtica "dubia?" (Forsskål, 1775) | 23.Ex.6 |
Urvillea Kunth | 53.Ex.9, Rec.60B.Ex.1 |
Ustilaginales | 13.1(d), 17.Ex.2, 59.1 |
Utricularia inflexa Forssk. | 26.Ex.5 |
-- -- var. stellaris (L. f.) P. Taylor | 26.Ex.5 |
-- stellaris L. f. | 26.Ex.5 |
-- -- var. coromandeliana A. DC. | 26.Ex.5 |
-- -- var. stellaris | 26.Ex.5 |
Uva-ursi Duhamel, not "Uva ursi" (Miller, 1754) | 20.Ex.6 |
V | |
Vaccinieae D. Don | Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
Vaccinioideae (D. Don) Endl. | Rec.19A.Ex.2 |
Valantia L., not "Vaillantia" | 60.Ex.9 |
Valeriana sect. Valerianopsis | 21.Ex.1 |
Vanda W. Jones ex R. Br. | H.6 .Ex.6, H.8.Ex.2 |
-- lindleyana | Rec.60C.1(c) |
xVascostylis Takakura | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Verbascum sect. Aulacosperma Murb. | 53.Ex.16 |
-- lychnitis L. | H.10 .Ex.2 |
-- "nigro-lychnitis" (Schiede, 1825) | H.10 .Ex.2 |
-- nigrum L. | 23.Ex.4, H.10.Ex.2 |
-- xschiedeanum W. D. J. Koch | H.10 .Ex.2 |
Verbena hassleriana | Rec.60C.1(d) |
Verbesina alba L. | 11.Ex.18 |
-- prostrata L. | 11.Ex.18 |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L., not "anagallis" | 23.Ex.2, 60.Ex.14 |
Vexillifera Ducke | 6.Ex.1 |
-- micranthera | 6.Ex.1 |
Viburnum xbodnantense 'Dawn' | 28.Ex.1 |
-- ternatum Rehder | 46.Ex.2 |
Vicia L. | 18.5 |
Vinca major L. | 23.Ex.4 |
Vincetoxicum | 51.Ex.1 |
Viola hirta L. | 24.Ex.6 |
-- "qualis" (Krocker, 1790) | 23.Ex.6 |
-- tricolor var. hirta Ging. | 24.Ex.6 |
Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. Gmel. | 26.Ex.3 |
-- -- "subsp. pseudo-myuros (Soy.-Will.) Maire & Weiller" | 26.Ex.3 |
W | |
Wahlenbergia Roth | 11.Ex.1 |
Waltheria americana L. | 11.Ex.16 |
-- indica L. | 11.Ex.16 |
Weihea Spreng. | 14.Ex.2 |
xWilsonara Charlesworth & Co. | H.6 .Ex.6 |
Wintera Murray | 18.Ex.4 |
Winteraceae Lindl. | 18.Ex.4 |
X | |
Xanthoceras Bunge | 62.Ex.5 |
"Xanthoxylon", "Xanthoxylum" | Rec.50F.Ex.2 |
Xerocomus Quél. | Rec.62A.Ex.1 |
Xylomataceae Fr., "ordo Xylomaceae" | 18.Ex.3 |
Z | |
Zanthoxylum caribaeum var. floridanum (Nutt.) A. Gray, not "Xanthoxylum" | Rec.50F.Ex.2 |
-- cribrosum Spreng., not "Xanthoxylon" | Rec.50F.Ex.2 |
Zygophyllum billardierei DC., not "billardierii" | 60.Ex.10 |
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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy.This page last updated Oct. 3, 1997.