36.1. In order to be validly published, a name of a new taxon of plants, the algae and all fossils excepted, published on or after 1 January 1935 must be accompanied by a Latin description or diagnosis or by a reference to a previously and effectively published Latin description or diagnosis (but see Art. H.9).
Ex. 1. Arabis "Sekt. Brassicoturritis O. E. Schulz" and "Sekt. Brassicarabis O. E. Schulz" (in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 17b: 543-544. 1936), published with German but no Latin descriptions or diagnoses, are not validly published names.
Ex. 2. "Schiedea gregoriana" (Degener, Fl. Hawaiiensis, fam. 119. 9 Apr 1936) was not accompanied by a Latin description or diagnosis, and is accordingly not a validly published name. S. kealiae Caum & Hosaka (in Occas. Pap. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 11(23): 3. 10 Apr 1936), the type of which is part of the material used by Degener, is provided with a Latin description and is validly published.
Ex. 3. Alyssum flahaultianum Emb., first published without a Latin description or diagnosis (in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Maroc 15: 199. 1936), was validly published posthumously when a Latin translation of Emberger's original French description was provided (in Willdenowia 15: 62-63. 1985).
36.2. In order to be validly published, a name of a new taxon of non-fossil algae published on or after 1 January 1958 must be accompanied by a Latin description or diagnosis or by a reference to a previously and effectively published Latin description or diagnosis.
Ex. 4. Although Neoptilota Kylin (Gatt. Rhodophyc.: 392. 1956) was accompanied by only a German description, it is a validly published name since it applies to an alga and was published before 1958.
36.3. In order to be validly published, a name of a new
taxon of fossil plants published on or after 1 Jan 1996 must be
accompanied by a Latin or English description or diagnosis or
by a reference to a previously and effectively published Latin
or English description or diagnosis.
36A.1. Authors publishing names of new taxa of non-fossil
plants should give or cite a full description in Latin in addition
to the diagnosis.
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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. This page last updated Sept. 25, 1997.