Greta Olson

Greta Olson is Professor of English and American literature and cultural studies at the University of Giessen, general editor of the European Journal of English Studies (EJES), and, with Jeanne Gaakeer, the co-founder of the European Network for Law and Literature. She is the author of Criminals as Animals from Shakespeare to Lombroso (Law and Literature Series, De Gruyter 2013) and Reading Eating Disorders (2003). She has edited Current Trends in Narratology (2011) and 9/11 – Ten Years After (2011) and co-edited (with Ansgar Nünning) New Theories, Models and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies: Theory into Practice (2013); Obama and the Paradigim Shift – Measuring Change with Birte Christ (2012), In the Grip of the Law (2004) with Monika Fludernik as well as a special issue of EJES on law, literature, and language with Martin Kayman (2007). Her research interests are interdisciplinary and include Law and Literature/Culture, punitivity and security studies, critical cultural narratology, posthumanism, and feminist and gender studies: