Dr. rer nat. Marko Silvestric
Research Fellow
BIOGUM Medicine
Universität Hamburg
FG Medizin
Professional Background
- 2001-2005 Undergraduate study in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Hamburg
- May 2006 completion of degree as Diplom-Biochemist, Thesis „Strukturelle Charakterisierung der Aggregate des Prion-Proteins“ (Structural Characterisation of the Aggregate of the Prion-Protein) under the advisement of Prof. Dr. Dr. Betzel at the University of Hamburg
- October 2006 PhD scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Villigst
Fields of Work
- Genetisation and Molecular Characterisation of Oncological Illnesses
- Preconditions and Consequences of Molecular Characterisation in Science and Medicine
- Study of the Ontology of Knowledge Representation and Communication between Science and Medicine