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Project Kaleidoscope

Kathleen Parson

Professor of Biology
Macalester College

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Biographical Sketch:

Kathleen Parson received her B.A. in Chemistry from Macalester College and her Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Minnesota. She has returned to a joint appointment in the Biology and Chemistry Departments at Macalester College after having served a four year term as Academic Dean from 1995-99. She was Program Director (1989-95) and now is campus representative to the Pew Midstates Science and Mathematics Consortium and to ChemLinks, a coalition of 15 colleges and universities funded by a five-year $2.7 million NSF grant to develop innovative curricular modules. Professor Parson spent her last sabbatical in Scotland at the University of Glasgow where she investigated eukaryotic gene expression using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology. A number of her students have had internships at 3M where she spent her first sabbatical and has continued as a consultant to the Biosciences Laboratories. She co-authored a publication on a chromatographic support for high pressure liquid chromatography based on research done there. In 1998 she received Macalester's Jefferson Award and she will be scientist in residence at PKAL during the 1999-2000 academic year.

Workshop Presentations:

Biochemistry Presenters

10th Anniversary Presenters


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Last Modified: 9/3/99
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