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The Future of Plant Biology
Workshop Series C
July 23 - 26, 2000


Where is plant biology undergraduate education headed and what are the major challenges? Plant biology has made incredible advances in the past decade and the way we teach and will teach in this field is changing rapidly. The Future of Plant Biology workshop will include plant biologists working at all levels, from ecosystems to molecules, and is aimed at professional societies as well as academic teams. Participatory workshops and case studies will address a range of topics including: the campus as a classroom, technology and pedagogy in plant biology, integrating field experiences, enhancing the presence of plants in introductory biology, preservice teachers and plants, and efforts of our professional societies to enhance education. The goal of this workshop is to bring together teacher/scholars in all areas of plant biology to envision an exciting future for plants in the undergraduate curriculum.

Issues to be Addressed

  • Integrating plants from molecules to ecosystem in Introductory Biology
  • Teaching with model plants
  • Effective strategies for enhancing learning with information technology
  • Roles of professional societies in enhancing plant biology education
  • Plant biology for all

Colorado Flora - Field Work with Plants
- J. Phillip Gibson, Assistant Professor of Biology, Agnes Scott College
- Robin A. Bingham, Assistant Professor of Biology, Western State University
- Rob Reinsvold, Professor of Biology, University of Northern Colorado

"Doing" Plant Biology in Large Classes
- Paul Williams, Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Campus as Classroom - Making Plants Relevant to Your Community
- Muriel Poston, Associate Professor of Biology, Howard University

Virtual Plants? - Enhancing Learning with Information Technology
- Peter Sengbusch, Professor, Universitat Hamburg (Botany-Online)
[Dr. Sengbusch is constructing an internet resource of web-projects before the meeting and invites anyone who would like their web teaching resources included to contact him at]

Introducing Plants to Future Biologists, Teachers, Citizens and Policy Makers - The Future of Bio 101
- Gordon Uno, Professor and Chair, University of Oklahoma

Plants in Community Colleges
- Wilson Crone, Instructor of Biology, Hudson Valley Community College

  • Download the Powerpoint presentation for this presentation
  • Download the handouts (in PDF format) for this presentation.*
    (*Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here to download it.)
  • C-Fern - A Model Plant for Teaching
    - Leslie Hickok, Professor, Department of Botany, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    - Thomas Warne, Department of Botany, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

    Fast Plants for Undergraduates
    - Paul Williams, Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison

    Professional Societies: Exemplars of Plant Biology Education Reform
    - American Society of Plant Physiologists
    - John Lisack, Executive Director, ASPP
    - Carol Reiss, Chair, ASPP Education Committee
    - Botanical Society of America
    - David Kramer, Chair, BSA Education Committee
    - Ecological Society of America
    - Ramble O. Ankumah, SEEDS Faculty Participant, Tuskegee University
    - (SEEDS: Strategies for Ecology Education, Development and Sustainability is conducted jointly by ESA and The United Negro College Fund)

    Plants for All - Developing an Action Plan
    Facilitator: Keith M. Howard, Associate Professor of Biology, Morehouse College

    Joint Sessions with Other Workshop Scientists
    Plants in Biochemistry Funding Educational Reform Assessment


    Please refer to the Registration Procedures page for registration information. The fee for this workshop is $300.00 per person, which includes materials and two meals. Participants or their institutions pay the cost of travel, lodging, and other meals. Lodging is available from $105.00 per night (depending upon accomodation preference).


    Workshop Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 23, 2000. The workshop will begin at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, and conclude at noon on Wednesday, July 26, 2000.

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    Presenters and Planning Committee | Agenda
    Best Ideas | Resources

    Workshop Index


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    This page was last updated on 04/11/2000

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