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Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen zu allgemeinen Fragen zur Mykorrhiza
C. Albrecht, R. Geurts, T. Bisseling (1999) Legume nodulation and mycorrhizae
formation; two extremes in host specificity meet.
EMBO J. 18, 281–288.
C. Agerer (1991) Characterization of Ectomycorrhizae.
In Techniques for the study of mycorrhiza. Methods in Microbiology
ed. J.R. Norris, D.J. Read, A.K. Varma, 25–27.
K.A. Blee, A.J. Anderson (2000) Defense responses in plants to arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi.
In Current Advances in Mycorrhizae Research (Hrsg.: G.K. Podila,
D.D. Douds, Jr.), APS Press, The American Phytopathological Society, St.
Paul, Minnesota 27–44.
P. Bonfante, S. Perotto (1995) Strategies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
when infecting host plants.
New Phytol. 130, 3–21, (The Tansley Review Collections,
2: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function).
H. Beyerle (1995) The role of phytohormones in the function and biology
of mycorrhizas.
In Mycorrhiza: Structure Molecular Biology and Function. ed. A.
Varma, B. Hock, 365-390, Berlin, Deutschland: Springer-Verlag.
J.W.G. Cairney (2000) Evolution of mycorrhiza systems.
Naturwissenschaften 87, 467–475.
A.B. Frank (1885) Über die auf Wurzelsymbiose beruhende Ernährung
gewisser Bäume durch unterirdische Pilze.
Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 3, 128–145.
J. Garbaye (1994) Helper bacteria: a new dimension to the mycorrhizal symbiosis.
New Phytol. 128, 197–210, (The Tansley Review Collections,
2: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function).
V. Gianinazzi-Pearson, J. Denarié (1997) Red carpet genetic programmes
for root endosymbioses.
Trends in Plant Science 2, 371–372.
A.O. Jackson, C.B. Taylor (1996) Plant-microbe interactions: life and death
at the interface.
Plant Cell 8, 1651–1688.
F.R. Jones (1924) A mycorrhizal fungus in the roots of legumes and some
other plants.
J. Agric. Res. 29, 459–470.
J.R. Leake (1994) The biology of myco-heterotrophic (saprophytic) plants.
New Phytol. 127, 171–216, (The Tansley Review Collections,
2: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function).
C. Logi, C. Sbrana, M. Giovannetti (1998) Cellular events involved in survival
of individual arbuscular mycorrhizal symbionts growing in the absence of
the host.
Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. 64, 3473–3479.
M. Parniske (2000) Intracellular accommodation of microbes by plants: a
common developmental program for symbiosis and disease?
Current Opinion in Plant Biol. 3, 320–328.
S.E. Smith, D.J. Read (1997) Mycorrhizal Symbiosis.
Academic Press, London.
D. Strack, T. Fester, B. Hause, M.H. Walter (2001) Eine unterirdische Lebensgemeinschaft
– Die arbuskuläre Mykorrhiza.
Biologie in unsere Zeit 31, 286–295.
D. Werner (1987) Pflanzliche und Mikrobielle Symbiosen
Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
D. Werner (1992) Symbioses of plants and microbes
Chapman and Hall, London
Nährstoffaustausch zwischen Pilz und Pflanze
B.B. Bago, P.E. Pfeffer, Y. Shachar-Hill (2000) Carbon metabolism and transport
in arbuscular mycorrhizas.
Plant Physiol. 124, 949–957.
B. Botton, M. Chalot (1995) Nitrogen assimilation: enzymology in ectomycorrhizas.
In Mycorrhiza: Structure Molecular Biology and Function. ed. A.
Varma, B. Hock, 325–363, Berlin, Deutschland: Springer-Verlag.
B. Botton, F. Martin (1993) Nitrogen metabolism of ectomycorrhizal fungi
and ectomycorrhiza.
Adv. in Plant Pathol. 9, 83–102.
X.Y. Chen, R. Hampp (1993) Sugar uptake by protoplasts of the ectomycorrhizal
fungus, Amanita muscaria (L. ex. fr.) Hooker.
New Phytol. 125, 601–608.
G. Cox, P.B. Tinker (1976) Translocation and transfer of nutrients in vesicular-arbuscular
mycorrhizas. I. The arbuscule and phosphorus transfer: a quantitative ultrastructural
New Phytol. 7, 371–378.
R. Francis, D.J. Read (1984) Direct transfer of carbon between plants connected
by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal mycelium.
Nature 307, 53–56.
S.Imhof (1999) Root morphology, anatomy and mycotrophy of the achlorophyllous
aphylla (Jacq.) Pers. (Gentianaceae).
Mycorrhiza 9, 33–39.
R.T. Koide (1991) Nutrient supply, nutrient demand and plant response to
mycorrhizal infection.
New Phytol. 117, 365–386, (The Tansley Review Collections,
2: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function).
P. Salzer, A. Hager (1991) Sucrose utilization of the ectomycorrhizal fungi
Amanita muscaria and Hebeloma crustuliniforme depends on
the cell wall-bound invertase activity of their host Picea abies.
Bot. Acta 104, 439–445.
S.E. Smith and F.A. Smith (1990) Structure and function of the interfaces
in biotrophic symbioses as they relate to nutrient transport.
New Phytol. 14, 1–38, (The Tansley Review Collections,
2: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function).
A. Wingler, T. Wallenda, R. Hampp (1996) Mycorrhiza formation on Norway
spruce (Picea abies) roots affects the pathway of anaplerotic CO2
Physiol. Plant. 4, 699–705.
Strukturen der Mykorrhiza
S.J. Barker, D. Tagu, G. Delp (1998) Regulation of root and fungal morphogenesis
in mycorrhizal symbioses.
Plant Physiol. 116, 1201–1207.
D. Blasius, W. Feil, I. Kottke, F. Oberwinkler (1986) Hartig net structure
and formation in fully ensheathed ectomycorrhizas.
Nordic J. Bot. 6, 837–842.
Bonfante P. (2001) At the interface between mycorrhizal fungi and plants:
the structural organization of cell wall, plasma membrane and cytoskeleton.
In The Mycota IX, Fungal Associations (Hrsg.: B. Hock), Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, 45–61.
J.W.G. Cairney, R.M. Burke (1996) Physiological heterogeneity within fungal
mycelia – an important concept for a functional understanding of the ectomycorrhizal
New Phytol. 134, 685–695.
T. Fester, D. Strack, B. Hause (2001) Reorganization of tobacco root plastids
during arbuscule development.
Planta 213, 864–868.
V. Gianinazzi-Pearson (1996) Plant cell responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi: Getting to the roots of the symbiosis.
Plant Cell 8, 1871–1883.
M.J. Harrison (1999) Molecular and cellular aspects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal
Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 50, 361–389.
L. Scannerini and P. Bonfante-Fasolo (1977) Unusual plastids in an endomycorrhizal
Can. J. Bot. 55, 2471–1474.
F.A. Smith and S.E. Smith (1997) Structural diversity in (vesicular)-arbuscular
mycorrhizal symbioses.
New Phytol. 137, 373–388, (The Tansley Review Collections,
2: Mycorrhizas – Structure and Function).
B. Tisserant, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson, S. Gianinazzi, A. Gollote (1993)
planta histochemical staining of fungal alkaline phosphatase activity
for analysis of efficient arbuscular endomycorrhizal infections.
Mycol. Res. 97, 245–250.
J.G.H. Wessels (1997) Hydrophobins: proteins that change the nature of
the fungal surface.
Adv. in Microbiol. Physiol. 38, 1–45.
Die Pilzpartner
M.L. Berbee, J.W. Taylor (1993) Dating the evolutionary radiations of the
true fungi.
Can. J. Bot. 71, 1114–1127.
J.B. Morton, G.L. Benny (1990) Revised classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi (Zygomycetes): a new order, Glomales, two new suborders, Glomineae
and Gigasporineae, and two new families, Acaulosporaceae and Gigasporaceae,
with an emendation of Glomaceae.
Mycotaxon 37, 471–491.
D. Redecker, R. Kodner, L.E. Graham (2000) Glomalean Fungi from the Ordovician.
Science 289, 1920–1921.
D. Redecker, H. Thierfelder, C. Walker, D. Werner (1997) Restriction analysis
of PCR-amplified internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA as a tool
for species identification in different genera of the order Glomales.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63, 1756-1761.
W. Remy, T.N. Taylor, H. Hass, H. Kerp (1994) Four hundred-million-year-old
vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 11841–11843.
I.R. Sanders, M. Alt, K. Groppe, T. Boller, A. Wiemken (1995) Identification
of ribosomal DNA polymorphisms among and within spores of the Glomales:
application to studies on the genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungal communities.
New Phytol. 130, 419–427.
M.F. Allen (1996) The ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizas: a look back into
the 20th century and a peak into the 21st.
Mycol. Res. 100, 769–782.
R. Francis, F.J. Read (1994) The contributions of mycorrhizal fungi to
the determination of plant community structure.
Plant and Soil 159, 11–25.
P. Jeffries, J.M. Barea (2001) Arbuscular mycorrhiza – a key component
of sustainable plant-soil ecosystems.
In The Mycota IX, Fungal Associations (Hrsg.: B. Hock), Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, 95–113.
H. Mohr (1986) Die Erforschung der neuartigen Waldschäden.
Biologie in unserer Zeit 16, 83–89.
K.K. Newsham, A.H. Fitter, A.R. Watkinson (1995) Arbuscular mycorrhiza
protect an annual grass from root pathogenic fungi in the field.
J. Ecol. 83, 991–1000.
M. Petgen, A. Schropp, V. Römheld (1997) Mykorrhiza - Ein Wurzelpilz
und seine Bedeutung für die Rebe.
Der Deutsche Weinbau 16–17, 30–32.
D.J. Read, D.H. Lewis, A.H. Fitter, I.J. Alexander (1991) Mycorrhizas in
Oxford: CAB International.
T. Ritter, G. Weber, I. Kottke, F. Oberwinkler (1989) Zur Mykorrhizaentwicklung
von Fichten und Tannen in geschädigten Beständen.
Biologie in unserer Zeit 19, 9–15.
I.R. Sanders, J.P. Clapp, A. Wiemken (1996) The genetic diversity of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi in natural ecosystems – a key to understanding the ecology
and functioning of the mycorrhizal symbiosis.
New Phytol. 133, 123–134.
M.G.A. van der Heijden, J.N. Klironomos, M. Ursic, P. Moutoglis, R. Streitwolf-Engel,
T. Boller, A. Wiemken, I.R. Sanders (1998) Mycorrhizal fungal diversity
determines plant biodiversity, ecosystem variability and productivity.
Nature 396, 69–72.
Molekulare Ansätze
P. Bonfante, R. Bergero, X. Uribe, C. Romera, J. Rigau, P. Puigdomenech
(1996) Transcriptional activation of a maize-tubulin gene in mycorrhizal
maize and transgenic tobacco plants.
Plant J. 9, 737–743.
A. Brun, M. Chalot, B. Botton, F. Martin (1992) Purification and characterization
of glutamine-synthetase and NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase from the ectomycorrhizal
fungus Laccaria laccata.
Plant Physiol. 99, 938–944.
C. Cordier, M.J. Pozo, J.M. Barea, S. Gianinazzi, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson
(1998) Cell defense responses associated with localized and systemic resistance
to Phytophthora parasitica induced in tomato by an arbuscular mycorrhizal
Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 11, 1017–1018.
G. Danneberg, C. Latus, W. Zimmer, B. Hundeshagen, H. Schneider-Poetsch,
H. Bothe (1993) Influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza on phytohormone
balances in maize /Zea mays L.).
J. Plant Physiol. 141, 33–39.
B. Dassi, A. Samra, E. Dumas-Gaudot, S. Gianinazzi (1999) Different polypeptide
profiles from tomato roots following interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal
(Glomus mosseae) or pathogenic (Phytophthora parasitica)
Symbiosis 26, 65–77.
G. Duc, A. Trouvelot, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson, S. Gianinazzi (1999) First
report of non-mycorrhizal mutants (myc-) obtained in pea (Pisum sativum
and fababean (Vicia faba L.).
Plant Science 60, 215–222.
E. Dumas-Gaudot, P. Guillaume, A. Tahiri-Alaoui, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson,
S. Gianinazzi (1994) Changes in polypeptide patterns in tobacco roots colonized
by two Glomus species.
Mycorrhiza 4, 215–221.
P.J. Forbes, S. Millam, J.E. Hooker, L.A. Harrier (1998) Transformation
of the arbuscular mycorrhiza Gigaspora rosea by particle bombardment.
Mycol. Res. 102, 497–501.
P. Franken, F. Gnädinger (1994) Analysis of parsley arbuscular endomycorrhiza:
infection development and mRNA levels of defense-related genes.
Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 7, 612–620.
P. Franken, L. Lapopin, G. Meyer-Gauen, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson (1997) RNA
accumulation and genes expressed in spores of the arbucular mycorrhizal
fungus Gigaspora rosea.
Mycologia 89, 293–297.
A. Genre, P. Bonfante (1997) A mycorrhizal fungus changes microtubule orientation
in tobacco root cells.
Protoplasma 199, 30–38.
V. Gianinazzi-Pearson and S. Gianinazzi (1989) Cellular and genetical aspects
of the interactions between host and fungal symbionts in mycorrhizae.
Genome 31, 366–341.
V. Gianinazzi-Pearson et al. (1995) Cellular and molecular defence-related
root responses to invasion by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
New Phytol. 133, 45–57.
M.J. Harrison (1996) A sugar transporter from Medicago truncatula:
altered expression pattern in roots during vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal
Plant J. 9, 491–503.
M.J. Harrison, M.L. Van Buuren (1995) A phosphate transporter from the
mycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme.
Nature 378, 626–629.
B. Kaestner, R. Tenhaken, H. Kauss (1998) Chitinase in cucumber hypocotyls
is induced by germinating fungal elicitor in synergism with inducers of
acquired resistance.
Plant J. 13, 447–454.
M. Kaldorf, E.Schmelzer, H. Bothe (1998) Expression of maize and fungal
nitrate reductase genes in arbuscular mycorrhiza.
Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 11, 439–448.
F. Krajinski, A. Biela, D. Schubert, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson, R. Kaldenhoff,
P. Franken (2000) Arbuscular mycorrhiza development regulates the mRNA
abundance of Mtaqp1 encoding a mercury-insensitive aquaporin of Medicago
Planta 211, 85–90.
H. Liu, A.T. Trieu, L.A. Blaylock, M.J. Harrison (1997) Cloning and characterization
of two phosphate transporters from Medicago truncatula
roots: regulation
in response to phosphate and to colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal
Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 11, 14–22.
W. Maier, H. Peipp, J. Schmidt, V. Wray, D. Strack (1995) Levels of a terpenoid
glycoside (blumenin) and cell wall-bound phenolics in some cereal mycorrhizas.
Plant Physiol. 109, 465–470.
F. Martin, P. Laurent, D. Carvalho, T. Burgess, P. Murphy, U. Nehls, D.
Tagu (1995) Fungal gene expression during ectomycorrhiza formation.
Can. J. Bot. 73, 1993.
F. Martin-Laurent, D. Van Tuinen, E. Dumas-Gaudot, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson,
S. Gianinazzi, P. Franken (1997) Differential display analysis of RNA acumulation
in arbuscular mycorrhiza of pea and isolation of a novel symbiosis-regulated
plant gene.
Mol. Gen. Genet. 256, 37–44.
P.J. Murphy, P. Langridge, S.E. Smith (1997) Cloning plant genes differentially
expressed during colonization of roots of Hordeum vulgare by the
vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices.
New Phytol. 135, 291–301.
U. Nehls, J. Wiese, M. Guttenberger, R. Hampp (1998) Carbon allocation
in ectomycorrhizas - identification and expression analysis of an Amanita
muscaria monosaccharide transporter.
Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 11, 167–176.
D. Tagu, I. Kottke, F. Martin (1998) Hydrophobins in ectomycorrhiazl symbiosis
- Hypothesis.
Symbiosis 25, 5–18.
S. Trouvelot, D. van Tuinen, M. Hijri, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson (1999) Visualization
of ribosomal DNA loci in spore interphasic nuclei of Glomalean fungi by
fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Mycorrhiza 8, 203–206.
P. van Rhijn, Y. Fang, S. Galili, O. Shaul, N. Atzmon, S. Wininger Y. Eshed,
M. Lum, Y. Li, V. To, N. Fujishige, Y. Kapulnik, A.M. Hirsch (1997) Expression
of early nodulin genes in alfalfa mycorrhizae indicates that signal transduction
pathways used in forming arbuscular mycorrhizae and Rhizobium-induced
nodules may be conserved.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 5467–5472.
M.H. Walter, T.Fester, D. Strack (2000) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi induce
the non-mevalonate methylerythritol phosphate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis
correlated with accumulation of the yellow pigment and other apocarotenoids.
Plant J. 21, 571–576.
E. Wegel, L. Schauser, N. Sandal, J. Stougaard, M. Parniske (1998) Mycorrhiza
mutants of Lotus japonicus define genetically independent steps
during symbiotic infection.
Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 11, 933–936.