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Grass Flowers-1

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While we are rather familiar with Grasses, we are unfamiliarGrassWholPlantBIOD.jpg (61615 bytes) with their flowers. This is largely due to the fact that Grass Flowers are small and lack prominent, attracrive flower parts. A few grasses have attractive inflorescences and are grown as ornamentals. The latter includes Pampas Grass and Fountain Grass. The latter has become a major alien invader in Hawaii. It is capable of growing on harsh sites and overgrows native species like Pili Grass on more favorable sites.

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Fountain Grass in the Foreground and on open Lava Fields on the (Kona Coast Hawaii)in the distance.
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Fountain Grass with Inflorescences in the Foreground. This is either an ugly or beautiful photo depending on your perspective regarding Alien Invaders!
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Pili Grass growing on Lava
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Pili growing in a more favorable habitat
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Pili Grass was the preferred thatch for Hawaiian Houses
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Braided Pili Thatch

Many of the world's greatest crops are Grasses. RyeInflor.jpg (56052 bytes)

Prominent examples are Rice, Wheat and Corn! Sugarcane is also a grass!

We will use Rye (Secale cereal) as an example of a grass flower.

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