WB01343_4.gif (599 bytes)      Adnation     WB01345_4.gif (616 bytes)

Adnation is the union between floral parts of a different whorl or kind.


Union of Calyx & Corolla

Union of Androecium & Corolla

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DaturaStamenCorollaMacro240.jpg (16622 bytes)
Datura Flower with Adnation between the Corolla and Androecium

Hypanthium = Fusion of Calyx, Corolla & Filaments without adnation to the Gynoecium produces a Perigynous Flower 

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PerigynousFlowerBIODIDACColorLab500.gif (47331 bytes)

Perigynous Flower in the Rosaceae

Diagram of a Perigynous Flower

Union of Hypanthium to Ovary ->
Epigynous Flower with an   Inferior Ovary

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AppleFlrWholongiSecLab.jpg (41300 bytes)

Sectioned Apple (Pyrus) Flower This is an Epigynous flower!

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Diagram of an Epigynous Flower similar to Fuchsia

FuchsiaPurpFlr300Lab.jpg (81490 bytes)

an Epigynous Flower

Hypogenous flowers have their floral organs inserted below the gynoecium on the receptacle. This produces a "Superior Ovary"

RanunDiagLongSecLab.jpg (77757 bytes)

HypogynousFlrBIODIDACColor400.gif (49107 bytes)
Diagram of a Ranunculus Flower which is Hypogynous Diagram of an Hypogynous Flower

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Perigynous   -> Sepals, Petals & Stamens arise from the Hypanthium which surrounds the Ovary but is NOT fused to the Ovary Wall. The ovary is sometimes said to be "partly inferior" in cases like this.

EpigynousFlrMacroLSCarr.jpg (66667 bytes)


Epigynous -> "Inferior Ovary" - Stamens, Petals & Sepals appear to grow from the top of the Inferior Ovary.


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