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A Fossil Lycopod of Note

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Plants similar in size and stature to the various Lycophyta we see today were present in the Devonian Period.

However, there were also large arborescent (tree-sized) lycopods present in the Carboniferous Period.

These formed a major component of the Biosphere at this time.

Perhaps the most famous is Lepidodendron.

It was a tree that reached over 30 meters in height.

Its base could exceed 2 meters in diameter.

The Stems were relatively unbranched but they did dichotomize towards the summit of the trunk.

Its leaves were much longer than those of extant species and could be as long as 80 cm!!!!!

These left a distinctive Leaf Scar when they fell from the stem.

Ligules were present!

They had massive Dichotomously branched Roots

They were Heterosporous.

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Leaf Scars

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