Snapdragon General Information

Antirrhinum majus L.

The latin name derives from the form of the flower: anti = front and rhin = snout
Common names: Description: Perennial plant. Root with many branches. Shoot perpendicular or raising itself in a curve. Shoot becomes woody at the base. Size is 20 to 70 cm. Shoot is naked at the base and carries gland hairs further upwards. Leaves pairwise opposite. Their form is elongated, pointed, smooth rimmed with short stem and nude. Flowers are sitting on a very short stem. Inflorescence at the end of the shoot. Flowers point in all directions. Bracts for are much shorter than the flowers. Sepals egg shaped, about 5mm length. They are much shorter than the petals. Sepals 2 to 3 cm length, fused, with a wide tube, purpur colored. The tupe is lighter colored or white. Inside the mouth yellow colored. Seed capsule is oblique egg shaped and 12 to 17 mm long.
Medical uses:Diuretic, scurvy, liver, tumor, detergent, astringent
Distribution: Found on hot rocks and walls. Common cultured garden plant. Natural distribution: Southern Europe, Syria, Northern Africa.

The normal typus or "wild type" of Antirrhinum majus is defined to be the "Sippe 50" strain. Pictures of "Sippe 50" plants, inflorescences and flowers can be found in our archive in many instances where "Sippe 50" is compared to some mutant.

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This page has last been modified on August 27, 1997.