IBOY Secretariat 




Members of the Steering Committee

Ex Officio Members

  • Peter Bridgewater, UNESCO-MAB
  • Harold Mooney, Secretary General, ICSU
  • José Sarukhán, Chair, DIVERSITAS

Advisory Board

  • Manuel Arango, CONCORD
  • Neil Chalmers, Director, The Natural History Museum, London
  • Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
  • Tom Lovejoy, The World Bank
  • Jane Lubchenco, ICSU
  • Russell Mittermeier, Conservation International
  • Peter Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden

IBOY Secretariat

  • Program Officer, Gina Adams
  • Program Assistant, Lily Huddleson
  • Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
    Natural and Environmental Sciences Building
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, CO 80523-1499
    Tel. (+1) 970 491 1984
    Fax: (+1) 970 491 3945
    Email  iboy@nrel.colostate.edu

    Apply for inclusion of your project in IBOY.

    Please send comments on this website to: lily@nrel.colostate.edu.

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