What is IBOY?

Why do we need IBOY?

What will happen  as part of IBOY?

What information will IBOY provide?

 What biodiversity do we have?

How is it changing?

What goods and services does it provide?

How can we conserve it?

Biodiversity Showcase

How can you participate in IBOY?

Origin of IBOY

What is biodiversity?

(World Resources Institute)




If you would like to propose a project for inclusion in the International Biodiversity Year 2001-2002, please fill out this form and submit to iboy@nrel.colostate.edu. You may also download a text file which you can then complete and send either by email or regular mail. Please do not send files in Microsoft Word format.

The form will be sent to the IBOY International Steering Committee for review and their decision will be communicated to you in approximately 6-8 weeks.

Please note:

DIVERSITAS-IBOY does not fund projects.

It provides a platform for add-on value by:

  • Compiling projects
  • Showcasing the breadth of approaches required to understand our natural world
  • Integrating scientific projects to develop new mechanisms to understand and manage biodiversity
  • Bridging the gap between scientists and the media for better communication of biodiversity information.

Please mail forms to:

Dr. Gina Adams
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory
Natural and Environmental Sciences Building
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1499

The research projects submitted for IBOY 2001 should fit several of the following criteria:

  • lead to new science in the field of biodiversity
  • integrate biodiversity science efforts
  • serve public education
  • contain achievable goals for the year 2001
  • be relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity


Project Title






Other Participants:



Organism, habitat or system focus


Countries or regions involved:


Brief Summary of Project, along with time lines (append full project description if available):



Under which DIVERSITAS Programme or Special Target Area does the project fall?


How does this project fit into the biodiversity science goals of IBOY?




How will the project draw attention to biodiversity in 2001?


What are the expected products of the project?




What future ongoing activities beyond 2001, if any, will result from the project?





Which other organizations are involved in your project?



Funding Requirement

Is the project funded?


If not have you plans to seek funding?


Approximate cost:



Submitted by:


Contact address, fax, telephone, email:



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