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  Classroom Resources-Directories

Directories and databases of EE curriculum are available from this page.

EE Curriculum Directories at other sites are at the following links:

Links for Classroom Resources-Directories:


1998 Environmental Education Materials Catalog   Popular!
Materials catalog from US EPA Region 4 (Atlanta, GA).Indexed by topic and grade level. Items in this PDF file are available for free loan.

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Center for Environmental Education   Popular!
CEE hosts "one of the nation's most comprehensive collections of environmental educational materials, [and] has provided schools, environmentalists, government agencies and individuals with access to materials ..." CEE has recently become a program of the Antioch New England Graduate School of Keene NH.

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Curriculum from Explorer  Popular!
Offers a searchable database of annotated records and full-text materials including lesson plans, lab outlines, and reference articles.

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Directory of Great Lakes Education Material
Organized by resource type (books, games, activities, posters, etc). Last updated in 1994, from the International Joint Commission.

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EE Programs Database - Florida
A keyword-searchable database of EE instructional resources: The Florida Interdisciplinary Learning Resources in Environmental Education (FIREE)

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EE Southwest Resources
"Comprehensive and up-to-date information on environmental education in Arizona and New Mexico." From the US Forest Service; developed by EE Exchange.

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Earth Dog  Popular!
Introduced by the Department of Energy as part of its outreach progam, Earth Dog is a privately held company that is raising environmental awareness.

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Eco Magazines and Journals
The Green Culture On-Line Catalog lists ordering information for a wide array of environmental magazines and journals that may be of interest to environmental educators or students. Their books section also covers a wide range of environmental topics (most titles are discounted).

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Ecology Center of Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Ecology Center offers the 1998 Environmental Education Catalog on line to order EE resources. They also offer classroom and assembly programs, field trips, and teacher trainings, and can assist in curriculum development and organize specialty environmental festivals. Information on environmental issues in Michigan are also available on their site.

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Energy Education Resource Guide  Popular!
Information for planning energy/environmental stewardship education programs for youth in the 1990's. Includes records for instructional materials and programs. From 4-H and Cooperative Extension.

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Explorer - Math and Science Materials  Popular!
Searchable catalog of curricular resources. Full text (as PDF files) is available for many records. A search for records containing "environment" in the description field found 90 records for lesson plans, lab outlines, courseware, and articles.

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Freshwater Inflow Issues - Gulf of Mexico
Curricula that relate to estuarine organisms, geological aspects, or human induced change as they concern freshwater inflow issues and impact the Gulf of Mexico.

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GreenCOM provides environmental education and communication expertise to USAID projects dealing with biodiversity conservation, water resource management, policy, public participation, solid waste management and recycling.

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Lake and River Activity/Curriculum Guides
From the Idaho Environmental Education Association.

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Let's Save Our Earth Board Game  Popular!
A fun and eductional game that teaches simple things each of us can do to help the Earth. Great education tool for children ages 8 and older.

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National Library for the Environment  Popular!
Issues covered include global climate change, population and environment, ocean and coastal resources, and biodiversity. The site also accesses environmental virtual libraries.

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On-Line Curriculum Materials - Global Education  Popular!
Lessons, case studies, simulations and games on global (and environmental) issues for K - 12 classes. Most are complete; some are samples. From the Forum for Global Education.

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Project Learning Tree - Resources  Popular!
Activity kits, A-V materials, and books available through PLT.

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Resource Finder - ENC  Popular!
Educational materials database of Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for math and science. A search on keywords "environmental education" found 333 items (May, 1999). Ordering information available.

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Resources for Schoolground Enhancement and Study
From the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources, resource guide for development of schoolyard natural areas.

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Roots and Shoots - Teachers' Corner  Popular!
The Roots & Shoots Program is produced by the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education, and Conservation (JGI). The activities are designed to supplement existing curricula.

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Sustainable Transportation-K-12 Resources
Books, curricula, A-V, reference info. From the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.

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World Resources Institute - Environmental Education Page
"The EE Project has produced teacher's guides, videos, slide sets, and is developing computer software for use in high school and university classes. It is establishing links with in-service teacher training providers to promote workshops on the global environment and sustainable development."

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Your Neighborhood  Popular!
Informational resources about the environmental status of your region. Topics include air quality, toxic chemicals, watershed information and regional pollution.

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