H.6.1. A nothogeneric name (i.e. the name at generic rank for a hybrid between representatives of two or more genera) is a condensed formula or is equivalent to a condensed formula.
H.6.2. The nothogeneric name of a bigeneric hybrid is a condensed formula in which the names adopted for the parental genera are combined into a single word, using the first part or the whole of one, the last part or the whole of the other (but not the whole of both) and, optionally, a connecting vowel.
Ex. 1. Agropogon P. Fourn. (1934) (= Agrostis L. Polypogon Desf.); Gymnanacamptis Asch. & Graebn. (1907) (= Anacamptis Rich. Gymnadenia R. Br.); Cupressocyparis Dallim. (1838) (= Chamaecyparis Spach Cupressus L.); Seleniphyllum G. D. Rowley (1962) (= Epiphyllum Haw. Selenicereus (A. Berger) Britton & Rose).
Ex. 2. Amarcrinum Coutts (1925) is correct for Amaryllis L. Crinum L., not "Crindonna". The latter formula was proposed by Ragionieri (1921) for the same nothogenus, but was formed from the generic name adopted for one parent (Crinum) and a synonym (Belladonna Sweet) of the generic name adopted for the other (Amaryllis). Being contrary to Art. H.6, it is not validly published under Art. 32.1(b).
Ex. 3. The name Leucadenia Schltr. (1919) is correct for Leucorchis E. Mey. Gymnadenia R. Br., but if the generic name Pseudorchis Ség. is adopted instead of Leucorchis, Pseudadenia P. F. Hunt (1971) is correct.
Ex. 4. Boivin (1967) published Maltea for what he considered to be the intergeneric hybrid Phippsia (Trin.) R. Br. Puccinellia Parl. As this is not a condensed formula, the name cannot be used for that intergeneric hybrid, for which the correct name is Pucciphippsia Tzvelev (1971). Boivin did, however, provide a Latin description and designate a type; consequently, Maltea B. Boivin is a validly published generic name and is correct if its type is treated as belonging to a separate genus, not to a nothogenus.
H.6.3. The nothogeneric name of an intergeneric hybrid derived from four or more genera is formed from the name of a person to which is added the termination -ara; no such name may exceed eight syllables. Such a name is regarded as a condensed formula.
Ex. 5. Potinara Charlesworth & Co. (1922) (= Brassavola R. Br. Cattleya Lindl. Laelia Lindl. Sophronitis Lindl.).
H.6.4. The nothogeneric name of a trigeneric hybrid is either (a) a condensed formula in which the three names adopted for the parental genera are combined into a single word not exceeding eight syllables, using the whole or first part of one, followed by the whole or any part of another, followed by the whole or last part of the third (but not the whole of all three) and, optionally, one or two connecting vowels, or (b) a name formed like that of a nothogenus derived from four or more genera, i.e., from a personal name to which is added the termination -ara.
Ex. 6. Sophrolaeliocattleya Hurst (1898) (= Cattleya
Lindl. Laelia Lindl. Sophronitis Lindl.); Vascostylis
Takakura (1964) (= Ascocentrum Schltr. ex J. J. Sm. Rhynchostylis
Blume Vanda W. Jones ex R. Br.); Rodrettiopsis Moir
(1976) (= Comparettia Poepp. & Endl. Ionopsis
Kunth Rodriguezia Ruiz & Pav.); Wilsonara Charlesworth
& Co. (1916) (= Cochlioda Lindl. Odontoglossum
Kunth Oncidium Sw.).
H.6A.1. When a nothogeneric name is formed from the name
of a person by adding the termination -ara, that person
should preferably be a collector, grower, or student of the group.
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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. This page last updated Sept. 25, 1997.