In the following lists the nomina conservanda have been inserted in the left column, in bold-face italics. Synonyms and earlier homonyms (nomina rejicienda) are listed in the right column.
(H) | homonym (Art. 14.10; see also Art. 53), only the earliest being listed. |
(=) | taxonomic synonym, based on a type different from that of the conserved name to be rejected only in favour of the conserved name (Art. 14.6 and 14.7). |
One name listed as conserved has no corresponding nomen rejiciendum because its conservation is no longer necessary (Art. 52.3; see Art. 14.13).
ALGAE | ||
Acrochaetiaceae Fritsch ex W. R. Taylor, Mar.
Alg. N.E. N. Amer., ed. 2: 209, 210. 1957
[Rhodoph.]. Typus: Acrochaetium Nägeli | (=) | Rhodochortaceae Nasr in Bull. Fac. Sci.
Egypt. Univ. 26: 902. 1947. Typus: Rhodochorton Nägeli |
Bangiaceae Engl., Syllabus: 16. Apr 1892
[Rhodoph.]. Typus: Bangia Lyngb. | (=) | Porphyraceae Kütz., Phycol. General.: 382.
14-16 Sep 1843. Typus: Porphyra C. Agardh (nom. cons.). |
Chromulinaceae Engl. in Engler & Prantl, Nat.
Pflanzenfam. 1(2): 570. Dec 1897 [Chrysoph.]. Typus: Chromulina Cienk. | (=) | Chrysomonadaceae F. Stein, Organism.
Infusionsthiere 3(1): x, 152. 1878. Typus: Chrysomonas F. Stein |
Cladophoraceae Wille in Warming, Haandb.
Syst. Bot., ed. 2: 30. 1884 [Chloroph.]. Typus: Cladophora Kütz. (nom. cons.). | (=) | Pithophoraceae Wittr. in Nova Acta Regiae
Soc. Sci. Upsal., ser. 3, vol. extra ord. (19):
47. 1877. Typus: Pithophora Wittr. |
(=) | Confervaceae Dumort., Comment. Bot.: 71,
96. Nov (sero) - Dec (prim.) 1822. Typus: Conferva L. | |
Euglenaceae Dujard., Hist. Nat. Zoophyt.: 347.
1841 [Euglenoph.]. Typus: Euglena Ehrenb. | (=) | Astasiaceae Ehrenb., Symb. Phys., Zool.:
[32]. 1831. Typus: Astasia Ehrenb. (nom. rej.). |
Eupodiscaceae Ralfs in Pritchard, Hist. Infus., ed.
4: 758, 842. 1861 [Bacillarioph.]. Typus: Eupodiscus Bailey (nom. cons.). | (H) | Eupodiscaceae Kütz., Sp. Alg.: 134. 23-24
Jul 1849. Typus: Eupodiscus Ehrenb. (nom. rej.). |
Isochrysidaceae Bourrelly in Rev. Algol., Mém.
Hors-Sér. 1: 227, 228. Oct-Dec 1957
[Prymnesioph./Haptoph.]. Typus: Isochrysis Parke | (=) | Ruttneraceae Geitler in Int. Rev. Gesamten
Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 43: 108. 1943. Typus: Ruttnera Geitler |
Lomentariaceae J. Agardh, Spec. Gen. Ord.
Alg. 3(1): 606, 630. Apr-Aug 1876 [Rhodoph.]. Typus: Lomentaria Lyngb. | (=) | Chondrosiphonaceae Kütz., Phycol.
General.: 438. 14-16 Sep 1843. Typus: Chondrosiphon Kütz. |
Nemastomataceae F. Schmitz in Engler, Syllabus:
22. Apr 1892 [Rhodoph.]. Typus: Nemastoma J. Agardh (nom. cons.). | (=) | Gymnophlaeaceae Kütz., Phycol. General.:
389, 390. 14-16 Sep 1843. Typus: Gymnophlaea Kütz. |
Ochromonadaceae Lemmerm. in Forschungsber.
Biol. Stat. Plön 7: 105. 1899 [Chrysoph.]. Typus: Ochromonas Vysotskij | (=) | Dendromonadaceae F. Stein, Organism.
Infusionsthiere 3(1): x, 153. 1878. Typus: Dendromonas F. Stein |
(=) | Spumellaceae Kent, Man. Infus.: 231. 1880. Typus: Spumella Cienk. | |
Oscillatoriaceae Engl., Syllabus, ed. 2: 6. Mai
1898 [Cyanoph.]. Typus: Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont | (=) | Lyngbyaceae (Gomont) Hansg. in Nuova
Notarisia 3: 1. 5 Jan 1892 (trib. Lyngbyeae
Gomont in Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 7, 15:
290. 1 Jan 1892). Typus: Lyngbya C. Agardh ex Gomont |
Plocamiaceae Kütz., Phycol. General.: 442, 449.
14-16 Sep 1843 [Rhodoph.]. Typus: Plocamium J. V. Lamour. (nom. cons.). | (=) | Thamnophoraceae Decne. in Ann. Sci. Nat.,
Bot., ser. 2, 17: 359, 364. Jun 1842. Typus: Thamnophora C. Agardh |
Polyidaceae Kylin, Gatt. Rhodophyc.: 142, 166.
1956 [Rhodoph.]. Typus: Polyides C. Agardh | (=) | Spongiocarpaceae Grev., Alg. Brit.: 68. Mar
1830. Typus: Spongiocarpus Grev. |
Retortamonadaceae Wenrich in Trans. Amer.
Microscop. Soc. 51: 233. Oct 1932
[Trichomonadoph.]. Typus: Retortamonas Grassi | (=) | Embadomonadaceae A. G. Alexeev in
Compt.-Rend. Séances Mém. Soc. Biol. 80:
358. 31 Mar 1917. Typus: Embadomonas D. L. Mackinnon |
(=) | Chilomastigaceae Wenyon, Protozool.: 268,
287, 620. 1926. Typus: Chilomastix A. G. Alexeev | |
Rhodomelaceae Aresch. in Nova Acta Regiae
Soc. Sci. Upsal. 13: 260. 1847 [Rhodoph.]. Typus: Rhodomela C. Agardh (nom. cons.). | (=) | Rytiphlaeaceae Decne. in Arch. Mus. Hist.
Nat. 2: 161, 171. 1841. Typus: Rytiphlaea C. Agardh |
(=) | Heterocladiaceae Decne. in Ann. Sci. Nat.,
Bot., ser. 2, 17: 359, 364. Jun 1842. Typus: Heterocladia Decne. | |
(=) | Polyphacaceae Decne. in Ann. Sci. Nat.,
Bot., ser. 2, 17: 359, 363. Jun 1842. Typus: Polyphacus C. Agardh | |
(=) | Polysiphoniaceae Kütz., Phycol. General.:
413, 416. 14-16 Sep 1843. Typus: Polysiphonia Grev. (nom. cons.). | |
(=) | Amansiaceae Kütz., Phycol. General.: 442,
447. 14-16 Sep 1843. Typus: Amansia J. V. Lamour. | |
Siphonocladaceae F. Schmitz in Ber. Sitzungen
Naturf. Ges. Halle 1878: 20. 1879 [Chloroph.]. Typus: Siphonocladus F. Schmitz |
| |
Stigonemataceae (Bornet & Flahault) Borzì in
Nuova Notarisia 3: 43. 5 Apr 1892 (subtrib.
Stigonematinae Bornet & Flahault in Ann. Sci.
Nat., Bot., ser. 7, 5: 53. 1 Jan 1886. [Cyanoph.]. Typus: Stigonema C. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault | (=) | Sirosiphonaceae A. B. Frank in Leunis, Syn.
Pflanzenk., ed. 3, 3: 215, 217. Aug 1886. Typus: Sirosiphon Kütz. ex A. B. Frank |
Tetrasporaceae Wittr. in Bih. Kongl. Svenska
Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 1(1): 28. 1872
[Chloroph.]. Typus: Tetraspora Link ex Desv. | (=) | Palmellaceae Decne. in Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot.,
ser. 2, 17: 327, 333. Jun 1842. Typus: Palmella Lyngb. |
Trentepohliaceae Hansg., Prodr. Algenfl.
Böhmen 1: 37, 85. Jan-Apr 1886 [Chloroph.]. Typus: Trentepohlia Mart. | (=) | Byssaceae Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 1. Jul-Aug
1763. Typus: Byssus L. |
Vacuolariaceae Luther in Bih. Kongl. Svenska
Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 24 (sect. 3, 13): 19. 1899
[Raphidoph.]. Typus: Vacuolaria Cienk. | (=) | Coelomonadaceae Buetschli in Bronn, Kl.
Ordn. Thier-Reichs 1: 819. 1884. Typus: Coelomonas F. Stein |
| ||
| |
Corticiaceae Herter in Warnstorf & al.,
Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg 6: 70. 30 Jan 1910. Typus: Corticium Pers. | (=) | Cyphellaceae Lotsy, Vortr. Bot.
Stammesgesch. 1: 695, 696. Jan-Mar 1907. Typus: Cyphella Fr. : Fr. |
(=) | Peniophoraceae Lotsy, Vortr. Bot.
Stammesgesch. 1: 687, 689. Jan-Mar 1907. Typus: Peniophora Cooke | |
(=) | Vuilleminiaceae Maire ex Lotsy, Vortr. Bot.
Stammesgesch. 1: 678. Jan-Mar 1907. Typus: Vuilleminia Maire | |
Cortinariaceae R. Heim ex Pouzar in Ceská
Mykol. 37: 174. 28 Jul 1983. Typus: Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray | (=) | Crepidotaceae (S. Imai) Singer in Lilloa 22:
584. 1951 (trib. Crepidoteae S. Imai in J.
Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. 43: 238. Aug
1938). Typus: Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude |
(=) | Galeropsidaceae Singer in Bol. Soc. Argent.
Bot. 10: 61. 15 Aug 1962. Typus: Galeropsis Velen. | |
(=) | Thaxterogasteraceae Singer in Bol. Soc.
Argent. Bot. 10: 63. 1962. Typus: Thaxterogaster Singer | |
(=) | Thaxterogasteraceae Singer in Bol. Soc.
Argent. Bot. 10: 63. 1962. Typus: Thaxterogaster Singer | |
(=) | Hebelomataceae Locq., Fl. Mycol. 3: 146.
1977. Typus: Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. | |
(=) | Inocybaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
374. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. | |
(=) | Verrucosporaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol.
85: 393. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Verrucospora E. Horak | |
Gnomoniaceae G. Winter in Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl.,
ed. 2, 1(2): 570. Mai 1886. Typus: Gnomonia Ces. & De Not. | (=) | Obryzaceae Körber, Syst. Lich. Germ: 427.
Nov-Dec 1855. Typus: Obryzum Wallr. |
Mycosphaerellaceae Lindau in Engler & Prantl,
Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1(1): 421. Jun 1897. Typus: Mycosphaerella Johanson | (=) | Ascosporaceae Bonord., Handb. Mykol.: 62.
1851 (sero). Typus: Ascospora Fr. |
Physciaceae Zahlbr. in Engler, Syllabus, ed. 2:
46. Mai 1898. Typus: Physcia (Schreb.) Michx. | (=) | Pyxinaceae (Fr.) Stizenb. in Ber. Tätigk. St.
Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1862: 156. 1862
(trib. Pyxineae Fr., Syst. Orb. Veg.: 266.
Dec 1825). Typus: Pyxine Fr. |
Rhytismataceae Chevall., Fl. Gén. Env. Paris 1:
439. 5 Aug 1826. Typus: Rhytisma Fr. : Fr. | (=) | Xylomataceae Fr., Scleromyceti Sveciae 2: p.
post titulum. 1820. Typus: Xyloma Pers. : Fr. |
Taphrinaceae Gäum. & C. W. Dodge, Compar.
Morph. Fungi: 161. 1928. Typus: Taphrina Fr. : Fr. | (=) | Exoascaceae G. Winter in Rabenh.
Krypt.-Fl. 1(2): 3. Mar 1884. Typus: Exoascus Fuckel |
Trapeliaceae M. Choisy ex Hertel in Vortr.
Gesamtgeb. Bot., ser. 2, 4: 181. Jun 1970. Typus: Trapelia M. Choisy | (=) | Saccomorphaceae Elenkin in Ber. Biol.
Süsswasser-Stat. Kaiserl. Naturf.-Ges. St.
Petersburg 3: 193. 1912. Typus: Saccomorpha Elenkin |
Tricholomataceae R. Heim ex Pouzar in Ceská
Mykol. 37: 175. 28 Jul 1983. Typus: Tricholoma (Fr.) Staude (nom. cons.). | (=) | Hydnangiaceae Gäum. & C. W. Dodge,
Compar. Morph. Fungi: 485. 1928. Typus: Hydnangium Wallr. |
(=) | Physalacriaceae Corner in Beih. Nova
Hedwigia 33: 10. Jan 1970. Typus: Physalacria Peck | |
(=) | Amparoinaceae Singer in Rev. Mycol. 40:
58. 1976. Typus: Amparoina Singer | |
(=) | Dermolomataceae (Bon) Bon in Doc. Mycol.
9(35): 43. 1979. Typus: Dermoloma (J. E. Lange) Herink | |
(=) | Macrocystidiaceae Kühner in Bull. Mens.
Soc. Linn. Lyon, Soc. Bot. 48: 172. Mar
1979. Typus: Macrocystidia Joss. | |
(=) | Rhodotaceae Kühner in Bull. Mens. Soc.
Linn. Lyon, Soc. Bot. 49: 235. Apr 1980. Typus: Rhodotus Maire | |
(=) | Pleurotaceae Kühner in Bull. Mens. Soc.
Linn. Lyon, Soc. Bot. 49: 184. Mar 1980. Typus: Pleurotus (Fr. : Fr.) P. Kumm. (nom. cons.). | |
(=) | Marasmiaceae Kühner in Bull. Mens. Soc.
Linn. Lyon, Soc. Bot. 49: 76. Feb 1980. Typus: Marasmius Fr. (nom. cons.). | |
(=) | Hygrophoropsidaceae Kühner in Bull. Mens.
Soc. Linn. Lyon, Soc. Bot. 49: 414. Sep
1980. Typus: Hygrophoropsis (J. Schröt.) Maire ex Martin-Sans | |
(=) | Biannulariaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
356. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Biannularia Beck | |
(=) | Cyphellopsidaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol.
85: 362. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Cyphellopsis Donk | |
(=) | Fayodiaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
367. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Fayodia Kühner | |
(=) | Laccariaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
374. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Laccaria Berk. & Broome | |
(=) | Lentinaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
376. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Lentinus Fr. : Fr. | |
(=) | Leucopaxillaceae (Singer) Jülich in Biblioth.
Mycol. 85: 376. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Leucopaxillus Boursier | |
(=) | Lyophyllaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
378. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Lyophyllum P. Karst. | |
(=) | Nyctalidaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
381. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Nyctalis Fr. | |
(=) | Panellaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
382. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Panellus P. Karst. | |
(=) | Resupinataceae (Singer) Jülich in Biblioth.
Mycol. 85: 388. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Resupinatus (Nees) Gray | |
(=) | Squamanitaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85:
390. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Squamanita Imbach | |
(=) | Termitomycetaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol.
85: 391. 1 Feb 1982. Typus: Termitomyces R. Heim | |
(=) | Xerulaceae Jülich in Biblioth. Mycol. 85: 394.
1 Feb 1982. Typus: Xerula Maire | |
| ||
| |
Adiantaceae Newman, Hist. Brit. Ferns: 5. 1-5
Feb 1840. Typus: Adiantum L. | (=) | Parkeriaceae Hook., Exot. Fl. 2: ad t. 147.
Mar 1825. Typus: Parkeria Hook. |
Dicksoniaceae (C. Presl) Bower, Origin Land
Fl.: 591. 1908 (Dicksonieae C. Presl [Tent.
Pterid.] in Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 4,
5: 133. 1836 ([seors. impr.] ante 2 Dec )). Typus: Dicksonia L'Hér. | (=) | Thyrsopteridaceae C. Presl, Gefäßbündel
Farrn: 22, 38. 1847. Typus: Thyrsopteris Kunze |
Dryopteridaceae Ching in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 10:
1. Jan 1965. Typus: Dryopteris Adans. (nom. cons.). | (=) | Peranemataceae (C. Presl) Ching in Sunyatsenia 5: 246. 30 Oct 1940 (nom. cons.). |
Peranemataceae (C. Presl) Ching in Sunyatsenia
5: 246. 30 Oct 1940 (trib. Peranemateae C.
Presl [Tent. Pterid.] in Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges.
Wiss., ser. 4, 5: 64. 1836 ([seors. impr.] ante 2
Dec)). Typus: Peranema D. Don | (H) | Peranemataceae Buetschli in Bronn, Kl.
Ordn. Thier-Reichs 1: 824. 1884, nom. illeg.
[Algae, Euglenoph.]. Typus: Peranema Dujard., non D. Don |
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© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. This page last updated Sept. 29, 1997.