mimslogoMultilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies
Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts for individual papers and posters should be submitted online in pdf- format, using our conference management tool.
Their length should not exceed one page including references. (12 point, Times New Roman).

Proposals for workshops should be submitted in the same form. Each accepted workshop can be provided with funding of up to 500 €. The workshop organizers are asked to invest the funding responsibly with the goal of enhancing the quality of the workshop in mind (e.g. invite a plenary speaker or a discussant, provide travel funds for graduate students etc.).

Proposals for workshops should consist of three separate pages containing the following three components (one page for each component):

  1. a short description of the topic and goal of the workshop;
  2. a list of possible participants;
  3. a robust calculation of the costs (if applicable)

The time allotted for workshops is 3 hours, i.e. 6 thirty minute slots. Please note that participants may only take part in one workshop, as the workshops will all take place simultaneously.

Abstracts must be submitted anonymously. For the proposals for workshops, this concerns only part (1), the short description of the workshop.

Individuals cannot be first named author on more than one presentation at the conference.

Please be prepared that the conference management tool will ask you to provide a short (-50 words) summary in order to facilitate the choice of an appropriate reviewer. All abstracts will be subject to peer review by an international scientific committee. Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated by May 30, 2010.

The submission deadline has passed!