var alMamun = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.7171864254345,33.3789826671559,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الأنبار ", "transliterated_name":"al-Anbār", "Name":"الأنبار ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"Unclear provincial affiliation", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ruins of ancient/early Islamic al-Anbar; EI2, \"al-Anbar\" (M. Streck/A. A. Duri); c. 5km nw of al-Falluja", "loc":"Archaeological site; ANE place marker for Tell Anbar; close to coordinates given by EI2 entry", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0274305513729,35.9510506524762,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرافقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Rāfiqa", "Name":"الرافقة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa", "loc":"ʿAbbasid city walls", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"x", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Gold once in 191 H, then from 261 H (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0433742698797,35.9441391808211,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Raqqa", "Name":"الرقة ", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa ", "loc":"Early Islamic al-Raqqa; plan of al-Raqqa in EI2, \"Rakka\" (M. Meinecke).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"x", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No ʿAbbāsid coinage after 254 H; first gold issue from 279 H (Ṭūlūnid) (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.7818831697218,37.1523282487467,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرها ", "transliterated_name":"al-Ruhā", "Name":"الرها ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Urfa", "loc":"Remains of the medieval castle, walls built by the ʿAbbasids (photos).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Diler, vol. I." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.46591,35.26076,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"السن ", "transliterated_name":"al-Sinn", "Name":"السن ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"See e.g. EI2, \"al-Zab\" (Bosworth)", "loc":"Location approximate; al-Sinn was said to be situatied where the Lesser Zab joins the Tigris. ", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.1282596177328,36.3453028552322,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الموصل", "transliterated_name":"al-Mawṣil", "Name":"الموصل", "comment":"Sub-division Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mosul", "loc":"Modern Mosul", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"x", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Almost only copper in Umayyad period, none after 268 H (Diler, vol. II)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.8000657249252,36.9586389695945,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"أذرمة", "transliterated_name":"Adhrama", "Name":"أذرمة", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu identifies Adhrama as Tall Rumman. However, while there are several places of that name in Syria and Iraq, I could not find one that would fit the given location even remotely. Ur (The Tell Hamoukar Survey 1999-2001, vol. 1, 2010) tentatively identifies Adhrama as Kharab Bajar, which would fit the location of Adhrama as being on the route from Balad to Nisibin. Place marker set on Ur's rather than Cornu's identification", "loc":"GPS coordinates for Kharab Bajar from (based on USGS)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.9755833483617,36.257740594326,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"باجروان", "transliterated_name":"Bājarwān", "Name":"باجروان", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu identified Bajarwan as Tall Jarwa.However, I could not find any references to a place of this name. According to Heidemann (\"Agricultural Hinterland\", 46), K. Bartl identified Bajarwan as Tall Damir on the Balikh river (Bartl, \"Fruhislamische Besiedlung\", 209-210, 256. I follow Bartl.", "loc":" place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.3949148511987,36.6812874726616,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"باعيناثا", "transliterated_name":"Bāʿaynāthā", "Name":"باعيناثا", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"blu-pushpin", "location_certainty":"tentative identification with (archaeological) site in secondary literature", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: unidentified site: Dussaud identified Baʿaynatha with Tell Uwaynat, but Fiey contested this. In Fiey's article (The Iraqi Section of the Abbasid Road Mosul-Nisibin), he mentions that De Goeje tentatively identified the town with Abu Wajna(m) (Ninawa, Iraq). Tell Uwaynat and Abu Wajna(m) are relatively close together. I have opted for Dussaud's location of Tell Uwaynat as Baʿaynatha is said to have been a station on the road from Mosul to Nisibin (see EI2, \"Barkaʾid\" (Streck/Longrigg); Fiey, \"Iraqi Section\") - Tell Uwaynat fits this location better than Abu Wajna(m).", "loc":"modern Tell Uwaynat (ANE place marker)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.9716985962445,36.9464738263443,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"برقعيد", "transliterated_name":"Barqaʿīd", "Name":"برقعيد", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"blu-pushpin", "location_certainty":"tentative identification with (archaeological) site in secondary literature", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Biʾr ʿUjla (ʿUqla?) in Iraq, but I could not find a place of that name in the area (Biʾr ʿUqla in Anbar/Iraq is too far away to fit the description of Barqaʿid being on the road from Mosul to Nisibin). Ur (The Tell Hamoukar Survey 1999-2001, 2010) also tentatively identifies Barqaʿid with Biʾr Uqla in Iraq, very close to the modern Syrian border. However, Streck and Longrigg in the EI2 entry on Barqaʿid tentatively identify it as located on the Syrian side of the modern border, at Tell Rumaylan. Fiey (The Iraqi Section of the Abbasid Road Mosul-Nisibin, 1964) concurs, on the basis of de Goeje and Von Oppenheim. In any case, Barqaʿid must be located somewhere in this area, either the Syrian or the Iraq section of the road Mosul-Nisibin. Place marker set according to Streck/Longrigg and Fiey.", "loc":", tell of modern Tall Rumaylan, Syria", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.7390913026871,36.514846394073,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"بلد", "transliterated_name":"Balad", "Name":"بلد", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Eskī Muṣil", "loc":"modern Eskī Muṣil", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.6875911252197,34.6055620290083,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"تكريت", "transliterated_name":"Takrīt", "Name":"تكريت", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"EI2, \"Takrit\" (J. H. Kramers/C. Bosworth)", "loc":"Green Church, Assyrian Christian church built in 700 CE", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.4541376284651,36.3746269789515,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"تل أعفر", "transliterated_name":"Tall ʿAfar", "Name":"تل أعفر", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Tall ʿAfar", "loc":"ANE place marker; cluster of photos of ancient sites", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.051230091399,36.32658667573,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"تل محرى ", "transliterated_name":"Tall Maḥrā", "Name":"تل محرى ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"blu-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Haase, \"Madinat al-Far/Hisn Maslama\" (1991), p. 207, and Bartl, \"Tell Sheikh Hasan\" (1994 and 1999-2000), identify Tell Sheikh Hasan as Tall Mahre", "loc":"Place marker set at coordinates given in \"ASOR \tSyrian Heritage Initiative (SHI): Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria\" for Tell Sheikh Hasan, at", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.3128677091239,37.3743069444002,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"ثورعبين", "transliterated_name":"Ṭūr ʿAbdīn (Mountainous area)", "Name":"طورعبين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"mountainous area stretching roughly from the area northeast of Mardin to Jazirat Ibn ʿUmar (modern Cizre) in the east, to where the Batman Su joins the Tigris in the north and the tablelands sloping to the North Syrian Plain in the south. See EI2 (\"Tur ʿAbdin\", Streck/Bosworth/Heinrichs).", "loc":"mountainous area", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.4776357025166,37.3687310742121,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"جبل الجودي ", "transliterated_name":"Jabal al-Jūdī", "Name":"جبل الجودي ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Mount Judi (Turkey), where Noah's Ark landed according to legend.", "loc":"\"Noah's Ark\" (photos)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.8608954458598,34.9432393471783,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"جبل بارما ", "transliterated_name":"Jabal Bārimmā", "Name":"جبل بارما ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":" Le Strange (JRASGBI, 1895) identifies Jabal Barimma (alternative name Jabal Humrin) as Jabal Sinjar, but Herzfeld states that Jabal Barimma (which is the oldest Arabic name)/Jabal Hamrin is \"an isolated western chain of the mountains of the Iranian border\" (EI2, \"Hamrin\"). Its northern extremity only crops up south of Sinjar.", "loc":"Hamrin mountains, Iraq (GE place marker)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.1926765961661,37.3293796675497,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"جزيرة إبن عمر", "transliterated_name":"Jazīrat Ibn ʿUmar", "Name":"جزيرة إبن عمر", "comment":"(formerly Bazabda/Gazarta d'Kardu)", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Cizre", "loc":"ancient remains (city walls, fortress)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Re?-build of ancient Bazabda/Gazarta d'Kardu" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.2614264683893,36.5545638811325,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"جسر منبج ", "transliterated_name":"Jisr Manbij", "Name":"جسر منبج ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: today known as Qalʿat Najm. See also EI, \"Kalʿat Nadjm\" (D. Sourdel)", "loc":"Qalʿat Najm", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.38527778,35.89388889,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حديثة الموصل ", "transliterated_name":"Ḥadīthat al-Mawṣil", "Name":"حديثة الموصل ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"EI2 (\"Haditha\", E. Herzfeld): Hadithat al-Mawsil was located on the east bank of the Tigris, just below where the Upper Zab joins the Tigris. Ruins of Hadithat al-Mawsil at modern Tall al-Shaʿīr. For the location of Tall al-Shaʿīr see Muehl (Human Landscape - Site (Trans) Formation in the Trastigris Area, 83).", "loc":"Settlement just below the mouth of the Upper Zab", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Loc: Novacek et al. 2016, 68." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.70666667,35.39305556 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"", "transliterated_name":"Bawāzīj", "Name":"بوازيج", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"", "loc":"", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":null, "region_code":"", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.03115033649,36.864761307015,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حران", "transliterated_name":"Ḥarrān", "Name":"حران", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ancient Carrhae; historical site is mostly in ruins today. ", "loc":"settlement remains (early Islamic Harran)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.1142117479032,36.5426618104599,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حصن مسلمة ", "transliterated_name":"Ḥiṣn Maslama", "Name":"حصن مسلمة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"blu-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: today known as Tall Hisha, but I was unable to find any references to a place of that name.Hisn Maslama is usually identified as Madinat al-Far - see Haase, Heidemann, Kennedy, ...", "loc":"Excavation site Hisn Maslama/Madinat al-Far; plan of the site e.g. in de Jong (Resettling the Steppe: The Archaeology of the Balikh Valley in the Early Islamic Period, 528).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.9538534599643,37.1762541319404,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"دارا ", "transliterated_name":"Dārā", "Name":"دارا ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Dārā/Oguz (Turkey)", "loc":"Close to place marker AL; panoramio photographs of ruins/monasteries etc.", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.0720041806922,36.850030077745,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"رأس العين", "transliterated_name":"Raʾs al-ʿAyn", "Name":"رأس العين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Raʾs al-ʿAyn", "loc":"GE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.4240237339966,36.9742946429353,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سروج ", "transliterated_name":"Sarūj", "Name":"سروج ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Suruc (Turkey)", "loc":"GE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.4988658990793,37.5035629904924,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سميساط", "transliterated_name":"Sumaysāṭ", "Name":"سميساط", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"blu-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Pleiades: ancient Samosata; the ruins were submerged following the construction of the Ataturk dam. The modern village of Samsat does not coincide with this site. The ANE place marker is in the same place. Pace EI2 (\"Sumaysat\", C. P. Haase), which argues that the modern village does in fact coincide with the ancient place, at least preserving Roman elements in the city walls. I have chosen to follow both PL and ANE in placing the marker.", "loc":"ANE Place marker for Kummuhu / Samosata (Samsat)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.8578307765764,36.3217478212046,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سنجار ", "transliterated_name":"Sinjār", "Name":"سنجار ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Sinjar", "loc":"ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Only silver (Diler, vol. II)" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.7535134672766,38.6177619339595,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"شمشاط", "transliterated_name":"Shimshāṭ", "Name":"شمشاط", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr ", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Shimshat = ancient Arsamosata; exact location unknown, but it was situated on the left bank of the Arsanian river (now Murat Nehri) - see EI2 (\"Shimshat\", C. E. Bosworth). Sinclair, Le Strange and others located Shimshat at the site of Haraba, but the remains are now largely submerged in the lake created by the Kelban dam. See Cohen (The Hellenistic Settlements in the East..., 2013, 45) for this and further references.", "loc":"Eastern Pleiades place marker; lake that covers the site", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.3781030801822,37.0669745100709,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"فيشابور", "transliterated_name":"Fayshābūr", "Name":"فيشابور", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Fayshabur/Fishabur", "loc":"village centre", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.42704,36.98749,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"كفرتوثا", "transliterated_name":"Kafartūthā", "Name":"كفرتوثا", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: today known as Tall ʿArrada, but I could not find any references to a place of this name. It should be somewhere in this region as Ibn Hawqal describes it as being situated between Dara and Raʾs al-ʿAyn. See also EI2 (\"Nasibin\", Honigmann).", "loc":"Cornu", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No gold (Diler, vol. II)" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.7362354515768,37.3142817746861,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"ماردين", "transliterated_name":"Mārdīn", "Name":"ماردين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mardin", "loc":"Photos of old town/remains", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.2252699368757,36.1586390963338,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"مرج جهينة", "transliterated_name":"Marj Juhayna", "Name":"مرج جهينة", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Marj Juhayna was a district of villages on the west bank of the Tigris, about a day's journey south of Mosul and not far from Hadithat al-Mawsil, which lay on the opposite river bank. See Ch. Robinson (Al-ʿAttaf b. Sufyan and ʿAbbasid Imperialism, 9 and the references cited in note 43 on that page) and D. S. Richards (The Annals of the Saljuq Turks..., 2002, 21 note 39) for the approximate location.", "loc":"Cluster of villages", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 36.9253952581656,37.586949800987,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"مرعش", "transliterated_name":"Marʿash ", "Name":"مرعش", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"located in the thughur or the Jazira", "id":"EI2 (\"Marʿash, E. Honigmann)", "loc":"ANE and Pleiades place markers for ancient Germanikeia, which is identical with early Islamic Marʿash", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.9399318453937,36.8569813742113,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"معلثاية", "transliterated_name":"Maʿalthāya", "Name":"معلثاية", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Maltay", "loc":"Modern Maltai, ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.2143682622358,37.0681779585748,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"نصيبين", "transliterated_name":"Naṣībīn", "Name":"نصيبين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Nusaybin", "loc":"ANE and PL place markers", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No copper after 209 H (Diler, vol. II); only one type, dated 92 H (Album, 46)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.1517910696007,36.3585185629646,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"نينوى", "transliterated_name":"Nīnawā", "Name":"نينوى", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: ancient Nineveh", "loc":"Remains of ancient Nineveh", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.4751993740129,37.7186868194337,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"al-Ḥadath / الحدث", "transliterated_name":"al-Ḥadath ", "Name":" الحدث", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Idrisi mentions al-Hadath not as part of al-Sham but among the Bilad al-Shamiyya, which appears to be a difference in his undertanding (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 643))", "loc":"following Hannah's Jazira placemarker for al-Hadath", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.360067658002,37.15389803438,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Dulūk / دلوك", "transliterated_name":"Dulūk ", "Name":" دلوك", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"According to the EI2 Dulūk \"became one of the fortresses which since the earliest days of Islam had defended the frontier against the Byzantines\". It is identified with modern \"Düllük\" (= Dülük) by Krawulsky (p.598)", "loc":"modern Dülük", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.2757734411441,37.7594027911003,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Ḥiṣn Manṣūr / حصن منصور", "transliterated_name":"Ḥiṣn Manṣūr ", "Name":" حصن منصور", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Krawulsky (p.612) identifies Ḥiṣn Manṣūr with modern Adiyaman, which was under Islamic rule already in the Umayyad period (EI2: Adiyaman)", "loc":"Adiyaman centre, surrounded by mosques", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0362607965938,39.6038602745302,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Kamkh / كمخ", "transliterated_name":"Kamkh ", "Name":" كمخ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"mentioned by Ibn Khuradadhbih as part of Thughur al-Jaziriyya (here apparently not meant to form part of al-Sham) (Ibn Khuradādhbih: Masālik (Leiden/Bayrūt, 1889 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 97))", "loc":"Hannah's placemarker for Kamkh", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.855828797385,37.5607517424316,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Kaysūm / كيسوم", "transliterated_name":"Kaysūm ", "Name":" كيسوم", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"The EI2 identifies Kaysum with modern Keysun (EI2: Kaysūm)", "loc":"GeoNames placemarker for Keysun", "note":"According to Ibn al-Athir powerbase of the Uqayli rebel Nasr ibn Shabath in 213 (cited from Ibn al-ʿAdīm: Zubdat al-Ḥalab min tārīḫ Ḥalab (ed. ad-Dahhān (Damaskus 1951)) 1; 65, FN2); in 216 al-Ma'mun spends a couple of days in the city before returning to Damascus after the ghazwa (Tabari 3/2; 1104)", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.3000552344891,38.3499659237291,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Malaṭya / ملطية", "transliterated_name":"Malaṭya ", "Name":" ملطية", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"", "loc":"google Earth place marker for Malatya", "note":"Istakhri mentions Malatya as part of Sham (Istakhri:al- Masalik wa l-mamalik (Beirut, 2004); 64\"). So does Idrisi (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 378))", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 36.9590341897727,36.7441890429374,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Qūrus / قورس", "transliterated_name":"Qūrus ", "Name":" قورس", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"According to the EI2 Qūrus is both modern Shaykh Khuruz and ancient Cyrrhus (EI2: Ḳūrus). According to Geonames, however, modern Shaykh Khurūz is situated about 6.5km to the West of Nabī Hūrī (, which is the modern name for ancient Cyrrhus (", "loc":"placemarker from ANE.kmz for Cyrrhus", "note":"According to Istakhri Qūrus is \"in the border of Qinnasrin\" (fi hadd Qinnasrin) (Istakhrī: al-Masālik (Bayrūt, 2004 (Maktaba al-Shāmila); 65))", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.6953470511197,37.4254451167968,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Raʿbān / رعبان", "transliterated_name":"Raʿbān ", "Name":" رعبان", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"mentioned by Ibn Hawqal (Ibn Ḥawqal: Ṣūra (Beirut, 1938 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 166))", "loc":"GeoNames coordinates for Raban Kalesi", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.8776128427572,38.09264048221,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Zibaṭra / زبطرة", "transliterated_name":"Zibaṭra ", "Name":" زبطرة", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Idrisi mentions Zibatra not as part of al-Sham but among the Bilad al-Shamiyya, which appears to be a difference in his undertanding (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 643))", "loc":"following Hannah's Jazira placemarker for Zibatra", "note":"Istakhri mentions that Zibaṭra was destroyed by the Byzantines (Istakhrī: al-Masālik (Bayrūt, 2004 (Maktaba al-Shāmila); 63))", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.7577980180131,35.6281136033685,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"رصافة ", "transliterated_name":"Ruṣāfa", "Name":"رصافة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"Unclear provincial affiliation", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ruins of Rusafa/Resafa (Sergiopolis)", "loc":"ANE place marker, archaeological site of Resafa (Sergiopolis)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":3, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, ]; var alMamunMints = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0433742698797,35.9441391808211,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Raqqa", "Name":"الرقة ", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa ", "loc":"Early Islamic al-Raqqa; plan of al-Raqqa in EI2, \"Rakka\" (M. Meinecke).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"x", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No ʿAbbāsid coinage after 254 H; first gold issue from 279 H (Ṭūlūnid) (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.8578307765764,36.3217478212046,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سنجار ", "transliterated_name":"Sinjār", "Name":"سنجار ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Sinjar", "loc":"ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Only silver (Diler, vol. II)" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.42704,36.98749,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"كفرتوثا", "transliterated_name":"Kafartūthā", "Name":"كفرتوثا", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: today known as Tall ʿArrada, but I could not find any references to a place of this name. It should be somewhere in this region as Ibn Hawqal describes it as being situated between Dara and Raʾs al-ʿAyn. See also EI2 (\"Nasibin\", Honigmann).", "loc":"Cornu", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No gold (Diler, vol. II)" } } ]; var alMamunCopperMints = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0274305513729,35.9510506524762,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرافقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Rāfiqa", "Name":"الرافقة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa", "loc":"ʿAbbasid city walls", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Copper only until 255 H (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0433742698797,35.9441391808211,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Raqqa", "Name":"الرقة ", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa ", "loc":"Early Islamic al-Raqqa; plan of al-Raqqa in EI2, \"Rakka\" (M. Meinecke).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No ʿAbbāsid coinage after 254 H; (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.1282596177328,36.3453028552322,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الموصل", "transliterated_name":"al-Mawṣil", "Name":"الموصل", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mosul", "loc":"Modern Mosul", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"x", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Almost only copper in Umayyad period, none after 268 H (Diler, vol. II)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.0720041806922,36.850030077745,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"رأس العين", "transliterated_name":"Raʾs al-ʿAyn", "Name":"رأس العين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Raʾs al-ʿAyn", "loc":"GE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Copper only 181-224 H, 274 H (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.42704,36.98749,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"كفرتوثا", "transliterated_name":"Kafartūthā", "Name":"كفرتوثا", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: today known as Tall ʿArrada, but I could not find any references to a place of this name. It should be somewhere in this region as Ibn Hawqal describes it as being situated between Dara and Raʾs al-ʿAyn. See also EI2 (\"Nasibin\", Honigmann).", "loc":"Cornu", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Diler, vol. II" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.2143682622358,37.0681779585748,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"نصيبين", "transliterated_name":"Naṣībīn", "Name":"نصيبين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Nusaybin", "loc":"ANE and PL place markers", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No copper after 209 H (Diler, vol. II); only one type, dated 92 H (Album, 46)." } } ]; var alMamunWarchdio = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.6875911252197,34.6055620290083,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"تكريت", "transliterated_name":"Takrīt", "Name":"تكريت", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"EI2, \"Takrit\" (J. H. Kramers/C. Bosworth)", "loc":"Green Church, Assyrian Christian church built in 700 CE", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"x", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } } ]; var alMamunWdio = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.3128677091239,37.3743069444002,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"ثورعبين", "transliterated_name":"Ṭūr ʿAbdīn (Mountainous area)", "Name":"طورعبين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"mountainous area stretching roughly from the area northeast of Mardin to Jazirat Ibn ʿUmar (modern Cizre) in the east, to where the Batman Su joins the Tigris in the north and the tablelands sloping to the North Syrian Plain in the south. See EI2 (\"Tur ʿAbdin\", Streck/Bosworth/Heinrichs).", "loc":"mountainous area", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"x", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.7577980180131,35.6281136033685,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"رصافة ", "transliterated_name":"Ruṣāfa", "Name":"رصافة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"Unclear provincial affiliation", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ruins of Rusafa/Resafa (Sergiopolis)", "loc":"ANE place marker, archaeological site of Resafa (Sergiopolis)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":3, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.3924927109661,37.9721068915873,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"أرزن", "transliterated_name":"Arzan", "Name":"أرزن", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Unclear provincial affiliation", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"ruins identified by Taylor (Travels in Kurdistan); see also EI2 (\"Arzan\", R. N. Frye)", "loc":"remains of ancient Roman town; see site plan in Taylor ((Travels in Kurdistan, with Notices of the Sources of the Eastern and Western Tigris, and Ancient Ruins in their Neighbourhood, 26)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":2, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.2143682622358,37.0681779585748,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"نصيبين", "transliterated_name":"Naṣībīn", "Name":"نصيبين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Nusaybin", "loc":"ANE and PL place markers", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No copper after 209 H (Diler, vol. II); only one type, dated 92 H (Album, 46)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.4751993740129,37.7186868194337,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"al-Ḥadath / الحدث", "transliterated_name":"al-Ḥadath", "Name":" الحدث", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Idrisi mentions al-Hadath not as part of al-Sham but among the Bilad al-Shamiyya, which appears to be a difference in his undertanding (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 643))", "loc":"following Hannah's Jazira placemarker for al-Hadath", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.855828797385,37.5607517424316,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Kaysūm / كيسوم", "transliterated_name":"Kaysūm", "Name":" كيسوم", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"The EI2 identifies Kaysum with modern Keysun (EI2: Kaysūm)", "loc":"GeoNames placemarker for Keysun", "note":"According to Ibn al-Athir powerbase of the Uqayli rebel Nasr ibn Shabath in 213 (cited from Ibn al-ʿAdīm: Zubdat al-Ḥalab min tārīḫ Ḥalab (ed. ad-Dahhān (Damaskus 1951)) 1; 65, FN2); in 216 al-Ma'mun spends a couple of days in the city before returning to Damascus after the ghazwa (Tabari 3/2; 1104)", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.3000552344891,38.3499659237291,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Malaṭya / ملطية", "transliterated_name":"Malaṭya", "Name":" ملطية", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"", "loc":"google Earth place marker for Malatya", "note":"Istakhri mentions Malatya as part of Sham (Istakhri:al- Masalik wa l-mamalik (Beirut, 2004); 64\"). So does Idrisi (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 378))", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.8776128427572,38.09264048221,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Zibaṭra / زبطرة", "transliterated_name":"Zibaṭra", "Name":" زبطرة", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Idrisi mentions Zibatra not as part of al-Sham but among the Bilad al-Shamiyya, which appears to be a difference in his undertanding (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 643))", "loc":"following Hannah's Jazira placemarker for Zibatra", "note":"Istakhri mentions that Zibaṭra was destroyed by the Byzantines (Istakhrī: al-Masālik (Bayrūt, 2004 (Maktaba al-Shāmila); 63))", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.4081323512144,37.7116856292473,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حصن كيفة ", "transliterated_name":"Ḥiṣn Kayfā", "Name":"حصن كيفة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Sub-division unclear for this period", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Hasankeyf; there are archaeological remains of ancient/early Islamic settlement.", "loc":"Ruins of the medieval castle", "note":"", "pic":"", "Imperial capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":4, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.0093783907825,38.141625108011,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"ميافارقين", "transliterated_name":"Mayyāfāriqīn", "Name":"ميافارقين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Sub-division unclear for this period", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Silvan; ancient Tigranocert (?) and Martyropolis", "loc":"Medieval castle (Ayyubid, 12th century?)", "note":"", "pic":"", "Imperial capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 36.9253952581656,37.586949800987,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"مرعش", "transliterated_name":"Marʿash", "Name":"مرعش", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"located in the thughur or the Jazira", "id":"EI2 (\"Marʿash, E. Honigmann)", "loc":"ANE and Pleiades place markers for ancient Germanikeia, which is identical with early Islamic Marʿash", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.7362354515768,37.3142817746861,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"ماردين", "transliterated_name":"Mārdīn", "Name":"ماردين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mardin", "loc":"Photos of old town/remains", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.7535134672766,38.6177619339595,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"شمشاط", "transliterated_name":"Shimshāṭ", "Name":"شمشاط", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Shimshat = ancient Arsamosata; exact location unknown, but it was situated on the left bank of the Arsanian river (now Murat Nehri) - see EI2 (\"Shimshat\", C. E. Bosworth). Sinclair, Le Strange and others located Shimshat at the site of Haraba, but the remains are now largely submerged in the lake created by the Kelban dam. See Cohen (The Hellenistic Settlements in the East..., 2013, 45) for this and further references.", "loc":"Eastern Pleiades place marker; lake that covers the site", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.8578307765764,36.3217478212046,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سنجار ", "transliterated_name":"Sinjār", "Name":"سنجار ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Sub-division unclear for this period", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Sinjar", "loc":"ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "Imperial capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Only silver (Diler, vol. II)" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.4240237339966,36.9742946429353,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سروج ", "transliterated_name":"Sarūj", "Name":"سروج ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Suruc (Turkey)", "loc":"GE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.9538534599643,37.1762541319404,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"دارا ", "transliterated_name":"Dārā", "Name":"دارا ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Dārā/Oguz (Turkey)", "loc":"Close to place marker AL; panoramio photographs of ruins/monasteries etc.", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.03115033649,36.864761307015,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حران", "transliterated_name":"Ḥarrān", "Name":"حران", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ancient Carrhae; historical site is mostly in ruins today. ", "loc":"settlement remains (early Islamic Harran)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"x", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Gold only under Ṭūlūnids and later ʿAbbāsids (Diler, vol. I); silver in 80, 82, 87-89 (Album, 40)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.7390913026871,36.514846394073,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"بلد", "transliterated_name":"Balad", "Name":"بلد", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Sub-division unclear for this period", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Eskī Muṣil", "loc":"modern Eskī Muṣil", "note":"", "pic":"", "Imperial capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No gold (Diler, vol. I); 263 H from Album, 49." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.2324463727731,37.9072853410414,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"آمد", "transliterated_name":"Āmid", "Name":"آمد", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Sub-division unclear for this period", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Diyarbakir (Turkey)", "loc":"old town", "note":"", "pic":"", "Imperial capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Diler, vol. I." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.1282596177328,36.3453028552322,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الموصل", "transliterated_name":"al-Mawṣil", "Name":"الموصل", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"al-Mawṣil", "kura_name":"al-Mawṣil", "color":"#000000", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mosul", "loc":"Modern Mosul", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"x", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.7818831697218,37.1523282487467,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرها ", "transliterated_name":"al-Ruhā", "Name":"الرها ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Urfa", "loc":"Remains of the medieval castle, walls built by the ʿAbbasids (photos).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Diler, vol. I." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0433742698797,35.9441391808211,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Raqqa", "Name":"الرقة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa ", "loc":"Early Islamic al-Raqqa; plan of al-Raqqa in EI2, \"Rakka\" (M. Meinecke).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"No ʿAbbāsid coinage after 254 H; first gold issue from 279 H (Ṭūlūnid) (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.0720041806922,36.850030077745,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"رأس العين", "transliterated_name":"Raʾs al-ʿAyn", "Name":"رأس العين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Raʾs al-ʿAyn", "loc":"GE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"x", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Copper only 181-224 H, 274 H (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.4988658990793,37.5035629904924,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سميساط", "transliterated_name":"Sumaysāṭ", "Name":"سميساط", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"blu-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Pleiades: ancient Samosata; the ruins were submerged following the construction of the Ataturk dam. The modern village of Samsat does not coincide with this site. The ANE place marker is in the same place. Pace EI2 (\"Sumaysat\", C. P. Haase), which argues that the modern village does in fact coincide with the ancient place, at least preserving Roman elements in the city walls. I have chosen to follow both PL and ANE in placing the marker.", "loc":"ANE Place marker for Kummuhu / Samosata (Samsat)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"x", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 40.4267494282369,35.1563552628567,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"قرقيسية", "transliterated_name":"Qarqīsīya", "Name":"قرقيسية", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Unclear provincial affiliation", "color": "#ffffff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ancient Circesium, modern al-Busayra", "loc":"al-Busayra", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"x", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.9399318453937,36.8569813742113,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"معلثاية", "transliterated_name":"Maʿalthāya", "Name":"معلثاية", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Maltay", "loc":"Modern Maltai, ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"x", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } } ]; var alMamunEarchdio = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.1282596177328,36.3453028552322,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الموصل", "transliterated_name":"al-Mawṣil", "Name":"الموصل", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mosul", "loc":"Modern Mosul", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"x", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"x", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.2143682622358,37.0681779585748,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"نصيبين", "transliterated_name":"Naṣībīn", "Name":"نصيبين", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Nusaybin", "loc":"ANE and PL place markers", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"x", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":"0", "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } } ]; var alMamunEdio = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.7171864254345,33.3789826671559,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الأنبار ", "transliterated_name":"al-Anbār", "Name":"الأنبار ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"Unclear provincial affiliation", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ruins of ancient/early Islamic al-Anbar; EI2, \"al-Anbar\" (M. Streck/A. A. Duri); c. 5km nw of al-Falluja", "loc":"Archaeological site; ANE place marker for Tell Anbar; close to coordinates given by EI2 entry", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0433742698797,35.9441391808211,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Raqqa", "Name":"الرقة ", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa ", "loc":"Early Islamic al-Raqqa; plan of al-Raqqa in EI2, \"Rakka\" (M. Meinecke).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.7390913026871,36.514846394073,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"بلد", "transliterated_name":"Balad", "Name":"بلد", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Eskī Muṣil", "loc":"modern Eskī Muṣil", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.38527778,35.89388889,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حديثة الموصل ", "transliterated_name":"Ḥadīthat al-Mawṣil", "Name":"حديثة الموصل ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"red-pushpin", "location_certainty":"no specific clues for an exact location", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"EI2 (\"Haditha\", E. Herzfeld): Hadithat al-Mawsil was located on the east bank of the Tigris, just below where the Upper Zab joins the Tigris. Ruins of Hadithat al-Mawsil at modern Tall al-Shaʿīr. For the location of Tall al-Shaʿīr see Muehl (Human Landscape - Site (Trans) Formation in the Trastigris Area, 83).", "loc":"Settlement just below the mouth of the Upper Zab", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.70666667,35.39305556 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"", "transliterated_name":"Bawāzīj", "Name":"بوازيج", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"", "loc":"", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":null, "region_code":"", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.8578307765764,36.3217478212046,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"سنجار ", "transliterated_name":"Sinjār", "Name":"سنجار ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"modern Sinjar", "loc":"ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 42.9399318453937,36.8569813742113,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"معلثاية", "transliterated_name":"Maʿalthāya", "Name":"معلثاية", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Cornu: modern Maltay", "loc":"Modern Maltai, ANE place marker", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"x", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 41.3924927109661,37.9721068915873,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"أرزن", "transliterated_name":"Arzan", "Name":"أرزن", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Sub-division unclear for this period", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"confirmed remains from early Islamic times", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"ruins identified by Taylor (Travels in Kurdistan); see also EI2 (\"Arzan\", R. N. Frye)", "loc":"remains of ancient Roman town; see site plan in Taylor ((Travels in Kurdistan, with Notices of the Sources of the Eastern and Western Tigris, and Ancient Ruins in their Neighbourhood, 26)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"x", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":2, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, ]; var alMamunQadi = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0433742698797,35.9441391808211,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Raqqa", "Name":"الرقة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa ", "loc":"Early Islamic al-Raqqa; plan of al-Raqqa in EI2, \"Rakka\" (M. Meinecke).", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 43.1282596177328,36.3453028552322,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الموصل", "transliterated_name":"al-Mawṣil", "Name":"الموصل", "comment":"Sub-division Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Rabīʿa", "color": "#ff7e4b", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern Mosul", "loc":"Modern Mosul", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"x", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"x", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Almost only copper in Umayyad period, none after 268 H (Diler, vol. II)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.03115033649,36.864761307015,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"حران", "transliterated_name":"Ḥarrān", "Name":"حران", "comment":"Provincial Capital", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Ancient Carrhae; historical site is mostly in ruins today. ", "loc":"settlement remains (early Islamic Harran)", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"x", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"x", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Gold only under Ṭūlūnids and later ʿAbbāsids (Diler, vol. I); silver in 80, 82, 87-89 (Album, 40)." } }, ]; var alMamunGarrison = [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 39.0274305513729,35.9510506524762,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"الرافقة ", "transliterated_name":"al-Rāfiqa", "Name":"الرافقة ", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"Jazīra", "kura_name":"Diyār Muḍar", "color": "#545aff", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"ylw-pushpin", "location_certainty":"", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Modern al-Raqqa", "loc":"ʿAbbasid city walls", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"x", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":0, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"Gold once in 191 H, then from 261 H (Diler, vol. I)." } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 37.4751993740129,37.7186868194337,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"al-Ḥadath / الحدث", "transliterated_name":"al-Ḥadath ", "Name":" الحدث", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Idrisi mentions al-Hadath not as part of al-Sham but among the Bilad al-Shamiyya, which appears to be a difference in his undertanding (Idrīsī: Nuzhat (Beirut, 1409 (Maktaba al-Shamila); 643))", "loc":"following Hannah's Jazira placemarker for al-Hadath", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 38.2757734411441,37.7594027911003,0 ] }, "properties": { "kml_input_name":"Ḥiṣn Manṣūr / حصن منصور", "transliterated_name":"Ḥiṣn Manṣūr ", "Name":" حصن منصور", "comment":"", "standardized_name":"", "author-specific_name":"", "region_name":"", "kura_name":"al-Thughūr", "color": "#00c3c3", "Unclear provincial affiliation":"x", "city_type":"", "pushpin":"grn-pushpin", "location_certainty":"modern placename (ancient place may have been located at some distance from this point)", "date":"", "descr":"", "id":"Krawulsky (p.612) identifies Ḥiṣn Manṣūr with modern Adiyaman, which was under Islamic rule already in the Umayyad period (EI2: Adiyaman)", "loc":"Adiyaman centre, surrounded by mosques", "note":"", "pic":"", "imperial_capital":"", "provincial_capital":"", "kura_subregion_capital":"", "Important city":"", "Mint (precious metal)":"", "Mint (copper)":"", "West Syrian archdiocese":"", "West Syrian diocese":"", "East Syrian archdiocese":"", "East Syrian diocese":"", "Garrison":"", "Qāḍīship":"", "Marwānid period to Hārūn, first period (c73-180/692-796)":"", "Marwānid period (c.73-132/692-750)":"x", "Marwān II (127-132/744-750)":"", "al-Manṣūr-Hārūn al-Rashīd (ca. 136-193/754-809)":"x", "Hārūn, second period (180-193/796-809)":"", "al-Maʾmūn to al-Muʿtaṣim (ca. 198-221/813-836)":"x", "Sāmarrāʾ period (ca. 221-279/836-892)":"x", "al-Muʿtaḍid to al-Muqtadir (ca. 279-320/892-932)":"x", "kura_code":1, "region_code":"JAZ", "Comments":"" } }, ];