William McCLURE

Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Biochemistry course at Carnegie Mellon (http://www.bio.cmu.edu/courses/03231/):

Information and Help Resources:

Lecture notes and other materials for the class will be available as HTML documents, postscript files (print only on a postscript printer), or PDF files (view with Adobe Acrobat Reader). You can access these files from the course home page under the Lecture Schedule listing. For information on how to print these documents, read the How to to make Hard Copies page.

Problem Sets and solutions to the problem sets will also be available in the above formats. You can access these files from the Biochemistry I Problem Sets page. The problem sets will be distributed in class, however the answer sheets will only be posted for downloading; thus, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain these materials from the server.

WWW Tools & Links

Note: All of the CMU cluster computers have Chime, v2.0 installed as a Netscape plug-in. The RasMol program is also available on all cluster computers. Go to the above sites to download this software for your personal computers. In addition, both sites provide extensive documentation on the installation and use of this software

Practice Quizzes at BioServer

These multiple-choice quizzes are designed to provide feedback on your conceptual understanding of some of the lecture material and the readings in Campbell. Important concepts are tested, however, the quizzes are not comprehensive, i.e. a more detailed study of the notes and the book will be required to work through the problem sets and to do well on the exams. The Quiz Instructions are provided on each page as a pop-up window. For some topics, an additional page of questions is linked from the first; these are a little more difficult and are listed below as "five more".

Amino Acid Identification Quiz

This quiz uses Chime images of the 20 amino acids. The starting Chime displays are Spacefill in some cases, Ball & Stick in others; the coloring is CPK. See below for links to quizzes that use Ball & Stick and Spacefill GIF images in this format.

Experiences with Web-Teaching

On Tue, Jun 20, 2000 11:14 AM +0200 alice.bergfeld@berlin.de wrote: Alice Bergfeld,

I have one more request: In preparation of the pkal workshop, I would very much like to learn something about the experience you as a web-author or as the author of university courses presented on the www made.

For our Biochemistry course at Carnegie Mellon (http://www.bio.cmu.edu/courses/03231/):

Do, for example, your students like and accept your web-materials?

Most of it is rated ~4 on a 1-5 scale. However, it is essential that meaningful assignments be used with structures. Students have little time for perusing "eye candy".

Do they maybe even like the web-courses more than the traditional in-person instruction?

We use both.

Do you have reason to believe that your web-materials enhances their learning and/or motivation?

Hard to do the "control evaluation"!

Do you have any experience with virtual discussions of course topics?

Useful for only a small number of students; most want face-to-face contact with instructors or TA's.

Any information about your experience and about potential feedback of students would be very welcome. Just write me a short e-mail (alice.bergfeld@berlin.de). Thank you very much!

-Will McClure

Alice Bergfeld - Peter v. Sengbusch
