Department of Archaeology - University of Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, GB.

How to use this electronic resource

I converted my book's table of contents into an HTML script to provide a framework for adding relevant URLs as I become aware of them (please send me details of any that you think should be included). I then added short explanatory extracts from my text, with page references to the published source. Obviously, not all of the book's chapter and section headings have directly useful WWW links, but I have left them in place to allow additions. If you use or own the book, you will know its layout, and can go straight to the list of chapters below; if not, you can look at a full listing of the Table of contents and then return to this page to select the chapter you wish to explore.

If you are new to using the Internet, and want a crystal-clear explanation of its pros and cons, read Archaeology on the Internet, a Web-based article based on a talk given to the Oxford University Archaeological Society by Dr Jonathan Moffett (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).

Experiences with Web-Teaching

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 wrote:

Thank you for the informative e-mail.
I have one more request: In preparation of the pkal workshop, I would very much like to learn something about the experience you as a web-author or as the author of university courses presented on the www made.

Do, for example, your students like and accept your web-materials? Do they maybe even like the web-courses more than the traditional in-person instruction?

They use them because assessed coursework demands evaluations of web-derived information.

Do you have reason to believe that your web-materials enhances their learning and/or motivation?

A useful fall-back for students who have not understood the associated text-book or my lectures, and a point for brighter students to explore outwards from.

Do you have any experience with virtual discussions of course topics?

I tried to have a course-based e-mail list for exchanging ideas and information, but closed it when it only received information about parties and silly jokes...

Alice Bergfeld - Peter v. Sengbusch