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Workshop Series C
July 23 - 26, 2000

Demonstration Presenter

Paul Williams, Professor of Plant Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Using simple equipment, Paul Williams will be leading you through several hands-on, portable biology experiments with applications of math, physics and chemistry and suitable for introduction to large classes without traditional laboratory space. Both activities use simple, portable equipment outside the classroom with applications of math, physics and chemistry One of the fundamental challenges that plants face is starting life buried in the dark and later being "rooted" in space yet needing to be in the light. Addressing this biological challenge are mechanisms (sensory , transduction, and response) that assist plants with their dilemna. This activity investigates the physical forces of gravity and light in guiding the growth responses of plants as they cope with their challenge and opens a wide range of investigative inquiry which students can pursue,.

A second activity, a Fast Plants bioassay, looks at the role of chemical constituents of the environment as they influence growth and development of a model organism.

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This page was last updated on 04/28/2000

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