WB01705.gif (1157 bytes)  Simple Tissues - Parenchyma 1  WB01704_.gif (383 bytes)

TypIsoParCell160.jpg (8609 bytes) A "typical" Parenchyma Cell is Isodiametric, has thin walls, a large central Vacuole & well developed Plastids.

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Parenchyma cells can begin differentiating close to meristematic cells.  Parenchyma cells are not mitotic but can become so following injury .
HoyaStmX-STolBlLM160.jpg (27463 bytes) Parenchyma cell walls generally contain large quantities of Pectins & stain pink with Toluidine Blue.
HoyaStmParen160.jpg (7335 bytes) Parenchyma Tissues are usually massive and contain many adjacent Parenchyma cells. This image is from a stem, stained with Toluidine Blue
PectinsGalore160.jpg (12384 bytes) Commercial slides are typically stained with Fast Green and Safranin. Parenchyma cells may appear green with these stains. The green material between cells is probably a carbohydrate secreted by the adjacent parenchyma cells. Find the crystals in this image.
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