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Syncarpous Gynoecium

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We will use Citrus Flowers and Fruits to represent a Syncarpous Gynoecium.

CitrusFlowers.jpg (37895 bytes)
Note the large, lobed appearance of the Stigma. This indicates that the Gynoecium is probably Syncarpous.

Can you find Coalescence in any other floral organs?
CitrusImMany.jpg (70149 bytes)
Young Fruits can be seen on Flowers which have lost their other floral organs, except for their Sepals.
CitrusFlLSCrop400HueOvOLab.jpg (116928 bytes)
Long Section through the Base of a Citrus Flower.
CitrusFlrLSMicro240Lab.jpg (65762 bytes)
Long Section of a Citrus Flower showing the Stigma, Style and Anthers
CitrusFlrXStyleAnthBord500Lab.jpg (115323 bytes)
Cross Section through a Citrus Flower at the Level of the Style
CitrusFlrXStyleStyleLab.jpg (109788 bytes)
Enlargement of the Style from the adjacent Image.

Note the 10 Vascular Bundles!!!
CitrusFlrXSOvLtColr600Lab.jpg (133971 bytes)
Cross Section of a Citrus Flower at the Level of the Ovary
CitrusOVXS2400-500LabOvLoc.jpg (101371 bytes)
Cross Section of the Ovary showing the Ovules and the locules (L).
Count the Number of Locules!!!!
CitrusOVXS2400-500RayLabCarp.jpg (107308 bytes)
Cross Section of the Ovary with Lines defining the Carpels.

Count the Number of Carpels!!!!!
OrangeFruitCSMacroCarpLab.jpg (96389 bytes)
Cross Section of a Citrus Fruit with the Carpels labeled.

Count the Number of Carpels!! Boy is this gettind tedious or what!!!!!!!!

Just in case you haven't gotten it, or don't want it,
number of Vascular Bundles in the Style equalled
number of Carpels in the Ovary which equalled
number of Carpels in the Fruit.
Consequently, the Gynoecium contained 10 Carpels and was Syncarpous!!!!

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