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Coalescence is the union of floral organs from the same whorl or same type

It is designated by Sym or Syn

Apocarpous signifies a Gynoecium with Free Carpels

CrassulaFlrs-240.jpg (19305 bytes)
Flowers are Apocarpus

MagnoliaApocarpous300Lab.jpg (23347 bytes)
Magnolia Flowers are also Apocarpus

Syncarpous signifies a Gynoecium with Fused Carpels.

YellowPoppy.jpg (104267 bytes)
Poppy Flower

PoppyGynoCropLab.jpg (118107 bytes)
Poppy Gynoecium

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Poppy Stigma
The Numerous Stigma Lobes on the Gynoecium of this Poppy (Papaver sp.) indicates that it is Syncarpous.

The number of Stigmatic Lobes can signify the number of Carpels.

StigmaHibiscus.jpg (92406 bytes)         HibiscusFlrStigmaLab.jpg (100553 bytes)
Note the number of Stigmas on this Hibiscus. The Stigmas are fused at a lower level. How many carpels are involved?

FlowerX-S300Lab.jpg (54965 bytes)          OvaryX-SLabNumbCarp.jpg (34894 bytes)

Cross Sections from a lily flower which is Syncarpous.

The yellow lines in the right-hand image indicate the boundries of each carpel & the numbers signify the individual carpels.

Synandrous - Fused Stamens

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Androecium & Gynoecium from Erythrina 
The Filaments are fused (Synandrous).

SolanumFlr.jpg (45102 bytes)
In the case of Solanum the Anthers are fused.

HibiscusStamensSunLab400.jpg (87010 bytes)
The Filaments of this Hibiscus flower are fused and form a tube that surrounds the Stigma.

Sympetalous -Fused Petals

Synsepalous - Fused Sepals

DaturaFlowerLab.jpg (63755 bytes)

CucurbitaFlrYellowjpg.jpg (71415 bytes)

The Datura Flower is Synsepalous & Sympetalous This Cucurbita flower is Sympetalous

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