WB01343_.gif (599 bytes)  Phaeophyta - Brown Algae-4  WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)


Some species have Apical Cells which produce the entire filament. There may be a solitary apical cells or there can be several.

ApicalCellLab.jpg (142797 bytes) dict1-APCellLab.jpg (30072 bytes)
Dictyota thallus with a Apical Cell which divides longitudinally prior to branching Dichotomously WB01570_.gif (184 bytes)
BranchApCellEmbossLab.jpg (88746 bytes)
Diagram showing a pair of Apical Cells: This occurs in the process of Dichotomous Branching
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DictyotaDichotOverall200Crop.jpg (48244 bytes)
Dictyota with Dichotomous Branching
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Dictyotaa.jpg (95587 bytes)
Dictyota sp.
DictyotaDichotApexHue.jpg (84710 bytes)
Click this image to see a highly magnified image of Dictyota Apical Cells

In some cases the region of apical cells may extend along a broad margin of the Thallus. This produces a sheet-like growth pattern.

PadinaVickersiaeMeriLab.jpg (156358 bytes)
A Padina sp. with the "Apical Meristem"  highlighted in red.
PadinaGymnospora-2.jpg (19946 bytes)
Cutleria.jpg (89906 bytes) Zonariafarlowii.jpg (113338 bytes)
Note the Growth Increments in Cutleria and Padina.

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