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At maturity the Megagametophyte wall fractures along the Triradiate Ridge.

This exposes the Necks of the Archegonia.

Fertilization requires the presence of free water so that the Sperm can swim to the Egg.

Embryo development is Endoscopic.

It grows into the Megagametophyte and derives nutrition from the Storage Lipids. It is also protected from desiccation and other injuries by the thick Spore Wall.

The Shoot Apex eventually grows out of the opening in the Megaspore Wall.

A Root Apical Meristem forms at the pole opposite the Shoot Apical Meristem.

The Foot remains like an haustorium in the food reserve and the Megagametophyte remains attached to the young Sporophyte for some time.

The Overall pattern of Development resembles that of a Seed.

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Embryo Development is Endoscopic

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The Shoot apex eventually responds to gravity and grows out of the Megagametophyte.

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Sporophyte with discernable Root & Shoot: still attached to the Megagametophyte

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