Double FertilizationIn some plants, one of the Synergids starts to die. It must release some chemotactic agent because the pollen tube is attracted to it. The Pollen Tube grows through the Micropyle & may enter the senescent synergid. The pollen tube wall degrades and the sperm are released. The Egg and the Central Cell have incomplete cell walls & the sperm has no wall. One Sperm enters the Egg while the other enters the Central Cell. The Zygote is formed when a Sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus (Syngamy). This will develop into the Diploid Embryo. The Endosperm is formed by the fusion of a sperm nucleus with the nuclei of the Central Cell. It is therefore Polyploid (3N). The Endosperm surrounds the developing embryo and provides a source of nutrition for the Embryo during its differentiation & during Germination of many plants. Thus, Double Fertilization occurs! |