WB01343_.gif (599 bytes)   Cereal Embryos   WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)

Cereals like wheat have a shield-like cotyledon called the Scutellum. It interfaces with the Endosperm which contains a large amount of Starch.

The Endosperm cells are Dead!!!

The Aleurone layer is continuous with the Embryo and surrounds the periphery of the Endosperm. It contains proteins including alpha-amylase.

The cells of the Aleurone Layer become activated early in germination and digest the starch using alpha-amylase.

The Scutellum. transfers carbohydrate to the Embryo.

Cells of the Aleurone also contain oil. This is where Corn Oil is stored.

Removing the Aleurone deletes most of the Protein and Oil. This is why whole wheat is more nutritional than processed wheat. The latter is almost 100% starch. The same applies to Rice.

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Wheat Caryopsis

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Mature Wheat Embryo Wheat Outer Region of the Fruit

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