The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.


        Previous News

        Senior Research Officer, Forest Programme (posted 27 January 1999)

        Click here for more information on this new job opportunity at WCMC.

        Launch of the The World List of Threatened Trees (posted 25 August 1998)

        The World List of Threatened Trees was lauched today, along with an interactive database. The book contains conservation assessments, including IUCN red list category and supporting information, gathered from many sources; literature, journals, floras and most importantly contributions from over 300 botanists.

        Sponsorshop by The Company of Salters'(posted 10 August 1998)

        WCMC are grateful for the continuing support of The Company of Salters' who are sponsoring two students working at WCMC in the coming academic year.

        Lasmo Studentships in World Conservation (posted 6 August 1998)

        Lasmo Studentships in World Conservation. We are pleased to announce that Lasmo (TNS) Ltd. has agreed to sponsor four students at WCMC for the coming academic year 1998/1999.

        New Publications in Conservation (posted 8 July 1998)

        See the latest additions to the WCMC library catalogue.

        New web site for the African Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) (posted 26 June 1998)

        AEWA, an agreement under the Bonn convention, has launched a web site hosted by WCMC. For the moment, apart from the Agreement text and map, the web site only contains information for three species (Ciconia ciconia, Branta ruficollis and Calidris canutus). Further updates are planned and comments welcome.

        Sixty Per Cent of the World's Coral Reefs Are Threatened By Human Activity (posted 23 June 1998)

        Launch of the first detailed scientific review of the state of coral reefs: Reefs at Risk, simultaneous release Cambridge, UK and Washington, DC.

        Copies of the report can be obtained from the Information Officer, as well as Coral Reef and Mangrove Posters (English and Spanish).

        book cover

        Disaster for Doñana - a Spanish World Heritage Site (posted 12 May 1998)

        On Saturday 25th April 1998 the south coast of Spain was host to what has been dubbed the worst environmental disaster in Europe. Click here for further information.

        1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants (posted 8 April 1998)

        Following simultaneous launches of the book in Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom and the USA, the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants, is now available on the web as a searchable database. book cover

        Book Sale (posted 20 March 1998)

        WCMC is offering the Biodiversity Data Sourcebook (1994) and Global Biodiversity: status of the Earth's living resources (1992) at a special combined price of UK £22.00 (sterling) - surface mail.

        We are also offering Biodiversity Data Sourcebook and a free copy of the bulletin for UK £12.00 (sterling) - air mail. Click here for further details.

        Contact our Information Officer at the following email address and please put Book Sales as the subject.

        WCMC 1997 Annual Report (posted 14 January 1998)

        Full text of the new 1997 Annual Report of the WCMC is now available on our web site. Have a look at some of the activities and acheivements of the WCMC from July 1996 to June 1997.

        Tropical Montane Cloud Forests bulletin (posted 19 December 1997)

        Full text of the new WCMC Biodiversity Bulletin is available on our web site and is entitled Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: An Urgent Priority for Conservation. This bulletin aims to increase awareness of tropical montane cloud forests, one of the world's most threatened ecosystems.

        Coral Reefs and Mangroves Web Pages (posted 31 October 1997)

        Have a look at the Coral Reefs and Mangroves on the web, part of WCMC's contribution to the International Year of the Reef 97 and supported by BHP Petroleum .

        Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) - prototype (posted 24 October 1997)

        This Service is now under review.

        New CD-ROM from CIFOR and WCMC (posted 24 October 1997)

        CD-ROM contains global forest and protected area GIS files.

        Oil Spill in Singapore Straits (posted 18 October 1997)

        A Thai supertanker collided with a Cyprus-registered tanker in the Singapore Strait. The Evoikos spilled 25,000 tonnes of fuel oil after colliding with the supertanker Orapin Global.

        For more information click here.

        Fires in Southeast Asia (posted 10 October 1997)

        Information on the fires in South East Asia.

        Wild Places in the UK (posted at 7 October 1997)

        Have a look at the new Friends of the Earth web page, Wild Places, which aims to gain greater protection for the UK's last precious fragments of woods, bogs, heathlands and meadows.

        Arctic Bird Library (posted at 24 September 1997)

        This is the first stage of an Arctic Bird Library which aims to provide comprehensive information on Arctic birds. The Arctic Bird Library focuses on 137 waterbirds and waders which breed in the Arctic as defined by CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna). The Library provides information on some of these species, on the habitat, conservation status and population size, with range maps from the WCMC Biodiversity Map Library, photos and sound recordings.

        Updated CMS Web Site (posted at 29 August 1997)

        Have a look at the latest version of the Convention on Migratory Species web site, released in August 1997. New features include new information on each Agreement; new Agreement texts; the revised CMS Appendices and documents from the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

        CMS Vacancy (posted at 29 August 1997)

        The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) are looking to fill the post of Fund Management and Administrative Officer. Click for further information in English; en español; en français

        CITES Web Site Launched (posted 2 June 1997)

        The CITES web site (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) hosted by WCMC, was launched today.

        Private Protected Areas report (posted 1 May 1997)

        A new report, entitled Private Protected Areas: A Preliminary Study of Private Initiatives to Conserve Biodiversity in Selected African Countries has been prepared by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, C.W. Watkins, A.M. Barrett, R. Smith and J.R. Paine, December 1996. WARNING!!, this file will load large graphics.

        Generalised World Forest Map (posted 30 April 1997)

        In collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), WCMC has compiled a World Forest Map (49k bytes) - the first digital global forest map showing actual forest extent and protected areas with forested land.

        Convention on Migratory Species, Update (posted 24 April 1997)

        Governments pledge international protection for 40 migratory species at UNEP's Convention on Migratory Species 5th Conference of Parties.

        Tropical Moist Forests and Protected Areas Data on CD ROM (posted 14 March 1997)

        The World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) are distributing spatial data on the world's tropical moist forests and protected areas on CD-ROM, edited by Jonathan Rhind and Susan Iremonger

        Oil Spill at Islas de Lobos (Arroyo Maldonado and Laguna del Sauce) (posted at 18 February 1997)

        On the 5 February 1997 the Panamanian tanker San George came aground on the Islas de Lobos, an important fur seal and sea lion colony site. The tanker released 5000 tonnes of oil, 100 tonnes of which are thought to have effected the Islas de Lobos directly having permeated its many sheltered coves.

        Map of the area
        Information on the wildlife of the area

        Oil Spill at Nakhodka (posted at 17 January 1997)

        Map of the area

        Protected Areas Resource Centres (PARC) (posted at 8 January 1997)

        The PARC concept is to strengthen the capacity of protected areas networks for information flow and networked communication, and to provide a single distributed and coherent source of protected area information resources and services.

        Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) (posted at 8 January 1997)

        The office of the CMS Secretariat has moved to:

          UNEP/CMS Secretariat
          UN Premises, Bonn
          Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8
          D-53175 Bonn, Germany

          Tel: (+49 228) 815 2401/2
          Fax: (+49 228) 815 2449

        Convention on Biological Diversity (posted at 8 January 1997)

        An up-date on the Convention on Biological Diversity, three years on.

        New WCMC Publications (posted 18 December 1996)

        New publications from the WCMC Biodiversity Series:

          No 4. The Diversity of the Seas: A regional approach.
          No 5. Assessing Biodiversity Status and Sustainability

        New Biodive rsity Bulletin:
          No. 1. Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation in the Tropics

        Impact of Hurricane Lili in Cuba (posted 7 November 1996)

        Text on the likely environmental impact of Hurrican Lili on Cuba, one of the top 25 most endemic-rich countries in the world.

        Middle Eastern Environmental Project (posted on 30 October 1996)

        As part of their Middle Eastern Environmental Project, the GreenLife Society are are launching a new list devoted to the discussion of environmental issues in the Middle East, To subscribe: 1. Send an e-mail message to; 2. Leave the subject line blank; 3. In the body of your message, type subscribe mideastenviro YOUR NAME (this is your real name, not your e-mail address).

        ISHA - International Subterranean Heritage Association (posted on 16 October 1996)

        2nd International Conference for the Conservation of the Subterranean Heritage.Prehistosite of Ramioul Belgium, is being held on the. 1st to 3rd November 1996. Contact: ISHA Secretariat, 94 rue de la Culee, B-6927 RESTEIGNE, Belgium; Tel: +32 (0)84 38 8226; Fax: +32 (0)84 38 8232.

        ENDANGERED! Books (19 June 1996)

        ENDANGERED! published by World Book International, is a four-volume set of beautifully illustrated, fact-filled, and authoritative books detailing the drama of potential extinction.

        Global Lake and Catchment Conservation Database (14 June 1996)

        A prototype information service has been lauched on the World Wide Web to provide increased access to information relevant to the management and assessment of large lake systems. This service has been developed by WCMC and the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme.

        The database contains locational and lake type information for 1400 large lakes worldwide. The prototype also includes remote-sensing data (derived lake-surface areas and the latest satellite imagery) and conservation information (protected aras, forests, wetlands, endemic fish species) for a selection of lakes and inland seas.

        LYNX - A special interest network on ecological networks (14 June 1996)

        The European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC) is coordinating the development of a special interest network to support nature conservation in Europe, and in particular the development of the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy. There is a Lynx Home Page under development.

        Previous environmental emergencies

        For further information please write to:
        Information Officer, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 0DL United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1223 277314, Fax: (44) 1223 277136 OR
        General e-mail:
        Document URL: http:// /latenews/previous.html
        Revision date: 22-February-1999
        Current date: 21-January-2000
        Home Comments © WCMC