The World Conservation Monitoring Centre provides information services on conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources, and helps others to develop information systems of their own.


        Threatened Plants of the World

        The Threatened Plants Database and production of the
        1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants

        WCMC thanks ICI for providing support to the development of this web site on the world's threatened plants. ICI is one of the world's largest speciality chemical companies with manufacturing and offices in over 55 countries worldwide. At these sites ICI runs its own nature conservation programme, called Nature Link, and is pleased to support this global conservation effort.

        Click here for

        Introduction to the database

        The WCMC Threatened Plants Database has been developed over a period of many years. Currently it contains data on more than 140,000 plant names, linked to over 190,000 distribution areas. This information originates from and is linked to over 19,000 data sources. These include national red lists, input from members of IUCN Species Survival Commission plant groups and a wide range of published and unpublished literature.

        The data are managed using BG-BASE collections management software, widely adopted by botanical institutions throughout the world.

        Electronic Datasets

        Four major datasets were made available to WCMC to integrate into this global database for the production of the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. These were provided by:

        Searchable Database

        A subset of records from the Threatened Plants Database is provided here as a searchable database. This subset includes the data published in the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants:

        • scientific name
        • global threat status (following the original IUCN threat categories), and
        • distribution to local (country or BRU) level, threat status at this level and
        • CITES listing

        In addition, data on common names and synonyms, omitted from the book due to lack of space, are also included in this searchable database.

        The searchable database is formatted to enable you to comment on each record. Please let us have your comments on any taxa as well as comments on any improvements in this service that you would like to see made.

        Click here for other Red Lists

        For further information please write to:
        Information Office,
        World Conservation Monitoring Centre,
        219 Huntingdon Road,
        Cambridge CB3 0DL,
        United Kingdom.
        Tel: +44 1223 277314;
        Fax: +44 1223 277136.
        Document URL: http:// /species/plants/overview.htm
        Revision date: 7-January-2000
        Current date: 21-January-2000

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